The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 67, Issue 1
Displaying 1-13 of 13 articles from this issue
  • Masataka Kato
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 1-9
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A conditioned cardiac reflex accompanying conditioned food reflex was elaborated in dogs by applying the sound of metronome beat (conditioned stimulus) in combination with feeding of a definite amount of food (unconditioned stimulus), simultaneously or successively with an appropriate time interval. The changes of the cardiac rhythm were investigated, being recorded by means of “Cardiotachograph.”
    When the simultaneous conditioned reflex was well-established, the heart rate became accelerated by the conditioned stimulus approximately to the same extent as by the unconditioned stimulus alone.
    Both the generalization and the differentiation of the conditioned reflex were confirmed to exist quite in the manner consistent with the general principle known in the classical conditioned reflex.
    In the delayed conditioned food reflex, the cardiac rate increased soon after the onset of the conditioned stimulus similarly to the simultaneous conditioned reflex and decreased to a level somewhat higher than the basal cardiac rate after 20 to 30 seconds and remained at this level during the conditioned stimulus was being given.
    Thus there seems to be no internal inhibition for the conditioned cardiac acceleration corresponding to the inactive phase with respect to the salivary secretion in the delayed conditioned reflex. The mechanism concerned is not clear.
    After the delayed conditioned reflex had been well established, the conditioned cardiac acceleration was extinguished when the conditioned stimulus alone was repeatedly given without food.
    The conditioned cardiac acceleration, thus extinguished once, could be reestablished by renewed institution of reinforcements.
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  • Hajime Masamune, Shigeru Tsuiki, Sigetosi Kamiyama, Sin-iti Abe, Mituo ...
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 10
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • I. The Elucidation of the Systemic Toxic Syndrome Developed in the Recipient
    Yoshinobu Ishikawa, Keizo Miura, Hozue Kimura, Koichi Mizutani
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 11-18
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    We confirmed that after homologous transplantation of the kidney, similar pathological finding was observed in the recipient own liver and kidney as well as in the transplanted kidney. It is believed that systemic toxic syndrome in the recipient which has not been able to explain so far is due to such occurrence of pathology. No one has yet paid attention to this new information or has given due significance to it. Followup studies and comments are expected on this point.
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  • II. The Resembling Histological Changes between Homotransplanted Kidney and Vital Organs in the Homologous Cross-Circulated Animals
    Yoshinobu Ishikawa, Keizo Miura, Hozue Kimura, Koichi Mizutani
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 19-28
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. In order to clarify the destroying mechanism of the homotransplanted kidney, cross circulation between nonanesthetized homologous species were carried out following experimental homotransplantation of the kidney.
    2. All cross-circulated animals died between 12-144 hours after cross circulation. Their liver, kidney and brain showed the same pathological findings as that in the transplanted kidney.
    3. In our first report with homotransplantation of the kidney, the same pathological picture occurred in the recipient liver and kidney as well as in the transplanted kidney. According to the present experimental results, a resembling pathological findings was observed in the transplanted kidney itself, recipient liver and kidney, and vital organs in the cross-circulated animals.
    4. This resembling pathological finding common to the 3 organs is an artificial product which cannot be observed in clinical pathological materials, which is probably allergic or toxic products.
    5. The reason hat a resembling pathological picture will occurr is probably due to that the 3 organs are placed in the same circulatory pattern. The mechanism of destruction of homotransplanted kidney may have occurred under the same condition. In such circulatory pattern, homologous immunity phenomenon may occur, which needs further studies to verify.
    6. Our results and opinion based on these observations are a new finding which we couldn't find in he literature as far as we could look for.
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  • Koiti Motokawa, Mitsuo Komatsu
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 29-41
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    By the method of electrostimulation the reflection of spreading induction in the human retina was investigated. Spreading induction is a propagated process initiated by a colored light and has an effect to extinguish or neutralize a physiological after-effect of another colored light.
    1. The propagation of spreading induction is blocked by a white line or its after-image existing on the way of propagation.
    2. The direction of propagation is so changed by a white line as it follows the law of reflection.
    3. When spreading induction is set up by a colored light placed at one focus of an elliptic white line figure, so it converges into the other focus.
    4. When a colored spot is presented at the focus of a parabolic white line figure, the direction of propagation of spreading induction becomes parallel to the axis of the parabola.
    5. If a colored spot is presented at the center of a circular white line figure, the retinal induction caused by the colored light is neutralized by the reflected spreading induction. This phenomenon is called “selfneutralization”.
    6. The propagation velocity of spreading induction was measured utilizing the phenomenon of selfneutralization. The value obtained by this method showed close agreement with those obtained by different methods of approach.
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  • Hajime Masamune, Hirosi Kaketa, Sin-iti Abe
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 42
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • CCVII. Dialyzable KIK Factor in Cancerous Ascitic Fluid
    Mituo Haga
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 43-54
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. A dialyzable KIK factor (Prep. 1) was isolated from cancerous ascitic fluids and a corresponding mucoprotein (Prep. 1') from the noncancerous in electrophoretically homogeneous state, and their properties were examined.
    2. Prep. 1 and 1' both were composed of galactosamine, glucosamine, galactose, glucose, mannose, L-fucose and xylose and/or lyxose.
    3. Prep. 1 differed from the undialyzable factor from the same source in quantitative-analytical figures of the sugar components, optical rotation, electrophoretic mobility and solubility and from Prep. 1' in protein and sialic acid contents, optical rotation and electrophoretic mobility.
    4. Prep. 1 was not deprived of the anemia-inducing potency by heating with water at 100°C, agitation with glacial acetic acid and boiling with alcohol.
    5. The anemia-inducing potency of Prep. 1 was not damaged by heating at 100°C with 0.1 N acetic acid, notwithstanding that parts at least of L-fucose and of sialic acid were cleft off thereby. The potency was destroyed when the substance was heated with slightly alkalinized physiological saline, 1 N acetic acid and 0.1 N hydrochloric acid. Judging from the chemical findings in these cases, all the molecules of galactose look to be indispensable for the activity.
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  • Kozo Matanabe
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 55-64
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Yoshio Goto, Isao Ito
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 65-72
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The change in the blood ATP level of five diabetic patients and five normal adults was observed hourly for five hours following adrenaline injection (0.5mg.). Adrenaline injection produced a definite decrease in blood ATP and this decrease was more prominent in the diabetic group than in the normal persons. The change of blood inorganic phosphorus elicited by adrenaline was biphasic in healthy adults, with a decrease phase and an increase phase. In the diabetic group, this initial decrease phase was absent or very slight. These results seem to suggest a latent disturbance of ATP formation in diabetic patients.
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  • I. Effects on the Ciliary Movement of the Oyster Gill
    Iwao Yamaguchi, Kiyota Oh-Uti
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 73-85
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Aqueous extracts of both gastric carcinoma and normal gastric mucosa inhibited the mechanical activity of gill cilia of the oyster, and the ciliary inhibition of the former was definitely stronger than that of the latter.
    2. The substances responsible for the ciliary inhibition passed through a cellophane membrane almost entirely in 24 hours of dialysis against sea water.
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  • II. Effect on the Movement of Paramecium of the Extract of Gastric Carcinoma Tissue (1 st Report)
    Kiyota Oh-Uti, Gen-itiro Hasegawa, Iwao Yamaguchi, Hirosuke Abe
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 87-89
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    An aqueous extract of gastric carcinoma and its fractions were tested for the activity immobilizing Paramecium caudatum.
    1. The extract showed a strong immobilizing activity, as compared with the similar extract of normal gastric mucosa.
    2. The immobilizing factor was dialyzable through cellophane.
    3. The factor was soluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in amylalcohol, but hardly soluble in acetone and ether.
    4. The factor was absorbed by a cation exchange resin.
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  • III. Effect on the Movement of Paramecium of the Gastric Juice of Gastric Carcinoma Patients
    Kiyota Oh-Uti, Hirosuke Abe, Iwao Yamaguchi
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 91-96
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Investigation was made on the effect on the movement of Paramecium of the gastric juice of gastric carcinoma patients.
    1. The gastric juice of gastric carcinoma patients contains a factor intensely immobilizing Paramecium.
    2) The immobilizing factor is hardly soluble in water, not readily dialyzable through cellophane, and soluble in various organic solvents. The immobilizing activity is remarkably decreased by such treatments as filtration, condensation under reduced pressure, preservation under reduced pressure, and heating at 100°C. for 1 hour.
    3. The ethereal extract of the gastric juice of gastric carcinoma patients shows a higher immobilizing activity than the similar extract from healthy persons.
    4. Of the three fractions (neutral fat, solid acid, and liquid acid) of this ethereal extract from gastric carcinoma patients, the liquid acid fraction shows the highest immobilizing activity. Paperchromatographic analysis has revealed that the liquid acid fraction consists mainly of unsaturated fatty acids.
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  • IV. On a Factor in Gastric Carcinoma Tissue Inhibiting the Catalase Activity of the Mouse Liver
    Kiyota Oh-Uti, Jun-ya Sato, Hirosuke Abe, Iwao Yamaguchi
    1957 Volume 67 Issue 1 Pages 97-103
    Published: December 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Various fractions were prepared from the tissue of gastric carcinoma, and tested for inhibition of the catalase activity of the mouse liver by Warburg's manometric method.
    1. The aqueous extract of gastric carcinoma was effective at as small a dose as 10mg., whereas the minimum effective dose in the case of normal gastric mucosa was 30mg.
    2. Of the various gastric carcinoma extracts tested, the fraction that was mainly composed of nucleoprotein was most effective, the minumum effective dose being as small as 1mg.
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