The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 75, Issue 4
Displaying 1-12 of 12 articles from this issue
  • Report II. The Effect by Administration of Small Dosis of Testosterone in 3 Days Soon after Castration
    Tadao Kanai
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 309-318
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The fine structure of the prostatic epithelial cells of mature male rats left untreated or treated with testosterone after castration was examined under an electron-microscope on the 4 th day.
    1. In the untreated animals, dilated endoplasmic reticula were found in mixture with atrophied reticulum, the mitochondria were somewhat subnormal in size and number, and dense granules were somewhat supernormal in number.
    2. In animals given testosterone for 3 days soon after castration, the sacs of the endoplasmic reticulum neared the normal state, the Golgi's complex became better developed and the dense granules increased, with the increase of dosis from 1 to 10 to 100 μg.
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  • Tetsuro Fujiwara, Naoe Kikuchi, Tasuke Shibuya, Isao Kusakabe, Mitsuya ...
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 319-331
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Masakuni Suzuki, Mutsuo Hirano, Hideo Sugiyama
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 332-340
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The present authors have partly researched into the mechanism of incretion of gonadotropin from the adenohypophysis, using biological as well as electron-microscopical procedures. Our results were shortly and summarily reported in this paper.
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  • Tooru Nakao, Toshio Nitta
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 341-345
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Tooru Nakao, Toshio Nitta
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 346-351
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Tooru Nakao, Toshio Nitta
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 352-354
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Tooru Nakao, Toshio Nitta
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 355-361
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Amniography under Combined Application of Tomography
    Osamu Tanno
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 362-374
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Amniography was applied in combination with tomography and the following results were obtained.
    (1) In 23 normal gravidae, the placenta could be located in 22 of them by the method, its position determined by this method was confirmed at delivery in 21 of the cases.
    (2) Of 8 cases with antepartum hemorrhage as the principal complaint, one was diagnosed of partial placenta praevia plus presentation of the umbilical cord and another of deep-lying placenta, and the accuracy of the diagnosis was con-firmed at the cesarean section in the former and the delivery per vaginam in the latter. In all the other 6 cases, placenta praevia was found negative by the method, and every time the accuracy of the diagnosis was confirmed at delivery.
    (3) Of the anomalies of the umbilical cord, presentation, coiling around the neck and relative shortness due to multiple coiling can be diagnosed by application of this method.
    (4) The diagnosis whether the fetus is alive or dead is also possible by this method.
    (5) No side-effect of Urografin and no any lesion by the centesis to the mother and the fetus could be observed in any case.
    (6) 11 pregnant rats were exposed to the same dose of X-ray as at the clinical experiment and the litters were kept and fed for 8 to 16 months after birth. Among the 96 youngs, 25 died during the time of observation, but none of them from leukemia.
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  • Shinjiro Yamamoto, Kimpei Araki, Makoto Kikuchi
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 375-383
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The intra-abdominal pressure response following electrical stimulation of the central end of the pelvic nerve (pelvico-abdominal reflex) was studied by means of the electromyographic technique in anesthetized cats. The muscles of the abdominal wall and lower intercostal space, and the diaphragm were involved in the reflex activity. The response time distributed in the range of 60-120 msec.
    The muscle units which could be activated by a single shock to the pelvic nerve were small in number relative to those which could be activated by repetitive stimulation. The summating effect of the double shock stimulus was seen at the shock intervals of 2-30 msec with a maximum at 10-20 msec intervals. A single shock to the pelvic nerve produced a facilitatory state in the reflex arcs lasting approximately 0.5 sec. Repeated stimulation with low frequency pulses appeared to build up an excitatory state which initiated a recruitment of muscle activity and a long lasting after-discharge.
    Spontaneous firing of muscle activity was most sensitive to anesthesia. It was the first to be affected with a small dose of the drug while the reflex response to pelvic nerve stimulation still persisted. When the depth of anesthesia was increased to a certain extent, the train of reflex discharges was deprived of its delayed component with some prolongation of the response time. Among the group of muscles participating in the abdominal contraction, the abdominal wall muscles were more vulnerable component to anesthesia than the diaphragm.
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  • Keiya Tada, Yasuhisa Watanabe, Tetsuro Fujiwara
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 384-392
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A remarkable reticulocytosis was induced in rabbits by the injection of acetylphenylhydrazine. The comparison between the mature erythrocyte and the reticulocyte was made in the activities of the enzymes including aldolase, lactic dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and in the contents of reduced glutathione and of pyridine nucleotide.
    1) Aldolase: The reticulocyte has approximately 8 to 10 times higher activity than the mature erythrocyte.
    2) Lactic dehydrogenase: The reticulocyte has approximately 4 times higher activity than the mature erythrocyte.
    3) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase: The reticulocyte has approximately 6 times higher activity than the mature erythrocyte.
    4) Reduced glutathione: The reticulocyte has approximately 3 times higher content than the mature erythrocyte.
    5) Pyridine nucleotide: The reticulocyte has approximately 3 times higher content than the mature erythrocyte.
    6) The utilization of glucose by the reticulocyte is far greater as compared with that by the mature erythrocyte.
    These results suggest that the reticulocyte has more active metabolism of glucose through the Embden-Meyerhof pathway and the pentose phosphate pathway, as compared with the mature erythrocyte.
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  • Yuji Sato
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 393-395
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A new technique for cytologic examination of hepatic cells obtained by needle biopsy was described. In this method cells were so well separated from each other and so clearly seen, that coarse changes might be observed even macro-scopically.
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  • Keiya Tada, Yasuhisa Watanabe
    1962 Volume 75 Issue 4 Pages 397-402
    Published: January 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The activities of aldolase, lactic dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in serum were investigated in rabbits with hemolytic anemia which was induced by an injection of acetylphenylhydrazine (APH).
    The activities of these serum enzymes increased with progress of hemolytic anemia due to a successive injection of APH, and decreased quickly, within 5 days, after completion of the injection to level of the pre-injection stage.
    In hemolytic disease, an elevation of the activities of these enzymes in serum can be an indicator for the severity of hemolysis.
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