Makoto Sato
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Using, as an index of excitation, the electrical phosphene elicited by the exponentially increasing current running through the eyeballs, the relation of the electric threshold and accommodation in the human retina to brightness discrimination was studied systematically with the eyes adapted to monochromatic rays of varying wavelengths.
1. All of the accommodation curves obtained were of duplex nature, being divided into two sections by an inflexion at about 50-80 msec. in RC.
2. Hill's λ-log-radiance (I) curves were obtained separately for both cases of the time-constants (RC) shorter and longer than 50 msec. Both families of the curves for both cases of RC, were different not only in shape but also in arrangement order of the curves depending on the wavelength of the adapting light.
3. Hill's λ has a parallel relation to spectral luminosity of the adapting light, when the adaptng colored light was of equal energy.
4. It was found that the electric threshold (V) can be expressed by a simple formula as a function of the Weber fraction (W) in brightness discrimination and the intensity (I) of the adapting light, as follows,
V=A (log W
P+log I)+B,
where A and B are constants and p is the parameter which relates to the time-constant of the stimulating current.
5. The relation between the accommodation constant (Hill's λ) and the intensity of the adapting light, was deduced mathematically from the formula stated above, and it was indicated that the Hill's λ is inversely proportional to the Weber fraction in brightness discrimination.
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Yoshio Goto, Isao Ito, Kogo Seino
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Simultaneous estimations of capillary and venous blood sugar were made in twenty five diabetic patients and sixteen nondiabetic adults during glucose tolerance test. No significant difference in fasting and alimentary hyperglycemic C-V difference was found between these two groups. The utilization index, which denotes the sum of C-V difference in each hour, was almost equal in both groups, but the utilization rate, represented by the ratio of the sum of C-V differences and the sum of capillary blood sugar values in each time, was small in the diabetic group in comparison with the nondiabetic group.
These results suggest that the amount of glucose utilized in peripheral tissues is equal both in diabetics and nondiabetics, but the diabetic condition requires high blood sugar level to utilize a normal amount of glucose.
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Tosisada Mita, Makoto Sato, Sadao Yaegashi, Akira Akihama, Teiichi Yos ...
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Using the sinusoidal alternating current (A. C.) at 3 cps. in frequency as the stimuli of the eye, we determined the threshold (S
1) for appearance of the flickering phosphene, and the threshold (S
2) for disappearance of it. Calculating the difference of both thresholds, namely S
ΔS, we investigated the applicability of this measure (
ΔS) as an index for measuring fatigue. At the same time, Motokawa's
ΔS for 20 cps., C. F. F. and the body impedance were measured for comparison with our measure (
ΔS for 3 cps.).
1. Each value of S
1, S
2 and
ΔS for 3 cps. was the smallest in darkness, while that for 20 cps. was the smallest under moderate illumination.
2. In the course of 10 hour's duty, the values of
ΔS showed two maxima before and after lunch respectively. This finding is consistent with the result reported by Abe & Byonshik. Impedance did not show so remarkable a variation in the same course as the former.
3. When the work of 500-2800 kg-m was performed by the 15 healthy subjects, the temporal variations in the values of
ΔS, impedance and C. F. F. were investigated. The value of
ΔS increased with increase in the amount of work, while the values of C. F. F. and the body impedance decreased with increase in load. These findings are in conformity with the results studied by Motokawa's original method.
4. From the results mentioned above, it was concluded that the A. C. at 3 cps. can be useful for measuring fatigue as did the A. C. at 20 cps. by Motokawa
et al. And the merits and demerits of our method on the practical application were discussed in comparison with Motokawa's method.
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Yoshio Goto, Yukio Ujiie, Akira Takanami, Akihiko Kuwano, Tatsuru Uchi ...
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
The effects of BZ 55 and DBI on blood ATP, blood inorganic phosphorus and capillary-venous blood sugar difference were studied in nine diabetic patients and eight healthy adults. The oral administration of 1g. of BZ 55 caused a decrease in blood inorganic phosphorus and C-V difference in diabetics as well as in nondiabetics. The blood ATP level, however, was raised by BZ 55 administration in diabetic group and lowered in nondiabetic group.
The oral administration of 100mg. of DBI produced usually a slight increase in blood ATP and decreases in blood inorganic phosphorus and in C-V difference. There was no statistically significant difference in these changes between the two groups.
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Yoshio Goto, Yukio Ujiie, Akira Takanami, Akihiko Kuwano, Tatsuru Uchi ...
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
The effects of glucuronic acid on blood ATP (adenosine triphosphate), inorganic phosphorus and blood sugar were observed in nine diabetic patients and seven nondiabetic adults. The blood ATP (measured as seven minutes' hydrolyzed phosphorus) was elevated distinctly after an initial decrease by the intramuscular injection of 1000mg. of sodium glucuronate. This injection caused a decrease in blood inorganic phosphorus and also a depression of blood sugar in diabetics as well as in nondiabetics. There were no statistically significant differences in the maximum increase rate (in per cent) of blood ATP, and the maximum decrease rate of blood inorganic phosphorus between the diabetic group and the nondiabetic group.
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XII. Comparison of DNA from Gastric Cancer with That from Gastric Mucosa
Sin-iti Abe
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
1. DNAs were prepared from human gastric cancer and gastric mucosa according to Sakamoto.
2. Their physical, chemical and biological properties were carefully examined.
3. Adenine amounted less a little and guanine less in a larger grade and cytosine distinctly more in the cancer DNA than in the mucosa DNA.
4. The cancer DNA absorbs ultraviolet light more strongly than the noncancerous.
5. The cancer DNA is less dextrorotatory than the noncancerous.
6. The cancer DNA is potent to give stronger skin reaction in cancer patients than in the noncancerous.
7. The cancer DNA shows more intensive Schiff reaction than the noncancerous within 6 hours after the commencement, when incubated with 0.01
N HCl (pH of the solutions 2.0-2.1) at 37°C. The maximum Schiff reaction occurring after the 6 th hour is also stronger in the cancerous DNA than in the noncancerous. Namely, the purines are assumed to be bound less stably against acid in the cancerous DNA than in the non-cancerous.
In the respects from 5. to 7., the cancer DNA is to the mucosa DNA what the placenta DNA is to the spleen DNA.
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Fourth Report: On MPSs (Mucopolysaccharides) IV
Hiroya Kawasaki
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
1. The MPSs IV denominated in the First Report were prepared as formerly described and examined.
2. Cancerous deviations common to cancerous MPSs I and IV are pointed out.
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CCXXVII. On Paper Chromatography of Hexuronic Acids
Hajime Masamune, Mei Satake
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
1. It is described how to discriminate hexuronic acids by paper chromatography.
2. Sodium L-guluronate was prepared and examined.
The Ministry of Education gave a grant through the Grant Committee for Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Researches to defray the expenses of this work, which is gratefully acknowledged. H. Masamune.
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I. Fundamental Studies on EMG of Animal and Human Ureters
Tsuneo Shiratori, Kazuo Katayose, Yasumasa Suetake, Shoichi Kawamata, ...
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
VI. Effect on the Movement of Paramecium of the Extract of Gastric Carcinoma Tissue (2 nd Report)
Iwao Yamaguchi, Hisashi Kamma, Kiyota Oh-Uti
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Alcohol extract, acetone extract and many of the various fractions of them prepared from the tissue of gastric carcinoma inhibited the movement of
Paramecium more intensely than those from the control tissue.
Of all the fractions tested, liquid acid I which was fractionated from the acetone extract of the gastric carcinoma tissue was the most effective. The fraction consists of fatty acid, whose lithium salt is insoluble in 50 per cent alcohol.
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VII. Effect on the Excised Frog Heart
Iwao Yamaguchi, Eiji Ozaki, Hisashi Kamma, Kiyota Oh-Uti
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
1. Liquid acid fraction isolated from the alcohol extract of the tissue of gastric carcinoma inhibited the excised frog heart more markedly than the corresponding fraction of the normal gastric mucosa.
2. Dried powder of gastric juice of patients with gastric carcinoma and many of its fractions showed only slight inhibition to the heart.
3. Ether extract of fresh gastric juice of patients with gastric carcinoma inhibited the heart intensely while the control extract was far less effective. Of all the fractions of the extract, liquid acid fraction was the most effective in inhibition.
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Tom Mori, Sei Kato
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
In this study, histological observations on the structural alterations caused in the mesenteric lymph nodes of young adult female mice after an oral administration of Tween 80 were presented. Some of the animals were preliminarily adrenalectomized, in order to prevent destructive influence of adrenal corticoids on the lymphatic tissue. A comparison between the changes observed in the mesenteric lymph nodes in both the groups of intact and adrenalectomized animals has led to the conclusion that Tween accerelates the release of lymphocytes from the parenchyma of the lymph nodes into the sinus, and besides, that Tween may possibly act destructively on the mature lymphocytes.
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Katsunobu Satoh
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
1. Es wurden in der Rinde der Nebenniere bei menschlichen Feten and Mäusen die Untersuchungen von Fettsubstanz, Oxydasereaktion sowie Kon'scher Silberreaktion vorgenommen, wobei von allem die Befunde der Fetalzone bei Menschen and die der X-Zone bei Mäusen miteinander, sowie mit denen der anderen Rindenzonen in Vergleich gesetzt wurden.
2. In Bezug auf die Befunde der Fettsubstanz, Kon'scher Silber-reaktion und der Oxydasereaktion bestehen zwischen der X-Z und den anderen Rindenzonen der Mäusenebenniere gewisse Unterschiede. Die Fetalzone der menschlichen NN lässt sich ebenfalls hinsichtlich der obigen histochemischen Befunde mehr oder weniger deutliche Verschiedenheiten gegenüber den anderen Rindenzonen erkennen.
3. Durch unsere histochemischen Untersuchungen ist festgestellt, dass zwischen der Fetalzone der Menschen and der X-Z der Maus, zwar einer-seits gewisse Ähnlichkeiten, andererseits aber viele Verschiedenheiten existieren. Demnach zeigt sich, dass vom histochemischen Standpunkt aus die hypothetische Annahme, beide Gewebe zusammen als einheitliches “androgenes Gewebe” zu betrachten und vom übrigen Rindengewebe sonderzustellen, nicht ausreichend im positiven Sinne bewiesen ist.
4. An der NN und der akz. NN von Kaninchen wurden histologische Untersuchungen Bowie Beobachtungen über das Verhalten gegenüber der Vitalfärbung und der Schädigung mit Diphtherietoxin ausgeführt.
5. Die strukturellen und histochemischen Beschaffenheiten der akz. NN bei Kaninchen im normalen und pathologischen Zustand ähneln selbstverständlich denen des Hauptorgans, weisen jedoch untercinander ziemlich grosse Schwankungen auf, welche keineswegs durch die Körper-region bedingt sind, wo die Knötchen sich befinden. Daraus erhellt, dass sich die Annahme, nach welcher die in der Keimdrüsengegend vorhandene akz. NN allein als von androgener Natur von der in direkter Nähe des Hauptorgans befindlichen sonderzustellen sei, in keiner Weise mit den Ergebnissen meiner Untersuchungen stützen lässt.
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V Etiology
Takashi Nakamura, Shozo Nakamura, Toru Kimura
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
VI Treatment and Prognosis
Takashi Nakamura, Shozo Nakamura, Toru Kimura
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Eighth Report. Toxohormone AP II1 and II' from Cancerous and Noncancerous Ascitic Fluids
Hajime Masamune, Sigetosi Kamiyama, Sin-iti Abe, Shoichi Abe, Mituo Ha ...
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
1. There have been isolated toxohormones AP II
1 and II' which are globulins in the cancerous ascitic fluid of stomach cancer patients and noncancerous ascitic fluid of liver cirrhosis patients respectively and both precipitate at 40 to 60% ethanol and at 1.0-1.4
M ammonium sulfate.
2. They were examined biologically, chemically and physically.
3. They are devoid of anemia-inducing potency.
4. The former protein is more strongly toxohormone active than the latter, while they differ from each other only regarding serine content and phenylalanine, leucine and isoleucine content as a whole and possibly also regarding electrophoretic mobility, in so far as was examined.
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Ninth Report. Toxohormones AP II2, II3, III3 and IV3 from Cancerous Ascitic Fluids
Hajime Masamune, Sigetosi Kamiyama, Sin-iti Abe, Shoichi Abe
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
III. Immunological Induction of Similar Histological Pattern of the Kidney as That of Homotransplanted Kidney
Yoshinobu Ishikawa, Koichi Mizutani, Shingo Kakizaki, Kan Aoki
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Similar histological changes as appeared in the homotransplanted kidney could be induced by immunological treatment. That is, the kidney of dog which had been injected hypodermically, an antigen, with the suspension of kidney tissue (added with adjuvant) from another dog showed the same histological pattern as that of homotransplanted kidney.
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VII Hepatic Venography in Clinical Cases
Takashi Nakamura, Shozo Nakamura, Masamitsu Watanabe, Toshimi Suzuki, ...
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
Using liver catheters, we employed hepatic venography to study normal subjects and clinical patients with liver diseases and arrived at the following results in summary:
1. Little change from the normal was observed in the hepatic veins in hepatitis, liver fibrosis and mild liver cirrhosis, but in severe liver cirrhosis, the branches were fewer, as if it were a dead trees, showing marked changes in the general picture. In the case of severe but biliary cirrhosis, however, no change was observed. In the cases of liver cancer, circuitous courses of the hepatic veins and a round shadow were observed.
2. When the contrast medium was introduced as far as possible into the sinusoids, the sinusoids as well as the portal vein branches also came out in the venograms.
3. Anastomoses between the hepatic veins were observed in most of the normal livers and we could observe similar anastomoses in hepatitis, but they were found rarely in liver cirrhosis.
4. A finding suggesting anastomoisis between the hepatic and the portal veins was observed in a liver cirrhosis case.
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VIII Angiograms and Casts of Autopsied Livers
Takashi Nakamura, Shozo Nakamura, Masamitsu Watanabe, Toshimi Suzuki, ...
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
For obtaining data endorsing what we have reported previously on the results of hepatic venography in clinical cases, we employed venography and vascular casting on livers in autopsied cases of normal and diseased livers. The results were well reconcilable with those of the previous study, as summarized in the following:
1. In the severely cirrhotic livers, the changes were most prominent in the hepatic veins, which showed the distorted appearance of dead trees. In mild cirrhosis, almost no vascular change was observed. In cancerous livers, the veins were found displaced and circuitous, their branches being reduced in number. In a severe case, a vascular cyst was found in formation.
2. The portal vein was found less affected than the hepatic veins in cirrhotic livers, but some of its branches were found running spirally.
3. The hepatic arterial branches were augmented in the cirrhotic cases with ascites, and also in the cancerous livers but not penetrating deep into the foci.
4. Anastomoses between the hepatic veins were observed in most of the normal livers but not in the severely cirrhotic livers. In a case of cancerous liver, we found pathological mesh-like anastomoses.
5. In the severely cirrhotic livers, anastomoses between the hepatic and portal veins were found to exist. In a cancerous liver, the necrotic tissue had formed a vascular cyst and the hepatic and the portal veins were found anastomosed within it.
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Studies on Tuberculosis in Infancy and Childhood 4 th Report
Tsuneo Arakawa, Mizuo Oota, Yuji Sato
1959 Volume 69 Issue 2-3 Pages
Published: February 25, 1959
Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008