(1) Employing the “cava pocket” method of Stewart and Rogoff, we have been able to detect a distinct increase of the rate of epinephrine output from the suprarenal glands by sensory stimulation.
The increase of the rate of epinephrine output was caused either soely by the increase of the epinephrine concentraion of the blood from the suprarenal veins, by the co-operation of an increase of the blood flow through the suprarenal glands, or chiefly by the latter.
No effect of sensory stimulation upon the rate of epinephrine output was also observed in some cases.
(2) The rate of epinephrine output under the unavoidable experimental conditions of the “cava pocket” method, as anaesthesia, laparotomy, tying of blood vessels, etc., but without applying any particular manipulation such as stimulation of the nerve as a centripetal one, asphyxia, etc. does not range within so narrow a limit.
(3) As a rule, the amount of epinephrine left in the suprarenal glands, the epinephrine output from which was largely augmented by sensory stimulation, was greater in comparison with that of the cases where the augmentation of epinephrine output by the same manipulation was small.
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