The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 90, Issue 3
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
  • Shozo Iwauchi
    1966 Volume 90 Issue 3 Pages 207-218
    Published: 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Two types of multipolar electrode A and B, specially designed by the author were employed in order to investigate the spatial distribution of synchronous potentials of paretic muscles in poliomyelitis. Electromyograms were taken from the anterior tibial muscle of the patients mostly 3 years or more after the onset of the disease. With A type electrode consisting of 18 leads linearly located over a distance of 1.07mm in an injection needle, it was found that in paretic muscle synchronous potentials were detected in a larger area and their spike heights were larger than normal on the average. By using B type electrode which consists of 16, leads sparsely located over 14mm, it was found that synchronous potentials of relatively high amplitudes were apt to be detected from a larger area than normal. There was a considerable variety, however, in the patterns of distribution of synchronous action potentials and their spike heights from case to case. The possibilities of synchronization of the anterior horn cells, collateral sprouting of nerve fibers and ultra-terminal branching at the periphery were discussed on the basis of the present results.
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  • Seiji Nagai
    1966 Volume 90 Issue 3 Pages 219-232
    Published: 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Relaxin and estrogen reduced the resistance to dilatation of the mouse cervical canal. Relaxin was stored in, and secreted from, the ovaries of pregnant mice. The corpus luteum of gravid women just at delivery contained 25-50 GPU/g of relaxin, while the placenta, amniotic fluid and serum had no relaxin activity. Luteinizing hormone, luteotropic hormone and oxytocin effected elongation of the interpubic ligament of pregnant mice and seemed to regulate relaxin secretion.
    Puerperal regression of the interpubic ligament may be induced by decrease in relaxin content in the ovary, by decrease in relaxin activity in association with deficient estrogen and by increase in pressure upon the cervical canal.
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  • Seigi Tsuchida, Yukio Kimura
    1966 Volume 90 Issue 3 Pages 233-244
    Published: 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The ureteral function in calculous disease of the upper urinary tract was examined by ureteral electromyography, and the dynamics of the renal pelvis in the same condition was studied by radiopyelography. Prolongation of discharge interval and generation of antiperistalsis were observed on electroure-terograms, and prolongation of the C-D interval was revealed by radiopyelography. These facts indicate that urine flows irregularly and stagnates in the renal pelvis. The disturbance in urinary flow may contribute to stone growth.
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  • Tatsuo Koyanagi, Kozo Ishiguro
    1966 Volume 90 Issue 3 Pages 245-248
    Published: 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Normal growth of young rats could be sustained by a diet containing 0.1% tryptophan. Additional tryptophan did not improve the weight gain. However, dietary tryptophan content of 0.1% was apparently not enough to maintain a high level of serum and liver protein in spite of the normal growth. The level of γ-globulin in animals fed on diet containing 0.2% of tryptophan was substantially higher than in those fed on diets containing 0.08 or 0.1% of tryptophan.
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  • Naotake Kaneta
    1966 Volume 90 Issue 3 Pages 249-260
    Published: 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Histochemical investigations were made upon activities of succinic dehydro-genase, lactic dehydrogenase, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide diaphorase, cytochrome oxidase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and contents of copper and of nucleic acids in the diencephalon of rats in reference to aging.
    1) In the diencephalon of senescent rats, a slight decrease of activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and a slight increase in the activities of both succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei were found.
    2) A deposition of copper was increased with aging in the stratum periventriculare hypothalami, fimbria hippocampi and habenular nucleus.
    3) A decrease of cytoplasmic RNA content of the diencephalon and an increase of RNA in the supraoptic nucleus as well as paraventricular nucleus were found with advancing age.
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  • Kenkichi Takahashi
    1966 Volume 90 Issue 3 Pages 261-268
    Published: 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Measurement of pH of the brain tissue, macroscopic observation of the brain volume and pathohistological examination were made upon a total of 86 brains removed at autopsy. The causes of death were various and the brains were without macroscopical pathological changes.
    The values of pH ranged from 5.58 to 7.01; in the majority of cases, they were between 6.2 and 6.6. No definite relationship was found between the pH values, the cause of death, age, sex and postmortem interval. All 12 cases with a pH less than 6.0 showed remarkable brain swelling. Five out of these 12 cases died after attempts at artificial respiration or resuscitation. In 11 brains out of 55 cases with a pH between 6.0 and 6.6, remarkable swelling was seen in 4 cases and slight one in 7 cases.
    The prominent finding noted in the swollen brain was edema of the white matter. This was in parallel with the degree of swelling and the value of pH in all cases except one case of CO poisoning. From the above results, the author inferred that the brain swelling was due to edema of the white matter caused by acidosis and sustained insufficiency of circulation.
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  • Kitsuya Iwama, Takuji Kasamatsu
    1966 Volume 90 Issue 3 Pages 269-276
    Published: 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Changes in the antidromic responsiveness of the cells of the lateral geniculate body (LGB) to single or repetitive stimulation of the optic radiation were studied in free behaving cats during the natural sleep-wakefulness cycle. The anti-dromic cellular response was minimum during light sleep (high voltage slow wave sleep) and increased during deep sleep (low voltage fast wave sleep). The responsiveness during resting arousal was intermediate between those during light and deep sleep. The deep sleep wave, a peculiar spontaneous electrical activity seen in the LGB during deep sleep, was found to intensify responsiveness of the LGB cells to antidromic stimulation.
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  • Susumu Majima, Toshio Takahashi, Tomio Narisawa, Iwao Yamaguchi
    1966 Volume 90 Issue 3 Pages 277-289
    Published: 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    As a study for experimental demonstration of malignant change of gastric ulcer, a beeswax pellet containing 5 mg of 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide and 2 mg of histamine phosphate was inserted in an artificial pouch of the glandular stomach of rats. Of the 14 rats autopsied after 153-336 days, 11 animals exhibited a chronic penetrating ulcer at the site of pellet application. In five of these 11 rats, some epithelial cells of the regenerating mucosa at the margin of the ulcer were quite atypical and infiltrated deeply into scar tissues of the ulcer base in a pattern suggestive of malignancy. In another rat, a tumor of the size of a finger tip occupied the margin and a part of the ulcer base, which was histologically mucoid adenocarcinoma. Although these results do not present a conclusive evidence of malignant change of gastric ulcer, this method of investigation is expected to provide a very effective means for further studies on the relationship between ulceration and carcinogenesis in the stomach.
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  • Iwao Yamaguchi, Toshio Takahashi, Tomio Narisawa, Katsumi Karube, Susu ...
    1966 Volume 90 Issue 3 Pages 291-301
    Published: 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Clinical observations show that the morphological pattern of carcinoma at its advancing margin is an indication of its growth potential and is related to the prognosis of the patient. As an experimental approach to the factors determining the growth pattern of carcinoma, three transplantable mouse tumors (a spontaneous CM mammary carcinoma, Bashford carcinoma 63 and Ehrlich ascites tumor) were observed for their growth in the subcutaneous tissue of untreated recipients and of those treated with typhoid vaccine, prednisolone or chloroquine. In the untreated animals, each of these tumors exhibited a specific pattern of the advancing margin, the tendency toward infiltrative growth being greatest in Ehrlich ascites tumor and least in the mammary carcinoma. But, common to these three tumors, the treatment with typhoid vaccine led to a less infiltrating tendency of the advancing margin, as evidenced by better defined tumor boundaries and development of thicker and denser peritumoral connective tissues, and those with prednisolone or chloroquine to a little more infiltrating tendency than in the control. This suggests that the morphological pattern of tumor growth is not fully inherent to each tumor but subject to considerable change according to the condition of the host, probably reflecting the activity of the reticuloendothelial system.
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