The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 89, Issue 1
Displaying 1-10 of 10 articles from this issue
  • Ototaka Higashi
    1966 Volume 89 Issue 1 Pages 1-14
    Published: May 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A new modification of the shortest peroxidase stain time (SPST) method for blood leukocytes, originally studied by Suzuki, based on the Sato-Sekiya's stain, was described. This method can be used for a quantitative determination of the peroxidase activity of leukocytes. The rationale of the method was demonstrated.
    The mean cellular peroxidase content (MCP) of myelogenous leukocytes of ten hospitalized patients estimated by the present SPST method, was equivalent, in average, to (15.29±3.71)×10-8γ of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in eosinophils, (8.18±4.08)×10-8γ of HRP in neutrophils and (4.97±2.72)×10-8γ of HRP in monocytes, respectively.
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  • Motoo Hayashi, Masahata Takarada, Masao Chinen, Akira Onishi, Koetsu K ...
    1966 Volume 89 Issue 1 Pages 15-26
    Published: May 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Frank lead system of vectorcardiography based on the well-established principle, has generally been adopted as an accurate lead system for adults by a majority of cardiologists. However, it was necessary to investigate whether this system is applicable to children of each age group, because in our experiments, so-called Burger triangles in infants and children obtained with the fluid mapper method were different from those in adults. Therefore, in two series of experiments, the results obtained with Frank lead system were compared with those obtained with Grishman lead system. Although in Frank lead system the ARS loops showed a more or less considerable distortion in the cases with incomplete right bundle branch block pattern, this system produced usually no significant distortion and was applicable to infants and children. It was proved that Frank lead system is more useful than Grishman lead system in children with or without heart diseases.
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  • Atsuo Suzuki
    1966 Volume 89 Issue 1 Pages 27-34
    Published: May 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Acid phosphatase activity of various blood cells were histochemically observed on peripheral blood and bone marrow smears using the azo dye method which had been reported in my previous paper, and following results were obtained.
    1) In the neutrophilic granulocyte series, the largest acid phosphatase score was obtained in immature cells, which might include promyelocytes, myelocytes, and metamyelocytes. Mature neutrophils were stained moderately, and blast cells showed weak staining.
    2) Eosinophils showed strong activity, and basophils seemed to have weak activity.
    3) Monocytes disclosed stror4g activity, and lymphocytes slight activity.
    4) Erythroblasts had slight activity, and it seemed that they lost gradually the enzyme activity with the advance of cell maturation.
    5) In plasma cells, reticulum cells and megakaryocytes, strong activity of the enzyme was demonstrated.
    6) Mast cells showed moderately strong activity on the bone marrow smears from a case of urticaria pigmentosa.
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  • Soichi Iijima
    1966 Volume 89 Issue 1 Pages 35-44
    Published: May 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Isao Hashimoto
    1966 Volume 89 Issue 1 Pages 45-60
    Published: May 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The serum and the involved skin tissue of patients with eczema seborrhoeicum were examined for the antibodies against the scale infusion. Ouchterlony's diffusion-in-gel test was positive in 5 (38%) of 13 cases. In passive cutaneous anaphylaxis, a kind of delayed reaction was observed 24 hours after the chal-lenge. This reaction was positive in 8 (62%) of 13 cases. The specific method of fluorescent antibody demonstrated the specific fluorescence in the granular and basal layers of the involved skin tissue in 4 (57%) of 7 cases. In one of them the fluorescence was weakened after triamcinolone therapy. The active principles responsible for the above positive reactions were called precipitating antibody, passive cutaneous anaphylaxis antibody and cellular antibody, respectively.
    From an analysis of the relationship between the above three kinds of antibodies and the clinical pictures, it was inferred that in some cases of eczema seborrhoeicum a kind of contact allergy developed to the autologous seborrheic scales. This autoimmune phenomenon may play an important role in generalization and eezematization, or in intractability of the lesions of eczema seborrhoeicum.
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  • Seigi Tsuchida, Yukio Kimura
    1966 Volume 89 Issue 1 Pages 61-68
    Published: May 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A U-loop bipolar collar electrode was devised for the use in electromyography of the intestines via the mouth or rectum. The findings in animal and clinical experiments were presented. The pattern of action potentials obtained by the intra-intestinal method using this U-loop bipolar collar electrode was almost the same as that recorded by the ordinary extra-intestinal method with laparotomy. With the extra-intestinal method, the maximum amplitude was 1.2 mV, average amplitude 0.3 mV, burst duration 1.2-1.5 see, spike number 10-11, and burst interval 12.8 see, while with the intra-intestinal method, the maximum amplitude was 0.66 mV, average amplitude 0.34 mV, burst duration 1.2-1.5 see, spike number 10-11 and burst interval 12.8 sec.
    The pattern of action potentials of the small intestine obtained by swallowing the electrode and that of the large intestine obtained rectally were found to be quite similar to those at the same sites recorded by the extra-intestinal method.
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  • Takashi Furuyama, Chikara Suzuki, Hiroshi Saito, Yozo Onozawa, Ryuji S ...
    1966 Volume 89 Issue 1 Pages 69-76
    Published: May 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Bradykinin (0.05, 0.1 and 0.2μg/kg/min) and eledoisin (0.5, 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0ng/kg/min) were infused directly into the left renal artery of anesthetized dogs to demonstrate the effects of these peptides on renal function. Urinary volume, endogenous creatinine clearance (GFR), PAH clearance (RPF) and excretion of electrolytes were increased by infusion of these two peptides, but no constant change was observed in UK/UNa ratio. These data demonstrate that the increase in urinary output and electrolyte excretion is caused by the augmentation of tubular load of solutes which resulted from the increase of RPF and GFR. Tachyphylaxis was observed in dogs which received repeated infusions of bradykinin but this phenomenon was less distinct in the case of eledoisin.
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  • Ryozo Higashi
    1966 Volume 89 Issue 1 Pages 77-84
    Published: May 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In dogs anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital, metabolic acidosis was induced by acid infusion. Fluorimetric analysis of adrenal venous plasma for adrenaline and noradrenaline, and anaerobic estimations of arterial blood pH and plasma CO, volume were done in these animals. The adrenal medullary secretion rate increased progressively in parallel with the development of metabolic acidosis. A statistically significant increase in adrenal medullary secretion was observed at a pH level of 7.00-7.20. Interruption of the splanchnic nerves abolished an increase in adrenal medullary secretion at a blood pH level above 6.80, but did not at a pH level below 6.70. At the pH level below 6.60 the secretion rates of the denervated gland did not differ significantly from those of the innervated one.
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  • Seigi Tsuchida, Yukio Kimura
    1966 Volume 89 Issue 1 Pages 85-93
    Published: May 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Experiments were undertaken with the purpose of developing a method for synchronized recording of urometrograms and electroureterograms.
    An electrode was constructed for synchronized recording of electroureterogram and urometrogram from the same region of the ureter. Electroureterography was made either by the unipolar lead or by the bipolar lead method. It was found that insertion of this electrode into the ureter did not exert any artificial effect on peristalsis of the ureter. The contraction phase was shown to be closely related to the action potential, while the pre-contraction phase merely represented secondary changes in intra-ureteral pressure which is related to urinary volume.
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  • Kaoru Yoshinaga, Keishi Abe, Isao Miwa, Naoya Watanabe, Naofumi Kumaga ...
    1966 Volume 89 Issue 1 Pages 95-101
    Published: May 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Blood pressure response to infusion of synthetic eledoisin was carefully evaluated in 8 normotensives. There was tachyphylaxis to the hypotensive effect of this peptide. This tachyphylaxis is partly accounted for by the overactivity of the sympathoadrenal system, because urinary excretion of catecholamines was found to increase during the hypotension induced by eledoisin. In contrast, the sympathoadrenal response was lacking in 13 hypertensive patients. The latter responded to eledoisin infusion with a profounder hypotension than the former, and this hypersensitivity was considered to be due to the lack of sympathoadrenal overactivity.
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