Oxidative stress (OS) frequently contributes to the development of acute kidney injury (AKI). Iron can promote oxidative stress and tissue injury by catalyzing free reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and increasing the steady-state concentration of these potent oxidants. The anticipated role of ferritin is to protect from OS by sequestering iron and limiting its involvement in reactions that generate ROS. In this prospective study, we aimed to investigate the association between serum ferritin levels and kidney function recovery among patients with AKI. Renal recovery was determined as a return of serum creatinine to less than 1.25 times the baseline value after 90 days of follow-up. One hundred twelve patients (72 males and 40 females, 63.68 ± 10.6 years old) were included in the final analysis. They were divided into AKI recovery (n = 76) and non-recovery groups (n = 36). Ferritin levels on admission were higher in AKI recovery group [284 (IQR 153-525) ng/mL] compared with the non-recovery group [127.4 (IQR 30-243) ng/mL], p < 0.001. Serum ferritin levels and the renal recovery significantly positively correlated (r = 0.72, p < 0.001). In multiple linear regression analysis, higher serum ferritin was associated with renal function recovery (OR 3.68, CI 2.02-3.97, p < 0.001). The optimal cut-off point of 240.5 ng/mL was determined for serum ferritin, which showed a sensitivity of 75.8% and a positive predictive value of 90%. In conclusion, serum ferritin levels on admission may be used as a prognostic marker for predicting renal recovery in AKI patients.
The medical records of service in disaster provided at a place other than a medical facility are defined as disaster medical records (DMRs). In this epidemiological study, to clarify medical need characteristics and trends after disaster, we analyzed the all anonymized DMRs of Minamisanriku Town that lost medical facilities in 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and its consequent tsunami. After screening of duplicated or irrelevant documents, there were 10,464 DMRs with 18,532 diagnoses from March 11 through May 13. From 34 diagnostic groups according to International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10, we integrated diagnostic groups into five modules that might require treatment concepts of different types: non-communicable disease (NCD), infectious disease, mental health issue, trauma, and maternal and child health (MCH). Age and sex distributions of the patients were similar to those of population before the disaster. The largest diagnostic module was NCD (68%), followed by infectious disease (21%), mental health issues (6%), trauma (4%), and MCH (0.2%). The age-specific rate of NCD exhibited a similar or suppressed level from that of nationwide survey, with higher rate of pollinosis among young population. Infectious disease increased in most age groups but there was no apparent outbreak because of early interventions. Sleep deprivation was twice as frequent in middle-aged women, compared with men. Trauma and MCH were less frequent, but each exhibited a unique time trend. Trauma onset was continuously recorded, while MCH visits were concentrated on a specific day. The medical need after disaster dynamically changes, and appropriate anticipatory countermeasures are necessary.
Bone and soft tissue tumors are derived from mesenchymal cells, and they are hard to treat. Receptor-activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL) is an essential cytokine for osteoclast differentiation and activation and is expressed on the surface of osteoblasts or stromal cells. In this study, to explore the potential of denosumab treatment for soft tissue tumors, we analyzed the expression profiles of RANKL mRNA in 425 tumor specimens of 33 histological types by real-time RT-PCR. Denosumab is a monoclonal antibody that prevents the binding of RANKL to receptor-activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK). For comparison, the relative expression levels of RANK and osteoprotegerin (OPG) mRNAs were also measured. OPG functions as a soluble decoy receptor for RANKL. Higher expression levels of RANKL mRNA were detected in calcifying aponeurotic fibroma, fibrosarcoma, calcifying epithelioma, myositis ossificans, heterotopic calcification, giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS), and pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS), compared with the levels of other tumor types. Moreover, the expression levels of RANK mRNA were highest in GCTTS, followed by myositis ossificans and PVNS, whereas the expression levels of OPG mRNA were greatly varied among these histological types. We then analyzed RANKL protein expression by immunohistochemistry in 57 tumor specimens with higher expression levels of RANKL mRNA. RANKL-positive cells were detected in GCTTS, PVNS, myositis ossificans, heterotopic calcification, and calcifying aponeurotic fibroma. In conclusion, RANKL is expressed in subsets of soft tissue tumors with calcification, and denosumab is a potential therapeutic option for soft tissue tumors expressing RANKL.
Hyaluronan is a glycosaminoglycan, one of the chief components of the extracellular matrix. The aim of the present study is to investigate plasma hyaluronan levels among patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). This prospective study enrolled 56 consecutive patients with AMI who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention within 2 hours after admission. Plasma levels of hyaluronan were measured at the time of admission (baseline), and on the 7th and 30th day after AMI. Echocardiographic examinations were performed at baseline and on the 30th day after AMI. The hyaluronan levels were 33.2 ± 3.1 ng/ml (mean ± SD) at baseline, increased on the 7th day (46.2 ± 5.9 ng/ml), and continued to remain high on the 30th day after AMI (50.1 ± 5.1 ng/ml). There were significant correlations of the hyaluronan levels between baseline and on the 7th day (r = 0.535, p < 0.001) and between baseline and on the 30th day (r = 0.263, p = 0.05). Significant correlations were also found between hyaluronan levels on the 30th day, and the peak levels of CK-MB (r = 0.429, p = 0.001) or highly sensitive troponin levels (r = 0.360, p = 0.006). The hyaluronan levels were significantly higher on the 30th day after AMI in patients with anterior infarction, but not in patients with non-anterior infarction (p = 0.01 vs. p = 0.653). In conclusion, this is the first report that demonstrates the increase of plasma hyaluronan levels among patients with AMI.
Verbal and physical abuse from coaches has negative effects on young athletes. Although the abuse can lead to the athletes’ dropping out, no studies have reported on this topic. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the association between experience of verbal or physical abuse from coaches and loss of motivation for the present sport in young athletes. School-aged athletes (age range, 6-15 years, n = 6,791) were assessed using a self-reported questionnaire. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to assess the association between experience of verbal or physical abuse and loss of motivation for the present sport. Variables considered in the models were sex, age, body mass index, presence of bodily pain, team levels, number of training days per week, number of training hours per day on weekdays and weekends, and frequency of participation in games. The prevalence of loss of motivation for the present sport was 8.1%. Experience of verbal or physical abuse was significantly associated with loss of motivation for the present sport and the adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) were 1.93 (1.54-2.42, p < 0.001) for verbal abuse and 1.76 (1.27-2.42, p = 0.001) for physical abuse. Findings of this study suggest that experience of verbal or physical abuse from coaches is associated with loss of motivation for the present sport. Eradication of verbal and physical abuse from coaches is important for young athletes to continue sport participation.
After Fukushima disaster in 2011, the health status of the region’s residents deteriorated. We analyzed the health status, care needs, and access to health services among evacuees and non-evacuees using healthcare expenditure (for self-employed and unemployed individuals aged < 75 years) and long-term care expenditure (mainly for individuals aged ≥ 65 years). Fukushima Prefecture was divided into four areas according to their evacuation status: non-EOAs (municipalities that did not include evacuation order areas (EOAs)); EOAs/non-EOAs (municipalities that included both EOAs and non-EOAs); short-term EOAs (municipalities where the EOA designation was lifted in most areas by fiscal year (FY) 2011); and long-term EOAs (municipalities where most EOA designations remained in place until the end of FY 2015). Increases in expenditure on healthcare and long-term care per capita in short-term and long-term EOAs were greater in FY 2015 than the average values in FYs 2008-2010. The increases in expenditure were higher in short-term and long-term EOAs than those in non-EOAs and EOAs/non-EOAs. The increases in dental health expenditure were attributed to enhanced accessibility to dental health facilities. Furthermore, the evacuations contributed to increases in healthcare and long-term care expenditure, independent of aging and improved accessibly to health facilities. Possible explanations for these increases include the poor health status of the evacuees following the evacuations, reduced availability of informal care provided by family members and neighbors, and reduced patient copayments. The findings highlight the necessity of health promotion among evacuees.
Intervention for higher-risk participants of health checkups especially with diabetes has been started in Japan to prevent renal replacement therapy (RRT) initiation, but evidence about RRT initiation risk among checkup participants has been scarce. To estimate the incidence by risk factors, we conducted a retrospective cohort study using medical claims and checkup data of a community-based insurance scheme in Japan. Beneficiaries who participated in the checkup in 2012-2013 were included and followed up for about five years. We estimated the incidence of RRT initiation by the subject characteristics, followed by investigation for risk factors in bivariate analyses and multivariable regression analyses with Bayesian prior probability distributions. As a result, among 49,252 participants, 37 initiated dialysis (0.21/1,000 person-years); no kidney transplantation was performed during the period. Baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate was strongly associated with dialysis initiation. No dialysis was initiated among those without baseline hypertension; cumulative incidence by hypertension status was significantly different (p < 0.001). Diabetes was significantly associated with dialysis initiation in bivariate analysis, but the association was not significant in multivariable regression analysis [reference: no diabetes; incidence rate ratio (IRR) for diabetes without medication, 3.30 (95% credible interval, 0.48-15.56); IRR for diabetes with medication, 1.69 (95% credible interval, 0.68-3.47)]. In conclusion, potential risk factors for RRT initiation include male sex, comorbid hypertension, and current smoking status, in addition to advanced chronic kidney disease, proteinuria, and diabetes. New initiatives should consider these factors to increase the efficacy of the programs at the population level.
Saddle pulmonary embolism (PE) and paradoxical embolism (PDE) are life-threatening disorders carrying a risk of sudden death, and their prompt diagnosis is extremely important. Saddle PE is a radiologic definition and refers to a thrombus that straddles the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery trunk, carrying a risk of sudden hemodynamic collapse. PDE is defined as a systemic arterial embolus due to the passage of a venous thrombus though a right-to-left shunt, such as patent foramen ovale (PFO). We herein present the rare case of asthma exacerbation coincident with saddle PE and PDE. A 69-year-old woman with asthma was suffering from dyspnea, pulse attenuation of the left radial artery and left upper limb pain. An arterial blood gas analysis revealed hypoxemia, and a pulmonary function test demonstrated an obstructive pattern. Enhanced computed tomography (CT) revealed saddle PE, right popliteal venous thrombosis, and left brachial artery occlusion. After the treatment with edoxaban, an anticoagulant, and aspirin, the PE was significantly alleviated, and the brachial artery occlusion was recanalized. Subsequently, the right-to-left shunt through PFO was confirmed, and PDE was suspected of inducting her brachial artery embolism. In the present case, the pulse attenuation of the radial artery and upper limb pain prompted us to consider peripheral vascular disease or coagulation disorders. Physicians should keep in mind that patients with asthma are at considerable risk of PE, and it is important to be aware of possible PFO in patients presenting with the coexistence of PE and systemic arterial embolism.