The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 31, Issue 6
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
  • Takeo Mutow
    1937 Volume 31 Issue 6 Pages 479-490
    Published: October 20, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Some kinds of food-stuffs used in this country, with beef, bread and milk, much investigated by previous workers, were given to a dog indefinitely well surviving preparation of the pancreatic fistula, in the amount corresponding to one-third of the basal metabolism per diem re the fuel value.
    In general the carbohydrate rich diet brings about a somewhat greater secretion of the pancreatic juice and the secretion continues much longer in comparison to the other two kinds of diet: among the latter the protein rich diet causes a little greater secretion than the fat rich one, but there is no significant difference. Mixed diet occasions pancreatic secretion in correspondence to its composition. Fish acts with quite the same effect as flesh r_??_ the pancreatic secretion, just as r_??_ the gastric secretion, contrary to the previous investigator.
    It is worthwhile to note that a carbohydrate rich diet elicites only small secretion of gastric juice (Hirohata), contrary to the previous well known results, while it elicites an abundant secretion of pancreatic juice. This is rather comprehensible if kinds of ferments contained in those juices be taken into account.
    It seems desirous to test to what extent the spontaneous liberation of pancreatic juice is due to conditional reflexes, and further to know if there is some portion of spontaneous liberation which is independent from nervous mechanism, what inhibitory influence will be established by psychical disturbance upon this portion of secretion.
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  • 84th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction
    Mitsuru Hasegawa
    1937 Volume 31 Issue 6 Pages 491-498
    Published: October 20, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    This work was undertaken to test Arakawa's reaction of different portions of human milk fed at one time. Milk was obtained in each case just before feeding and then at the interval of each minute during the one feeding. It was very difficult to collect a larger number of such cases, because many an infant, who got very angry and wanted to drink no more milk, made it impossible to continue the work in that special case. But I was able to investigate the reaction as long as about 5 or 6 minutes in 13 cases.
    And the result was that the reaction of different milk portions was tolerably constant, so that the fraction obtained before feeding as well as during feeding would, as regards Arakawa's reaction, be considered as representing the whole milk fed at the time (Cf. Figure).
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  • 85th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction
    Mitsuru Hasegawa
    1937 Volume 31 Issue 6 Pages 499-509
    Published: October 20, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • 86th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction
    Shingo Shiraishi
    1937 Volume 31 Issue 6 Pages 510-523
    Published: October 20, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • III. Mitteilung: Über die Veränderungen des Eiweisses und des kolloid-osmotischen Drucks des Blutes in der Leber bei Leberschädigung
    Hisashi Yasuda
    1937 Volume 31 Issue 6 Pages 524-535
    Published: October 20, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • IV. Mitteilung: Beeinflussung des Eiweisses und dessen kolloid-osmotischen Drucks des zu- und abströmenden Blutes der Leber durch vegetative Nervengifte
    Hisashi Yasuda
    1937 Volume 31 Issue 6 Pages 536-567
    Published: October 20, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Koji Arai
    1937 Volume 31 Issue 6 Pages 568-579
    Published: October 20, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • 87th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction
    Misawo Ishii
    1937 Volume 31 Issue 6 Pages 580-615
    Published: October 20, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In the present paper the following five questions are studied:-
    1. Monthly variation of chlorine content in Arakawa-positive and -negative milk. 2. Variation of the chlorine content of Arakawa-positive and -negative milk according to the periods of lactation. 3. Variation of the chlorine content of Arakawa-positive and-negative milk according to the age of mothers. 4. Side of breasts and its relation to the chlorine content of human milk according to Arakawa's reaction. 5. Chlorine content of human milk with very different re, action on different sides of breast.
    Nozaki1) for the first time reported that the milk positive to Arakawa's reaction is poor in chlorine and that it is a good milk, while the milk negative to Arakawa's reaction is, he reported, rich in chlorine and a bad one. Now I have again, as above described, demonstrated this fact in a much larger number of milk samples and shown that chlorine content of clinically Arakawa-positive milk is 0.349 grins. per litre and that of clinically Arakawa-negative milk is 0.507 grms. per litre. Further I have shown that, if samples within one month after the delivery are excluded, chlorine content of Arakawa-positive milk is 0.345 grins. per litre, that of Arakawa-negative milk is 0.482 grins. per litre, or that of completely negative milk is 0.613 grins. per litre (Cf. Table 13, A and B).
    1. Monthly variation of chlorine content shows that it is higher in hot seasons and lower in cold seasons both in Arakawa-positive and Arakawa-negative milks.
    2. As to the chlorine content of human milk according to Arakawa's reaction and to periods of lactation, it is the richest in chlorine in colostrum period both in Arakawa-positive and -negative milk. And the content keeps almost constant from the 2nd month of lactation up to the end of lactation period; then it will again increase, though it will not attain so high a figure as in colostrum milk.
    Supplementally, colostrum milk was investigated. Here also Arakawa-positive milk is poorer in chlorine than the Arakawa-negative, and a striking difference between them is found, the chlorine content of Arakawa-positive, -negative and completely negative milk being 0.440, 0.650 and 0.703 grms. per litre respectively with the deviations +48% and +60%, as is shown in Table 9.
    3. Concerning the variation of the chlorine content of Arakawa-positive and -negative milk according to the age of mothers, there is a gradual increase of milk chlorine, as the age of mother advances.
    4. As to the chlorine content of human milk according to Arakawa's reaction and to different sides of breast, the left breast is only slightly poorer in chlorine than the right one, chlorine content being 0.467 grms. per litre on the right and 0.449 grms. per litre on the left (Cf. Table 12).
    And if chlorine figures are distributed according to the intensity of Arakawa's reaction, it follows that it increases little by little as the reaction becomes weaker. See the reactions: (_??_) 1'reaction with 0.349, (+) 1' with 0.441, (±) 1' with 0.464, (-) 1' with 0.547 and (-) 5' with 0.636 grms. per litre (Cf. Table 13. A).
    5. In the case of one and the same mother with very different reaction on different sides of breast, milk of the positive side is poorer in chlorine (0.437 grms. per litre) than that of the negative one (0.622 grms. per litre) with the deviation +42% (Cf. Table 15).
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  • Studien über Flüssigkeitsaustausch XXIX
    Hisashi Yasuda, Shingo Yamamoto
    1937 Volume 31 Issue 6 Pages 616-627
    Published: October 20, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Wir haben Kantharidin- and Sublimatnieren mit Cyannatriumlösung in verschieden starken Konzentrationen von der Nierenarterie bzw. von der Nierenpfortader aus durchspült and gelangten zu folgenden Ergebnissen : Die Blausäure, in höheren Konzentrationen angewandt, ruft ausnahmslos eine bedeutende Verminderung der Harnbildung hervor. Eine derartige Oligurie dürfte jedenfalls als dadurch entstanden aufgefasst werden, dass die Blausäure-bei glomerulärer Applikation in der Weise, indem das im Glomerulusharn ausgeschiedene Cyannatrium auf dem Wege seiner Rückresorption die Nierenepithelien durchpassiert, d. h. von der Lumenseite der Tubuli her, bei renoportaler Anwendung durch den intermediären Flüssigkeitsaustausch zwischen Pfortadersystem and Nierenepithelien, d. h. von der Gefässseite her-als das Protoplasmagift auf die Nierenepithelien einwirkt.
    Bei arterieller Durchspülung der Kantharidinnieren mit Cyannatrium tritt eine erhebliche Abnahme der arteriellen Zufuhrmenge ein, man gewinnt also den Eindruck, dass die Oligurie durch den Synergismus von derartiger Gefässwirkung verstärkt wird.
    Bei niedrigen Konzentrationen der Blausäure tritt nur eine leichtgradige Oligurie auf, and selbst diejenige Oligurie, welche im Anfangsstadium der Applikation der Blausäure ausgeprägt in Erscheinung getreten war, nimint allmählich an Intensität ab oder kann sogar temporär in die diuretische Phase übergehen. Ein derartiges Phänomen dürfte als ein Vorgang aufgefasst werden, welcher durch die sich gegenseitig ausgleichend auswirkenden Beeinflussungen der Nierenepithelfunktion, d. h.-veil die Blausäure nicht allein als das Protoplasmagift wirkt, sondern in bestimmten Konzentrationen auch die Parasympathikusendigung reizt-durch das Zusammentreffen von Förderung der Nierenepithelfunktion, welche als Ausdruck des eben angeführten nervösen Effektes der Blausäure zutage tritt, and von Herabsetzung der Nierenepithelfunktion durch das Betroffenwerden des Zeliprotoplasmas ausgelöst wird.
    Endlich sei über das Wesen der Nierenepithelfunktion einiges angeführt. Solite nun die Blausäure als das Protoplasmagift angesehen werden and insofern sie die Vitalität der Zellen herabzusetzen vermag, muss der Grand für die beobachtete Oligurie, zum mindesten hinsichtlich der Nierenepithelien, in der Funktionsstörung derselben gesucht werden. Mit anderen Worten, die Oligurie ist dann, wenn sie im Tubulus entsteht, auf die Steigerung der Ruckresorption zurückzufuhren, vorausgesetzt, dass die Zirkulation der Nierenpfortader aufrecht wie sonst erhalten ist. Da wir dann zum Schluss, dass die Steigerung der Rückresorption in unserem Experiment unter Blockierung der Nierenepithelien durch die Blausäure zustande kommt, gelangen, so glauben wir mithin annehmen zu dürfen, dass die eigentlicheAufgabe derNierenepithelfunktion im regulatorischen Einfluss auf die Rückresorption besteht.
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