The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 38, Issue 6
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
  • 41st Hematological Paper
    Masayuki Shindo
    1940 Volume 38 Issue 6 Pages 503-512
    Published: August 15, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The clinical history and findings in 1 case of encephalitis following rubella is reported. In this case, encephalitis occurred when the eruption disappeared excepting that of face, 3 days after the first appearance of the rash. As to the other complications, he suffered from bronchitis on the 7th day of illness and nephritis on the next day, but he recovered rapidly from these 2 complications.
    Leucocytosis resulting from an increase of neutrophiles and plasma cells was seen on the 4th day of illness; leucocytosis instead of leucopenia which ought to be seen in the cases of rubella without any complications. On the second blood examination, on the 8th day of illness, a marked leucopenia was present, but plasma cells showed only decrease.
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  • 42nd Hematological Paper
    Masayuki Shindo
    1940 Volume 38 Issue 6 Pages 513-521
    Published: August 15, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A case of thrombocytopenic purpura with the result of 20 times of blood examination is reported. Various kinds of therapeutic measures except for snake venom, X-ray and splenectomy were tried and it seems that blood transfusion was the most effective.
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  • 43rd Hematological Paper
    Shizuo Kimura
    1940 Volume 38 Issue 6 Pages 522-536
    Published: August 15, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • III. Mitteilung. Über die Nierenproteolyse bei der Phosphorvergiftung und nach dem anaphylaktischen Shock
    Mitzuo Nakayama
    1940 Volume 38 Issue 6 Pages 537-544
    Published: August 15, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    (1) Bei der Phosphorvergiftung wird die heterolytische Kathepsinwirkung der Kaninchenniere stark beeinträchtigt und durch Zusatz von Cystein einmal deutlich ein andermal aber fast nicht aktiviert. Die positive Hydrolyse tritt nur erst in etwas späteren Stadium der Digestion ein. Die Abnahme ist nach der zweiten Phosphorinjektion am stärksten.
    (2) Die Peptonasewirkung scheint nach der zweiten Injektion nur ein wenig herabgesetzt zu werden, während die Dipeptidase fast unverändert bleibt.
    (3) Nach der Gallengangsunterbindung erleidet die katheptische Heterolyse der Kaninchenniere auch mit dem Verlauf nach der Operation eine Abnahme. Die Peptonase and Dipeptidase wirken fast im normalen Grad.
    (4) Der anaphylaktische Shocktod ruft auch Herabsetzung der heterolytischen Kathepsinwirkung der Kaninchenniere hervor, die Peptonase und Dipeptidase aber erleiden fast keine Einbüsse.
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  • Mitzuo Nakayama
    1940 Volume 38 Issue 6 Pages 545-553
    Published: August 15, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    (1) In dieser Arbeit wird über die Leberproteolyse bei der Cantharidin- oder Uranylnitratvergiftung berichtet. Schon nach der ersten Cantharidin- (1mg) oder Uranylnitratinjektion (5mg) zeigt, die heterolytische Kathepsinwirkung der Kaninchenleber eine abnehmende Tendenz, verglichen mit der Normalleber, indem immer eine minimale Aciditätszunahme besonders im Anfangsstadium der Digestion beobachtet wird und die katheptische Vollaktivität, die durch Cysteinzusatz hervorgerufen werden kann, zeigt auch einen niedrigeren Wert als die Normalleber.
    (2) Die Peptonase- und Dipeptidasewirkung, die bei der Cantharidininjektion fast unverändertbleiben, scheinenbeiderUranvergiftung besonders nach wiederholten Injektionen etwas beeintrachtigt zu werden.
    (3) Bei diesen Vergiftungen beobachtet man eine Mengenabnahme der Acetonfällung und des Gesamtstickstoffs derselben in 2ccm Enzymlösung im Vergleich mit der normalen Enzymlösung. Diese Abnahme, die man wohl auch bei der vergleichenden Beobachtung der Enzymwirkung in Rücksicht ziehen muss, schwankt aber nur in einem Timlang von 10-20 Prozent des Normalwertes.
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  • Primary Report. On the Protein of Bacterial Bodies
    Takesi Suganuma
    1940 Volume 38 Issue 6 Pages 554-576
    Published: August 15, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    (1) A strain of hemolytic streptococci isolated from acute mastoiditis was cultivated in a large amount (71000 c.c.) of 0.2 per cent glucose bouillon. After incubation for 2 days the culture was centrifuged and the growth was collected. Extract I was prepared by the extraction of this growth with distilled water. By addition of an equal amount of quartz sand to the residue, mechanical grinding for a long time, and extraction with distilled water Extract II was prepared. These extracts reduced mice to fatal issues in a certain amount. When these extracts were intracutaneously injected into non-treated guinea pigs, rabbits and goat, the skin reactions such as reddening, swelling, necrosis and others occurred. Among these skin reactions, the necrosis could be only slightly aroused. On the other hand, the reddenings caused by both toxic original solutions and PF were very remarkable, particularly on the skin of rabbits. In this instance the sensibility of the skin reactions of animals decreased in the order of rabbit, guinea pig and goat.
    (2) The minimum lethal dose of toxic original solution for mice was 4.04mgm. (D. W.) in Extract I and 2.12 to 5.3mgm. (D. W.) in Extract II. Although the minimum erythem doses (the doses which produce the reddening of 10mm. in diameter) are variable according to the individuality of animals and are difficult to determine exactly, the dose of Extract I for guinea pigs was estimated as 0.04 mgm. (D. W.) and that of Extract II as 0.023mgm. (D. W.), the dose of Extract I for rabbits as 0.01 rngm. (D. W.) and that of Extract II as 0.006mgm. (D. W.), the dose of both Extract I and II for goat as 0.05 mgm. (D. W.).
    (3) When the extracts above described were added with hydrochloric acid, the precipitate of protein occurred in its isoelectric point. This precipitate was dissolved at pH 7.0 by the addition of weak alkali and water, purified by the further repeating of this process, and tentatively designated as protein fraction (PF).
    (4) The supernatant fluid obtained by removal of PF was concentrated in vacuo, dialysed and reconcentrated after the removal. of residual PF, and precipitated with acetone. The precipitate was again dissolved in water and reprecipitated by actone. The substance which was obtained by further repeating this treatment was tentatively designated as carbohydrate fraction (CF).
    (5) The solution of PF indicates almost all protein reactions. The nitrogen content of PF from Extract I was 11.8 per cent and that of PF from Extract II was 12.3 per cent. The content of phosphor in PF of Extract I was 0.259 per cent. The ash is contained to 3.8 per cent in PF of Extract I and to 5.4 per cent in PF of Extract II.
    (6) The intraperitoneal injection of PF solution reduces animals to fatal issues under the symptoms of congestions of intestines, spleen, suprarenal capsules and in a small number of animals also of lungs. Diarrhoea and other symptoms were also observed. Although the minimum lethal doses are variable according to the individualities of the animals, and are difficult to determine exactly, the dose of PF of both extracts was about 5mgm. for mice weighing 10gm.
    (7) The intracutaneous injections of PF into guinea pigs, rabbits and a goat produce skin reactions accompanied with reddenings and swellings 24 hours after injections, but produce no necrosis. Although the minimum erythem doses vary according to animals and are difficult to determine exactly, the dose of PF of both Extract I and II for guinea pigs was 0.025mgm., that for rabbits 0.005mgm., and that for goat was 0.25mgm. The sensibility of skin reaction is variable according to the species of animal, and is to be arranged in the order of rabbit, guinea pig and goat for both PF and toxic original solutions.
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  • Yasutaro Satake, Takeo Kojima
    1940 Volume 38 Issue 6 Pages 577-580
    Published: August 15, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In dogs, 25 in number, the suprarenal glands were excised in two sittings, the second removal being carried out one week to one yearafter the first.
    The compensatory hypertrophy was measured in the majority of cases, but in about thirty percent of the cases it was missing.
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  • W. N. Boldyreff, O. E. Thompson
    1940 Volume 38 Issue 6 Pages 581-589
    Published: August 15, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • I. Mitteilung. Über die Differenzierung der pathogenen Staphylokokken durch ihr Glukosamin spaltendes Vermögen und über ihre Virulenzsteigerung auf Glukosaminnährboden
    Masahiko Kuroya, Masatosi Kurose
    1940 Volume 38 Issue 6 Pages 590-601
    Published: August 15, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    (1) Die Staphylokokken sind durch Umzüchtijng auf Glukosaminnährboden (0, 5%) morphologisch nicht beeinflusst. Die Kolonie wird aber in ihrer Schleimigkeit ziemlich hochgradig gesteigert. Das Wachstum :der Staphylokokken wurde auch durch Zusatz von Glukosamin in Nährboden mehr oder weniger befördeit.
    (2) Glukosamin übt auf die hämolytische Wirkung keinen Einfluss aus, aber die Bakteriensenkungsgeschwindigkeit wird dadurch, ziemlich verzögert.
    (3) Es gibt zwei Arten von Staphylokokken, deren eine das Glukosamin merklich spaltet and die andere keine Spaltung hervorruft. Diese Eigenschaft stimmt vollkommen mit der der Plasmakoagulation überein, d. b. der Glukosamin spaltende Stamen koaguliert das Plasma, während der Glukosamin nicht spaltende es nicht koaguliert. Wenn also die Plasmakoagulation eine zuverlässige Methode für die Differenzierung der pathogenen Staphylokokken liefert, so wird die Glukosaininspaltung auch in gleichem Sinne bedeutuugsvoll sein. Das Glukosamin spaltende Vermögen der Staphylokokken geht nicht so vollkoinmen parallel mit den hämolytischen oder pigmentbildenden Eigenschaften.
    (4) Die Virulenz der Staphylokokken kann durch mehrinalige Umzüchtung auf glukosaminhaltigen Nährboden etwa 3 bis 5, sogar gelegentlich 10 Each so hoch gesteigert werden.
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