The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 164, Issue 2
Displaying 1-7 of 7 articles from this issue
    1991 Volume 164 Issue 2 Pages 93-102
    Published: 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    IWATA, K., SAITO, H., MORIYAMA, M. and NAKANO, A. Association between Renal Tubular Dysfunction and Mortality among Residents in a Cadmium-Polluted Area, Nagasaki, Japan. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1991, 164 (2), 93-102- A retrospective cohort study was carried out to clarify the effect of exposure to environmental cadmium (Cd) on mortality. A total of 256 residents aged 50 years or older, living in Sasu, a Cd-polluted area in Tsushima Island in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, were followed from July 1979 to February 1989. The expected number of deaths calculated was based on the sex- and age- specific mortality rate in Tsushima Island in 1985. In Sasu residents of both sexes with urinary β2-microglobulin (β2-m) concentration greater than 1, 000μg/g creatinine in 1979, observed deaths were greater than expected. However, the p value of the difference was less than 0.05 only in men. The relationships of age, mean blood pressure, urinary β2-m and urinary Cd concentration to mortality were examined using Cox's proportional hazards model. Urinary β2-m was independently and significantly related to mortality in men but not in women. The results suggest an association between Cd-induced renal tubular dysfunction and mortality.
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    1991 Volume 164 Issue 2 Pages 103-109
    Published: 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    KATSUMATA, U., SEKIZAWA, K., UJIIE, Y., SASAKI, H. and TAKISHIMA, T. Bradykinin-Induced Cough Reflex Markedly Increases in Patients with Cough Associated with Captopril and Enalapril. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1991, 164 (2), 103-109 - We studied the effects of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors on cough responses to bradykinin (BK), substance P(SP) and citric acid in a double blind, random study on 10 hypertensive patients receiving ACE inhibitors. Of these patients, five had reported cough with ACE inhibitors. Cough responses to citric acid were similar between patients with and without cough, and SP up to 10-5M did not cause cough in any of the subjects. BK caused cough at 13.4±1.2 (-log M) in 5 patients with cough associated with ACE inhibitors, but it did not cause cough at concentrations up to 10-5M in other 5 patients. One month after the withdrawal of ACE inhibitors, 5 patients were free from cough symptoms, and BK did not cause cough up to 10-5M in these patients, except for one who coughed at 10-9M, without changes in responses to citric acid. BK caused cough at 14.3±0.7 (-log M) although BK1-7, a major metabolite of BK by ACE, caused cough at 5.7±0.7 (-log M) in another 3 patients with cough associated with ACE inhibitor. These results suggest that impaired metabolism of BK induced by ACE inhibitors may relate to the manifestation of cough in hypertensive patients receiving ACE inhibitors.
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    1991 Volume 164 Issue 2 Pages 111-123
    Published: 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    IMAMURA, M., YAMAUCHI, H. and KAKIZAKI, K. Alimentary Tract Reconstruction following Pancreatoduodenectomy: A New Method with Improvements in the Nutritional State and Gastrointestinal Hormone Release in Dogs. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1991, 164 (2), 111-123 - Experiments were performed on adult beagle dogs to investigate the nutritional state and the release of gastrointestinal hormones after pancreatoduodenectomy. A new variation of reconstruction of the alimentary tract was devised and compared with the classical Child's method. In our method, the remaining stomach was anastomosed to the oral stump of the jejunum in an end-to-end fashion. A short mid- intestinal segment was interposed between the pancreatic and bile ducts and the upper jejunum. During the observation period of six months after surgery, the loss of body weight was significantly smaller in the new method, and the frequency of both morbidity and mortality was lower. Although perforated stomal ulcer was observed in one dog after the Child's method, no peptic ulcer was detectable after our method. The integrated increase of plasma triglyceride in response to ingested butter was slightly greater in our method than in the Child's. At six weeks after surgery, plasma concentrations of both cholecystokinin and secretin, not only during fasting but after intake of butter, were augmented in both groups, particularly in the group receiving the new method. These results indicate that retaining the remaining upper small intestine as the food pathway is effective in maintaining good nutritional state, and in facilitating the release of gastrointestinal hormones.
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    1991 Volume 164 Issue 2 Pages 125-144
    Published: 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    KOIWA, Y., OHYAMA, T., TAKAGI, T., KIKUCHI, J., HONDA, H., SHIMIZU, Y., HASHIGUCHI, R., SHIRATO, K. and TAKISHIMA, T. Vibration Analysis of the Human Left Ventricular Posterobasal Wall at the Moment of the First Heart Sound Emission. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1991, 164 (2), 125-144 - We examined whether human left ventricular (LV) wall vibration at the first heart sound emission (LVvibr) could be a potential source of information about the left ventricular physical properties, as has been demonstrated by experimental forced vibration studies. LV posterobasal wall vibration in 51 subjects characterized by functional murmur (n=13), mitral stenosis (n=8), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM, n=8), ischemic heart disease with old myocardial infarction (n=12) and without prior infarction (n=10), was detected with a miniature intraesophageal vibration sensor. Peak frequency, sharpness and peak power of LVvibr in patients with functional murmur and mitral stenosis were linearly related to the Q-vibration interval. HCM patients showed a higher peak frequency and sharper configuration in the power spectrum. However, differing from previous reports, we found no characteristic difference in configuration of power spectrum in patients with ischemic heart disease. These results suggest that human LVvibr possibly includes information demonstrated by experimental forced vibration analysis.
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    1991 Volume 164 Issue 2 Pages 145-156
    Published: 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    SHICHINO, K., YUKIMURA, T., MIURA, K., YAMAMOTO, K., OKUBO, M. and SHIMAZU, A. Regional Blood Flow in Skeletal Muscle Measured by the Heated Thermocouple Method during Electrical Nerve Stimulation of the Canine Gracilis Muscle. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1991, 164 (2), 145-156 - Skeletal muscle blood flow (MBF) and intramuscular pressure (IMP) were measured using a heated thermocouple (HTC) and a solid-state catheter-tip transducer during electrical nerve stimulation in the gracilis muscle of anesthetized dogs. MBF values obtained simultaneously by the HTC method and the inhalated hydrogen gas (H2) clearance method showed an excellent linear regression with a correlation coefficient of 0.93. Electrical nerve stimulation at frequencies of 5 and 100Hz increased total MBF, determined by an electromagnetic flowmeter, over control values 6.57±0.82 and 6.32±0.93ml/min/100g, respectively. Regional MBF at 5Hz stimulation determined with HTC increased in the same magnitude both at the midpoint and the distal portion of the gracilis muscle. However, following 100Hz stimulation, MBF at the midpoint was decreased from 8.15± 1.55 to 4.09±1.54ml/min/100g, whereas at the distal portion flow was increased from 6.39±1.71 to 21.2±5.29ml/min/100g. IMP in both regions was low and approximately 2.0mmHg at rest. IMP was remarkably increased to 27.9±8.43mmHg at the midpoint but not in the distal portion during 100Hz tetanic contraction, but showed no significant change in either region following 5Hz stimulation. These data suggest that HTC can serve to measure MBF, and that following 100Hz tetanic contraction, increased IMP may be associated with decreased regional MBF, irrespective of a total increase in flow in the gracilis muscle.
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    1991 Volume 164 Issue 2 Pages 157-167
    Published: 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    CHONAN, T., HIDA, W., KIKUCHI, Y., SHINDOH, C., TAGUCHI, O., MIKI, H. and TAKISHIMA, T. Effects of Elastic Loading and Exercise on Pulmonary Gas Exchange in Dogs. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1991, 164 (2), 157-167, - We assessed the effects of negative intrathoracic pressure induced by inspiratory elastic loading on pulmonary, gas exchange with and without electrically induced hindlimb exercise in 8 normal, anesthetized dogs. Two elastic loads (EL) were used ; one of 81 and one of 140cmH2O/liter. These are equivalent to doubling and tripling the normal elastance of the dog's respiratory system, respectively. Elastic loading decreased ventilation and caused hypoxemia and hypercapnia, but it did not affect systemic arterial pressure or heart rate. During exercise, increase in ventilation was limited, whereas increase in cardiac output was not affected by elastic loading. Alveolar-arterial O2 tension difference (A-aDO2) was not changed significantly by exercise alone. However, elastic loading accompanied by exercise increased A-aDO2. Although comparable end-inspiratory pleural pressure was achieved with large EL (-29±2cmH2O, mean±SE) and small EL with exercise (-30± 2cmH2O), the latter increased A-aDO2 whereas the former did not. Large negative intrapleural pressure combined with increased cardiac output may have caused transient interstitial edema.
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    1991 Volume 164 Issue 2 Pages 169-182
    Published: 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    MATANO, S., OHUCHI, N., HIRAKAWA, H., NISHIHIRA, T., ABE, M., MORI, S. and AKIMOTO, M. Establishment of An Estrogen Receptor-Positive Cell Line (HMA-1) Derived from Human Breast Carcinoma. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1991, 164 (2), 169-182 - We have established a novel human breast carcinoma cell line, HMA-1, derived from ascites of a female breast cancer patient. HMA-1 was shown to be an epithelial cell line with intracytoplasmic duct-like vacuoles, microvilli, desmosomes and tonofibrils in accordance with human breast cancer. The cell line demonstrated a good cell growth ability in monolayer fashion with a doubling time of 46hr. Based on a whole cell binding assay the cell line contained estrogen receptor (1.45×10-4 sites/cell). Tamoxifen, an anti-estrogen agent induced a dose-dependent decrease in the cell growth rate, but estradiol stimulated the cell growth. HMA-1 could be transplanted subcutaneously into BALB/c nude mice, and was able to cause tumors approximately two months after heteroinoculation. These results indicate that HMA-1 cell line may serve as a new human breast carcinoma cell line which could be utilized in the breast cancer research.
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