Amniography was applied in combination with tomography and the following results were obtained.
(1) In 23 normal gravidae, the placenta could be located in 22 of them by the method, its position determined by this method was confirmed at delivery in 21 of the cases.
(2) Of 8 cases with antepartum hemorrhage as the principal complaint, one was diagnosed of partial placenta praevia plus presentation of the umbilical cord and another of deep-lying placenta, and the accuracy of the diagnosis was con-firmed at the cesarean section in the former and the delivery per vaginam in the latter. In all the other 6 cases, placenta praevia was found negative by the method, and every time the accuracy of the diagnosis was confirmed at delivery.
(3) Of the anomalies of the umbilical cord, presentation, coiling around the neck and relative shortness due to multiple coiling can be diagnosed by application of this method.
(4) The diagnosis whether the fetus is alive or dead is also possible by this method.
(5) No side-effect of Urografin and no any lesion by the centesis to the mother and the fetus could be observed in any case.
(6) 11 pregnant rats were exposed to the same dose of X-ray as at the clinical experiment and the litters were kept and fed for 8 to 16 months after birth. Among the 96 youngs, 25 died during the time of observation, but none of them from leukemia.
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