The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 87, Issue 1
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • Takao Fukuda
    1965 Volume 87 Issue 1 Pages 1-34
    Published: October 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The usage of the terms “leukemic reticulosis” and “leukemic reticulosar-comatosis” has been in confusion. They are applied to the cases with appearance of neoplastic reticulum cells in the peripheral blood.
    However, their implications, clinical, pathological and diagnostic, are indistinct and controversial.
    To define the concept of such conditions and pathological characteristics, the author investigated histological sections and blood films of 39 cases, which showed reticulum cells appearing in the peripheral blood. The following results were obtained:
    (1) Leukemic reticulosis is rapidly progressive and leads to the death of patients within four months. Histological features are characterized by diffuse medullary reticulosis of the lymph nodes and diffuse reticulum cell infiltration in various organs.
    (2) Leukemic reticulosarcomatosis is defined as hematogenous tumor cell dissemination of undifferentiated or reticular type reticulosarcoma at the terminal stage or as one of the results of chemotherapy or X-ray irradiation.
    (3) Even in Hodgkin disease-like granulomatous reticulosis, reticulum cells are observed in blood films. But these changes are regarded as cataplastic in nature.
    (4) In various reactive reticulosis, reticulum cells are observed in blood films. In association with various leukemias, reactive reticulosis exhibits malignant transition and neoplastic reticulum cells appear in peripheral blood at the terminal stage.
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  • Mitsuyasu Aida, Masaru Maebashi, Kaoru Yoshinaga, Fumio Ichinohe
    1965 Volume 87 Issue 1 Pages 35-39
    Published: October 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The content of renin and renin-substrate (angiotensinogen) in the peripheral plasma was estimated simultaneously on 36 patients under various clinical conditions including essential hypertension, malignant hypertension, renovascular hypertension, chronic glomerulonephritis, and nephrotic syndrome.
    No quantitative relation between the renin activity and renin-substrate was detected in the above-mentioned diseases. It was concluded that renin-substrate is maintained fairly constant within normal range irrespective of renin activity which varied greatly according to the diseases. As an exception, however, nephrotic patients showed elevated levels in renin activity and rather subnormal values in its substrate.
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  • Hisatoshi Sakakura, Kitsuya Iwama
    1965 Volume 87 Issue 1 Pages 40-51
    Published: October 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Using cats carrying chronically implanted electrodes, impulse transmission in the lateral geniculate body (LGB) was studied under the influence of the deep sleep wave (DSW) activity described by Brooks and Bizzi. It was found that the DSW exerted the presynaptic inhibition and, simultaneoulsy, the postsyn-aptic facilitation upon the LGB response evoked by single shock stimulation of the optic tract (OT). This presynaptic inhibition was also confirmed by observing the antidromic OT response to stimulation of the OT terminals (Wall's method). The modification of the synaptic transmission was realized more strongly by a burst of DSWs than by a single isolated DSW. There ensued a similar phenome-non when single shock stimulation of the pontine reticular formation (PRF) yielded the DSW-like response in the LGB. Following the PRF stimulation, the postsynaptic component of the LGB response showed a marked decrease at about 30 msec, and then a summit of facilitation was reached at about 70 msec. The excitability change following this summit was variable. The presynaptic component was more or less suppressed with a similar time, indicating the presynaptic inhibition which could be evidenced more clearly by Walls' method.
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  • Tsuneo Arakawa, Yoshiro Wada, Tadashi Hayashi, Rokuro Kakizaki, Nobuka ...
    1965 Volume 87 Issue 1 Pages 52-76
    Published: October 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A peculiar disorder of a 7 year-4 month -old girl is described which is charac-terized by 1) a refractory hypochromic anemia with megaloblastic bone marrow of a slight degree, 2) an occurrence of the neutrophils which are negative to all the stains for peroxidase, oxidase, Sudan-black B and succinic dehydrogenase, 3) a urinary output of uracil, UMP and UDP, and 4) fatal outcome due to sepsis with leukemoid blood picture. A term “Uracil-uric Refractory Anemia with Peroxidase Negative Neutrophils” is suggested for this new disorder.
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  • Ototaka Higashi, Nobuo Katsuyama, Ryoichi Satodate
    1965 Volume 87 Issue 1 Pages 77-93
    Published: October 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A case with quite an unusual hematological abnormality characterized by the absence of peroxidase activity in the majority of polymorphonuclears and monocytes in blood was reported. This abnormality in the present patient was associated both with a megaloblastic anemia which was refractory to folic acid or vitamin B12 and also with a relatively mild proliferation of immature leuko-cytes in the bone marrow. The latter feature above all made us hesitate to diagnose the case as one kind of leukemic disease.
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  • Akira Sato
    1965 Volume 87 Issue 1 Pages 94-100
    Published: October 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The peroxidase reaction of leukocytes is generally considered to be of the same biological significance as the oxidase reaction. The author (1922) is dumbfounded (1922) by the negative peroxidase reaction of all the myeloic leuko-cytes of blood in acute encephalitis Economo, while they remained normally oxidase-positive. The “Striatal Blood Syndrome” was then suggested by the author.
    Now, the name of “Arakawa-Higashi's Syndrome” is suggested (1965) by the author for simplicity's sake for “Uracil-uric Refractory Anemia with Peroxidase Negative Neutrophils” (Arakawa, 1965). In this disease 50 (or larger)% of (ripe) neutrophils are perfectly peroxidase-negative, while the remainings are normally peroxidase-positive. It is to be added that two “healthy” brethren with peroxidase-negative neutrophils were reported by Grignaschi et al. in 1963.
    Contents: I. The “Striatal Blood Syndrome or Picture”. II. “Healthy” Brethren with Peroxidase-negative Neutrophils. III. Peroxidase-negative Neutrophils in Arakawa-Higashi's Syndrome.
    Remarks I. “Contra-striatal Blood Picture”. II. Myeloic Leukocytes in the Mummy. III. Occurrence of Peroxidase-negative Cells in Leukemia. IV. Peroxidase-negative Cells in the Embryo.
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