The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 72, Issue 4
Displaying 1-11 of 11 articles from this issue
  • Mizu Kojima, Yoshio Kamejima
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 4 Pages 309-321
    Published: November 25, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • First report, Growth Characteristics of Myxoviruses in Tissue Culture
    Toyoro Osato, Nakao Ishida
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 4 Pages 322-327
    Published: November 25, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In labelling the PR 8 strain of influenza virus with radioactive phosphorus, Maitland type tissue culture was employed. Here a piece of chorioallantoic membrane was used as the host cell in Hanks' solution. In this system, P32 put in a medium, from which non-radioactive phosphorus was removed previously, was highly incorporated into the virus particles and as a result as high as 8.22 specific activity in a sense of cpm/HA was obtainable. In purifying the labelled virus, adsorption to and elution from chicken red cells together with ultracentri-fugation was employed and a large amount of non-viral phosphorus was removed. The advantage of the technic described here will be in its reproducibility in preparing high specific virus. However, EID50/HA ratio was somewhat low with obtained specimens.
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  • Fifth Report: On MPSs (Mucopolysaccharides) III
    Hajime Masamune, Hiroya Kawasaki, Hyogo Sinohara, Shoichi Abe, Sin-iti ...
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 4 Pages 328-337
    Published: November 25, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. MPSs III, cancerous and noncancerous, were prepared by modified procedures of that described in the First Report1) and examined physically, chemically and biologically.
    2. Electrophoretic mobility studies showed that the cancerous MPS III was more acidic than the noncancerous.
    3. MPSs III were found to contain galactosamine, glucosamine, galactose, fucose and sialic acid as sugars. Total hexosamine contents were almost on the same level in both substances. The cancerous MPS III contained some what less amounts of galactose and fucose, but markedly larger amount of sialic acid than the noncancerous.
    4. Either preparations do not possess group activity within ABO classification. They are also devoid of anemia-inducing activity. The cancerous MPS III was tested for toxohormone activity and found weakly active.
    This work was aided by a grant for scientific researches from the Ministry of Education.
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  • IV. Growth Characteristics of the PR8 Virus in mouse Tissues Explanted in Vitro
    Morio Homma, Hajime Kudo, Nakao Ishida
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 4 Pages 338-347
    Published: November 25, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The PRS strain of influenza virus was examined on the growth ability in three types of tissue cultures derived from various mice organs.
    In Maitland type culture, the release of virus into a medium was not detectable with tissues of brain, lung, liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas and muscle. Whereas the excellent proliferation was proved with chicken chorioallantoic membrane examined under the same condition. When these tissues were placed on Zinsser's agar slant, viral multiplication was found only with lung tissues. However, the amount of virus here found was almost one tenth of that obtained with chick embryo and chicken chorioallantoic membrane used as the control in the same way.
    Roller tube cultures were carried out with explants derived from various mouse organs obtained from 3-day-old mice. Reasonable growth of the cell eligible for viral growth study was obtained with lung, liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas, heart and muscle. When they are infected in vitro, growth of virus was found in tissues of lung, liver and kidney in concordant with the result obtained in animal experiment. However, in tissues of spleen any growth signs were not obtained. Daily change of the medium was favourable in detecting the release of virus from the hug tissue into a medium.
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  • I. On a Dialyzable Active Substance
    Hajime Masamune, Hiroya Kawasaki, Hyogo Sinohara
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 4 Pages 348-355
    Published: November 25, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Two substances which have an anemia-inducing potency against rabbits were isolated from gastric cancer tissues. One of the substances was dialyzable and identified as myo-inositol. The same substance was also obtained from noncancerous gastric mucosa rather in higher yield.
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  • II. A KIK Factor in Stomach Cancer Tissue
    Hajime Masamune, Hiroya Kawasaki, Hyogo Sinohara, Shoichi Abe, Eitaro ...
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 4 Pages 356-365
    Published: November 25, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A KIK factor was isolated from gastric cancer tissues and compared with the corresponding inactive substance which was obtained from noncancerous gastric mucosae. Both substances belonged to the class of glucidamins in Masamune's terminology.
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  • Kitsuya Iwama, Chosaburo Yamamoto, Kozo Ohsaki
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 4 Pages 366-376
    Published: November 25, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The effects of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) upon electrocortical activity were studied with lightly anesthetized cats by applying the substance in low concentrations (0.1-1.0%) to the exposed cortical surface. Besides a suppressing action upon the sharp negative wave of 10-30 msec in duration, GABA exhibited an effect of producing high-voltage, spontaneous paroxysmal discharges.
    1. The paroxysmal discharges were sustained as long as GABA remained on the cortical surface, and attained several hundred microvolts in amplitude under favorable conditions.
    2. The GABA-induced paroxysmal discharges appeared as spike potentials of positive polarity, mostly occurring at a frequency of about 3 cps with or without association of slow waves. Sometimes they were composed of 0.5-3 cps slow waves having no marked spiky deflections.
    3. EEG arousal, either spontaneous or produced by stimulation, and deep barbiturate anesthesia strongly suppressed the GABA-induced paroxysmal activity.
    4. When KCl was applied to the GABA-treated cortical point, the preestablished paroxysmal discharge disappeared prior to the spontaneous spindle activity.
    5. When the common carotid artery was occluded on both sides, the GABA-induced paroxysmal activity showed a stronger tolerance to hypoxia-anoxia produced by the circulatory arrest than the spontaneous spindle activity.
    6. An electrolytic destruction of a rostral part of the thalamus of one side resulted in abolishing the pre-established paroxysmal activity at the frontal cortex ipsilateral to the thalamic lesion.
    7. There could be found no marked efferent discharges of the pyramidal tract which could be related to high-voltage, paroxysmal discharges produced by GABA on the motor corte.
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  • Tadashi Tsukahara
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 4 Pages 377-384
    Published: November 25, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A tactile spot of the human skin was stimulated mechanically and then its electrical sensitivity was measured.
    1. The electrical sensitivity was raised and declined with waxing and waning.
    2. The sensitivity was maximal about 3.5 sec. after the end of a mechanical pressure. The increase in electrical sensitivity was the greater, the longer and the stronger the mechanical stimulus.
    3. Two mechanical stimuli showed summation at intervals less than 1 sec. with respect to their effects on electrical excitability.
    4. Pressure applied to points at various distances from the receptor to be tested on its electrical excitability showed effects decreasing with increasing distance. The rate of decline was different according to directions from the receptor to the point of pressure application.
    5. Catelectrotonus increased, but anelectrotonus decreased the electrical sensitivity of the mechanoreceptor.
    6. Local anesthesia depressed the electrical sensitivity.
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  • Second Report: On Hexuronic acid-containing Mucopolysaccharides
    Chuichi Itoh
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 4 Pages 385-397
    Published: November 25, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Four hexuronic acid-containing mucopolysaccharides; α-heparin, β-heparin (chondroitin sulfate B), chondroitin sulfate A and hyaluronic acid (mucoitin) were isolated from fresh bovine lungs.
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  • Toyoji Wada, Shoji Horigome, Takashi Sakurada
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 4 Pages 398-404
    Published: November 25, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • First Report: Serum Proteins and Serum Colloidal Reactions
    Iwao Yamaguchi, Yasushi Nishiyama, Kazuhiko Inoue, Tetsuo Yoshinari
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 4 Pages 405-412
    Published: November 25, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Serum protein analysis, nephelography, thymol turbidity test, zinc sulfate test and sublimate test were carried out in stomach cancer cases operated in our clinic, the results being studied with special reference to their relation with morphological aspects of the lesion.
    1) Serum protein figures, the nephelogram and the positive sublimate reaction in stomach cancer were closely dependent upon the grade of cancer spreads.
    2) Among various factors concerning morphology of the main tumor, the size was thought to have some relation with serum protein figures and the colloidal stability of the serum, while the macroscopic or microscopic features of the tumor had little relation with them.
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