The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 86, Issue 3
Displaying 1-8 of 8 articles from this issue
  • Itaru Watanabe
    1965 Volume 86 Issue 3 Pages 201-218
    Published: August 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Axonal reaction of the motor nerve cells in the anterior horn of rabbit spinal cord was induced operatively. On the chromatolytic cells, enzyme histochemical stainings were performed at the respective dates after operation. Light microscopical observations on these cells with the comparison of the normal cells in symmetrical anterior horn, demonstrated prominent increases of TPN-, DPN- diaphorase, G6P dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase activities, moderate increases of both glutamic and lactic dehydrogenase, accompanied with decreases of cytochrome oxidase, succinic dehydrogenase, non-specific esterase and thiamine pyrophosphatase activities.
    Some presumptions were made from the findings, considering the previous biochemical and electron microscopical results, on these cells under axonal reaction; 1. the heterogeneous distributions of enzyme activities among mito-chondria and among lysosomes according to their functional states, 2. the activated metabolism via the pentose monophosphate shunt, and 3. the lysosomal differentiation into mitochondria.
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  • Masataka Nagayama, Masahiro Maki, Iwao Kikuchi, Kenichi Kanbe, Katsuji ...
    1965 Volume 86 Issue 3 Pages 219-229
    Published: August 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In order to clarify the controversial findings concerned with the effect of estrogens on coagulation and plasmin systems, various preparations of estrogen having different chemical structures, i.e., desoxyestrone, estradiol and Premarin R, were administered to human subjects and the factors of blood coagulation and the plasmin systems were determined.
    There was no significant change in the factors of the coagulation system excepting a slight decrease in the recalcification time with the administration of estriol or Premarin R, slight elevation of Factor VII with Premarin R, and a slight prolongation of the thrombin time with estradiol, estriol and Premarin R. On the other hand, a marked change was noted in the plasmin system, namely, a decreases in the total plasmin and antiplasmin, and a marked elevation of the spontaneous caseinolytic activity of the euglobulin fraction.
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  • Katsuhiro Nakamura, Itaru Watanabe
    1965 Volume 86 Issue 3 Pages 230-237
    Published: August 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Acid phosphatase activities of subcutaneous connective tissue cells of the rabbit in untreated and activated states were studied electron-microscopically. The acid phosphatase activities, represented by lead precipitation, appeared in the three different sites of the cytoplasmas the phagocytotic vacuoles in the activated histiocytes, the Golgi area in these cells as diffuse particulate matter and the ovoid granules sized 0.5 to 1.0μ in the fibrocyte of the untreated animal. The nature of the enzyme bearing third granules was discussed thereby from the viewpoint of the relation between the mitochondria and the lysosomes.
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  • Takeshi Kurobane, Kazunori Nagai
    1965 Volume 86 Issue 3 Pages 238-246
    Published: August 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Ein seltener Sektionsfall von ehroniseher idiopathischer interstitieller Myo-karditis wurde berichtet. Es handelt sich um einon 7 jährigen Junge, der über heftigen Bauchschmerz und Erbrechen klagte und in der Narkose vor einer Bauchoperation plötzlich ad exitum kam. Bei der Sektion fanden sich starke Dilatation und geringe Wandverdickung der beiden Herzkammern. Histologisch wurden im Myokard diffuse starke Vermehrung des Interstititims sowie Ödem und Rundzelloninfiltration festgestellt. Daneben findet man vcreinzelte fettige Degeneration der Herzmuskelzellen and fleekförmige Endokardverdickungen, die als sekundäre Prozesse anzusehen sind. Ausserdem warden in diesem Fall Vergrösserung des Thymus und generalisierte Lymphknotenschwellung beobachtet. Auf Grand der histologischen Untersuchung nehmen wir an, dass die Veränderun-gen in Myokard, Thymus und Lymphknoton von gleicher infektiöser Natur sind.
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  • Hajime Sugiyama, Takeo Kuroyamagi
    1965 Volume 86 Issue 3 Pages 247-254
    Published: August 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    It is still undetermined whether tumor bearing animals produce humoral anti-tumor auto-antibodies or not. The difference of opinions about the presence of humoral anti-tumor auto-antibodies seems likely to be due to the absence of a reliable and reproducible method to detect anti-tumor auto-antibodies.
    The 131I labeled antibody technique was employed in this study to detect anti-Yoshida sarcoma cell auto-antibodies in rats with subcutaneous solid Yoshida sarcoma and in rats which survived intraperitoneal injections of Yoshida sarcoma cells.
    Neither sarcoma cell agglutinins nor tumor localizing auto-antibodies were demonstrated in serum of rats with subcutaneous solid Yoshida sarcoma and in rats which survived intraperitoneal inoculations of Yoshida sarcoma cells.
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  • Susumu Majima, Iwao Yamaguchi, Teiichi Teshima, Katsumi Karube, Hisayu ...
    1965 Volume 86 Issue 3 Pages 255-276
    Published: 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 17, 2010
    Although the concept of ulcer-carcinoma of the stomach, i.e., carcinoma arising from a pre-existing gastric ulcer, seems to have received significant support, it is still a matter in considerable dispute among pathologists and surgeons. The authors reviewed a total of 2, 484 surgical specimens of the stomach which had been resected in the Tohoku University Hospital, and found probable evidence of early ulcer-carcinoma in 25 of them. These cases had typical chronic ulcer of the stomach and additional foci of early carcinoma-a single (two cases) or multiple (11 cases) small cancer foci in the mucosa of the ulcer margin, or a ring-shaped mucosal carcinoma involving the circumference of the ulcer (12 cases). The minute investigation of these early cases will greatly serve for the solution to the dispute mentioned above. This paper describes the histopathologic findings of these lesions and preoperative histories of the cases, and presents the authors' view in support of malignant change of gastric ulcer.
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  • Hisao Suzuki, Eiichi Kato
    1965 Volume 86 Issue 3 Pages 277-289
    Published: August 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Ryungchan Kwak
    1965 Volume 86 Issue 3 Pages 290-300
    Published: August 25, 1965
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The effect of cerebral stimulation upon geniculate evoked responses was studied on locally anesthetized and immobilized cats.
    A conditioning shock to the visual cortex and surrounding areas depressed the postsynaptic component of the geniculate evoked response to a testing optic tract stimulus. The presynaptic component was hardly affected. The effect was most marked when conditioning and testing stimuli were separated by an interval of 80-120msec. The corticifugal effect was more effective in the ipsilateral visual cortex than in the contralateral. Stimulation of visual area II was more favorable than that of visual area I.
    The possible nature of this effect was considered and discussed in comparison with the facilitatory effect of the reticular formation, and it was concluded that the depression of the postsynaptic component is due to inhibition coming from the cortex through multisynaptic pathways to the lateral geniculate body.
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