The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 61, Issue 4
Displaying 1-12 of 12 articles from this issue
  • IX. Mitteilung Einfluss verschiedener Chemikalien auf die Funktion des RES und der Leber
    Shoichi Yamagata, Toshio Aratani, Kiyomi Miura, Kisao Otomo
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 303-314
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Die Resultate obenerwähnter Unterschungen lassen sich folgendermassen zusammenfassen:
    1. Von den verschiedenen Eiweisspräparaten rufen Eryosan, Jecuron, Mari-Amin, Vita-X, Neo-Minophagen AT, Neo-Soteira and Histamin in kleiner Menge, nicht aber Paniltin und Histamin in grosser Menge, eine Verminderung des Kongorotindex hervor, dagegen steigt die Prothrombinzahl nur durch Mari-Amin, Vita-X, Neo-Minophagen AT and Neo-Soteira an.
    2. Von den verschiedenen anti-asthmatischen Mitteln führt Minophagen C-Stark eine Verminderung des Kongorotindex herbei, Benadrin sowie Anergen eine Verminderung mit nachheriger Vermehrung, während der Kongorotindex sich durch Neudrin vermehrt. Aber die Prothrombinzahl wird dabei in jedem Falle herabgesetzt.
    3. Von den verschiedenen anti-ulcerösen Mitteln setzen Larostidin, Umor, Stimulin M, Gastamin and Finalin den Kongorotindex herab, aber Umor-Stark and Banthine erhöhen ihn. Die Prothrombinzahl wird aber nur durch Umor-Stark gesteigert.
    4. Von den verschiedenen anti-cancerösen Mitteln verursachen Nitrogen-Mustard, Nitromin, Isoamyl-oder Cyclohexyl-Nitromin and Ofthobromoparaaminotropolone, nicht aber Paraaminotropolone ohne anti-canceröse Wirkung, eine Verminderung des Kongorotindex, aber die Prothrombinzahl nimmt nur durch Isoamyl-oder Cyclohexyl-Nitromin zu.
    5. Von den sonstigen Chemikalien rufen Lumin, Hikarutin, Spractor, Heparin, Greenpole, Solarson, Lebercalcin, Lebercalcin-Stark, Campolon and Curachihormon eine Verminderung des Kongorotindex, dagegen Methiocil dessen Vermehrung hervor, wobei die Prothrombinzahl nur durch Greenpole, Solarson and Campolon ansteigt.
    6. Daraus ersieht man, dass die grosse Mehrheit dieser Chemikalien reizend auf die Funktion des RES Wirkt.
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  • X. Mitteilung Einfluss der experimentellen Pankreasschädigungen auf die Funktion des RES und der Leber
    Shoichi Yamagata, Kiyomi Miura, Kisao Otomo, Tokio Yuki
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 315-321
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Fassen wir obige Versuchsergebnisse zusammen, so kommen wir zu folgendem Schluss:
    1. Der Kongorotindex vermehrt sich bei vollkommener Form von Alloxandiabetes, während die Prothrombinzahl fast unverändert bleibt. Weiterhin vermehrt sich der Kongorotindex bei akuter Form davon vie deutlicher als bei vollkommener Form, während die Prothrombinzahl sich in mässigem Grade vermindert. Im Gegensatz dazu vermehrt sick der Kongorotindex sowie die Prothrombinzahl bei unvollkommener Form von Alloxandiabetes.
    2. Antidiabetische Mittel wie Insulin, Redoxon and Lebercalcin rufen eine leichte Verminderung des Kongorotindex mit nachfolgender Vermehrung hervor, während die Prothrombinzahl sich nur durch In-sulin in leichtem Grade vermehrt.
    3. Experimentelle Pankreatitiden durch Unterbindung des Pank-reasganges und Injektion von Olivenöl oder Pankreatin im Pankreasgang verursachen eine Vermehrung des Kongorotindex sowie eine Verminderung der Prothrombinzahl, wobei die Veränderung durch Unterbindung des Pankreasganges am leichtesten und die durch Pahkreatininjektion im Pankreasgang am stärksten ist.
    4. Daraus ist zu vermuten, dass das Pankreas, nicht nur als inkretorisches Organ, sondern auch als exkretorisches Organ, an der Funktion des RES and der Leberzellen beteiligt ist.
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  • Toshiyuki Ozaki
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 322
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • XI. Mitteilung Einfluss von Erwärmung und Badekur auf die Funktion des RES und der Leber
    Shoichi Yamagata, Ichiro Arai, Kihachi Unoura, Toshio Aratani
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 323-329
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Auf Grund unserer Versuchsresultate können wir wie folgend schlies-sen:
    1. Eine 5 Stunden lange oder eine wechselnde Erwärmung in Zwischenräumen von 15 Minuten ruft eine Verminderung des Kongorotindex mit nachfolgender Vermehrung hervor, während die Prothrombinzahl fast unverändert bleibt. Dabei verursacht die Lävuloseinjektion eine starke Verminderung des Kongorotindex and eine starke Vermehrung der Prothrombinzahl, während die Glukoseinjektion nur eine Verminderung des Kongorotindex veranlasst.
    2. Eine 15 Minuten lange Erwärmung im Wärmeschrank oder im heissen Wasserbad lässt den Kongorotindex geringer werden and später wieder zunehmen, während die Prothrombinzahl abnimmt.
    3. Die Thermalbäder mit Tamagawa-, Genzoyu- und Unagiyu-Mineralwässern vermindern den Kogorotindex und vermehren die Prothrombinzahl in höherem Grade als ein gewöhnliches heisses Bad, während ein Schwefelblütenbad der Tamagawa-Quelle eine Verminderung des Kongorotindex und der Prothrombinzahl verursacht.
    4. Weil der obenerwähnte Effekt von Tamagawa-Mineralwasser nicht durch Atropin, sondern durch Ergotamin beseitigt wird, so folgt daraus eindeutig, dass die obige heilsame Wirkung durch den Sympathicus stimuliert wird.
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  • Yasushi Nagai
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 331-337
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Absorption curves of the coloured products by Ehrlich's reaction have been investigated.
    2. By interacting of α-amino acids and sugars are produced substances which in turn give dyes with Ehrlich's reagent with absorption maxima around 520 mμ.
    3. The α-amino acids, which have another amino group besides, give rise to more intense coloration than simple a-amino acids, and show an absorption maximum around 576 mμ.
    4. Tryptophane and glucosamine do not give any compounds show-ing absorption in the visible region, when they interact with sugars.
    5. Tryptophane and indole give positive Ehrlich reaction immediately, and the former shows an absorption spectrum with maximum at 550 mμ and minimum at 564 mμ, but the latter that with maximum at 572 mμ.
    6. The colour developed by N-acetylglucosamine shows absorption maxima at 548 mμ and 586 mμ, while that by glucosamine after treatment with alakline acetylacetone possesses one single absorption maximum at 544 mμ.
    Thanks are due to Mr. Masao Sumino of the Central Laboratory, Hitachi Co. for his enthusiastic co-operation in the course of this work.
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  • IX. Comparative Anatomical Study of Brain Stems of some Species of Bats
    Shigeaki Yamamoto, Bummei Shimoda, Reiji Momma, Heishoku Sai
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 339-344
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. The abducens nucleus, the pyramidal tract and the vestibular nucleus of a vampire bat and a greater horseshoe bat show an arrangement more resembling birds rather than other members of mammalia.
    2. These organs of a tuber-nosed bat and kalong are almost identical with other non-chiropteral mammalia in their positions and development.
    3. The olivary nucleus takes precedence over the pyramidal tract in all the four specimens of bats studied.
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  • Toshiyuki Ozaki
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 345-352
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    By using the permanganate method, noradrenaline and adrenaline contents of suprarenal extracts in pigs, goats, dogs, cats and rabbits were assayed. It was estimated that the relative amount of noradrenaline in the suprarenals was 43 (30-52) per cent of the total active substances in pigs, 36.5 (21-68) per cent in goats, 18.5 (7-29) per cent in dogs, 45.1 (38-53) per cent in cats and 1.8 (0-11) per cent in rabbits, respectively.
    My thanks are due to Prof. T. Suzuki for his advice given during the course of this work.
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  • VII. A Combination of Several Methods for Determination of Purine and Pyrimindine Bases in DNA with Minor Modifications
    Hajime Masamune, Mutuo Sakamoto
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 353-363
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Wyatt method for determination of the bases in DNAs was modified by combining Vischer & Chargaff's and Makino & Matsuzaki's with simplifications.
    2. The bases can be estimated by this combination with recovery of more than 90%.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches the Education Department gave a grant in aid to us, which is gratefully acknowledged.
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  • CLXXVI. Analysis of Mutarotation of N-Glycosides Second Paper On Aniline-N-riboside
    Shigeru Tsuiki
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 365-379
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Two isomers of different [α]D values (I and II) of aniline-N-riboside were prepared after Berger & Lee and their mutarotations in various solvents were investigated as to the reaction mechanisms to which they owe.
    2. The mutarotations in methanol and 0.01 N NaOH are considered as due to rapid isomerization of α β type and slow Schiff base formation.
    3. At pH 9.6 the riboside scarcely shows rotation change. Most probably no molecular rearrangement nor scission takes place.
    4. Mutarotations of the riboside at pH 5.6 and 7.0 are combined results of anomerization, Schiff base formation and hydrolysis.
    5. The more dextrorotatory isomer (I) is assumed as aniline-N-α-ribopyranoside and the less dextrorotatory (II) as aniline-N-β-ribopyrano-side.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific researches the Education Department gave a grant in aid to us, which is gratefully acknowledged.
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  • II. Influence of Metal Salts upon Tryptase Activity of Rabbit Liver (Directed by Asst. Prof. M. Hayakawa)
    Fumio Ito
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 381-387
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Influences of metal salts upon liver tryptase activity were investigated with following results:
    1. ZnSO4, Fe2SO4, HgCl2 or CuSO4 is inhibitory to casein or gelatin hydrolysis through rabbit liver tryptase by 72-120 hours' digestion in concentration of over 112000 M.
    2. The inhibitory effect of AgNO3, NiSO4 or CoCl2 is less than that of the above, and FeSO4, K3Fe(CN)6 and CdSO4 neither inhibit nor activate.
    3. MnSO4 or K4Fe(CN)6 activates casein hydrolysis by 72 hours' digestion in concentration of over l/1000 M. Such effect is recognizable even when catheptase and ereptase are removed by means of acid treat-ment6), and manganese sulfate is still activating for tryptase activity which is activated simultaneously in the presence of dialyzed albumin solution. In such a way tryptase is, in its highly active state, undoubtedly recognizable on rabbit liver.
    This work was carried out by a grant for development of scientific researches, given from the Ministry of Education. M. Hayakawa
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  • III. The in vivo Activation of Tissue Protease in Rabbit Liver (Directed by Asst. Prof. M. Hayakawa)
    Fumio Ito
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 389-397
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Liver tryptase activity (casein hydrolysis at pH 7.8) of rabbit treated with epinephrine through the systemic vein increases markedly, its hydrolysis amount becoming two times higher than that of those not treated. Such increased activity can be further activated in vitro in the presence of dialyzed albumin, manganese sulfate or the both.
    2. Activity of ereptase (pepton hydrolysis at pH 7.8) and catheptase (casein, gelatin or pepton hydrolysis at pH 4.5) in animals so treated is higher than in those not treated. Increased activity of catheptase is further activated in vitro by cysteine.
    3. Autolytic proteolysis eithr at pH 4.5 or 7.8 also increases markedly after epinephrine treatment.
    4. Direct delivery through the portal vein to the liver exerts only a slight effect on the liver protease system. Insulin delivery produces slight augmentation of tryptase, but ereptase or catheptase remains un-affected. Spleen extirpation does not influence on epinephrine effect.
    5. Histological examination of the liver delivered with epinephrine reveals only slight congestion of blood, this being in no relation to its protease activity.
    6. Epinephrine or insulin delivery through either systemic or portal vein exerts no influence upon proteolysis of gastric mucosa or kidney.
    7. Above augmentation phenomenon caused by epinephrine in liver protease system, it is suggested, relates to gluconeogenesis in liver.
    This work was carried out by a grant for development of scientific researches, given from the Ministry of Education. M. Hayakawa
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  • IV. The in vivo Activation of Protease System and Gluconeogenesis In Liver (Directed by Asst. Prof. M. Hayakawa)
    Fumio Ito
    1955 Volume 61 Issue 4 Pages 399-406
    Published: April 25, 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Epinephrine delivery in vivo causes augementation of the liver protease system on animals fasted for twenty four hours. But no change in protease activities is seen in vitro when epinephrine is directly added to liver homogenates.
    2. Such phenomenon is observed in the absence of adrenal cortex but not observable on animals treated with epinephrine a short time after a meal.
    3. Prior administration of glucose or alanin prevents epinephrine effect, i.e., no augmentation of protease system is seen.
    4. Tryptic muscle proteolysis remains unaffected after epinephrine treatment.
    5. The biological mechanism of gluconeogenesis is briefly discussed with enzyme augmentation phenomenon.
    This work was carried out by a grant for development of scientific researches, given from the Ministry of Education. M. Hayakawa
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