The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 40, Issue 2
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • 49th Hematological Paper
    Shizuo Kimura, Suekichi Watanabe, Kenzi Kumagai
    1941 Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 107-136
    Published: June 15, 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The tryptophane test was examined in 33 samples of cerebrospinal fluids of 16 cases of tuberculous meningitis. The bacillus was identified in these cases either by staining or by culture. The test was further tried in 12 fluids of 7 cases of active tuberculosis and in 30 fluids of 22 cases of other various diseases. Moreover, the blood picture of all the 16 cases of tuberculous meningitis, of 8 cases of purulent meningitis and of 6 cases of encephalitis was examined. Among 7 cases of active tuberculosis there were 2 cases that turned out clinically to be tuberculous meningitis, though the bacillus was not identified.
    Of the 16 cases of tuberculous meningitis, 15 cases (94%) were positive to the tryptophane test. 7 cases of active tuberculosis, including 2 highly probable cases of tuberculous meningitis, showed a negative tryptophane test. If the above mentioned 2 cases of active tuberculosis with highly probable meningitis were counted together, the positive result would be 83% or 15 cases out of 18. The positive tryptophane test and the microscopical identification of the tubercle bacillus tended to be obtainable from about 2 weeks on before death, but 'not in a very early stage.
    All the cases of purulent meningitis gave a false but distinguish-able positive reaction. The positive test was obtained from a case of serous meningitis and a case of encephalitis. So the tryptophane test will not be said to be specific for tuberculous meningitis, but it is characteristic enough, as far as transparent and colourless fluid is concerned.
    The blood picture of tuberculous meningitis was generally as follows:-marked leucocytosis due to neutrophilia, lymphopenia, an-eosinophilia, monocytosis, moderately accelerated sedimentation rate, and the Arneth nuclear shift to the left in slight degree. Purulent meningitis and encephalitis showed almost the same feature as that of tuberculous meningitis, there being only a slight difference in the grade of change, so the essential difference of blood picture between these diseases was not seen.
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  • 146th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction. (93rd Human Milk Study)
    Kyoshiro Shoda
    1941 Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 137-144
    Published: June 15, 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • 147th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction. (94th Human Milk Study.)
    Kikuzo Isizaka
    1941 Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 145-152
    Published: June 15, 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Nobuo Oyama
    1941 Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 153-168
    Published: June 15, 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Influence of hydrolytic product of fibrin and embryonic tissue juice on the growth of tissue (epithelial and fibroblast strain) in vitro was studied by the slide culture method.
    HCl-pepsin digest of fibrin had a growth-stimulating effect on both kinds of tissue, when added to the dialysed embryonic tissue juice which has no effect when used alone. The opitimum concentration of the digest, which was obtained in such a way that 1g of fibrin was digested by HCl-pepsin during 24 or 48 hours and the ratio of the residual N to the total N was about 0.45, was one fourth of the dialysed tissue juice.
    Promotion of the digestion by trypsin (the ratio of the residual N to the total about 0.74) did not further favour the effect of the pepsin digest and produced rather some toxic substance for the growth, which was manifested when the trypsin digest was added to the nutritive medium in one third. The trypsin digest of embryonic tissue pulp, which was obtained in the same way as with the fibrin and had the same ratio 0.74 of the residual N to the total N, was much more toxic for the growth of tissue in vitro.
    When the decomposition of embryonic tissue pulp was completed by concentrated HCl, the ratio of the residual N to the total N being one, any growth-stimulating effect was not perceived in the product, the concentration of which lay between one twentieth to one five-hundredths, and a rather toxic effect was observed. The HCl-hydroly-te, when added in proportion between one five-hundredths to one two-thousandths of the nutritive medium, did not manifest any growth-toxic or -stimulating influence.
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  • Tadahiro Miyakawa
    1941 Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 169-188
    Published: June 15, 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Hisayosi Hosokawa, Yosio Sikinami
    1941 Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 189-196
    Published: June 15, 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Glykogengehalt des Harns beträgt von 0 bis 3, 1mg %, im Diabetikerharn ist er bis auf 6, 2mg % erhöht.
    Durch Vitamin C-Darreichung wird bei gesunden Menschen eine Verminderung des Blutzuckers und Vermehrung des Blutglykogens hervorgerufen. Das Uingekehrte ist bei Kaninchen der Fall. Bei Diabetes mellitus und Phlorizindiabetes wirkt Vitamin C auf Zucker and Glykogen des Blutes und Harns meist herabsetzend. Auf echten renalen Diabetes wirkt Vitamin C Glykosurie und Glykogenurie herabsetzend.
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