The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 195, Issue 2
Displaying 1-8 of 8 articles from this issue
Regular Contributions
  • Kunihiko Hoshi, Yutaka Ejima, Ryuichi Hasegawa, Chikanobu Sasaki, Kohj ...
    2001 Volume 195 Issue 2 Pages 65-72
    Published: 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: December 28, 2004
    Respiratory care patients frequently require intubation with an endotracheal tube (ETT). Unfortunately, the ETT introduces a pressure drop (ΔPETT) that depends on the respiratory flow rate, thus increasing the work of breathing (WOB). Pressure support ventilation (PSV) cannot adequately compensate for this added WOB, because the degree of inspiratory assistance by PSV is fixed. Therefore, a technique called tube compensation (TC) has been developed to address ΔPETT. We examined the performance of TC and compared it with PSV of 5 cmH2O. The experimental system was constructed from a simulator, a test-lung, flow sensors, and a Bennett 840, and the respiratory parameters were studied. ETTs with IDs 6.5 and 8.0 mm were used. The quadratic approximation obtained for ΔPETT in the 6.5-mm ETT was 2.316×flow+7.910×flow2, while that for the 8.0-mm ETT was 1.881×flow+3.353×flow2. The maximum inspiratory flow (MIF) increased significantly with increasing TC, but tidal volume and inspiratory time did not show marked changes. The MIF for TC of 100% was larger than that for PSV of 5 cmH2O, when the 6.5-mm ID was used, but there was no significant difference between these modes when an ID of 8.0 mm was used. For both the 6.5 and 8.0-mm IDs, the PV loop corresponding to 100% TC was larger than that for PSV of 5 cmH2O. TC only compensated for the WOB caused by the ETT, whereas PSV compensated for the WOB caused by the ETT and the demand valve system. In clinical use, the differences between TC and PSV will demand attention.
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  • Masue Imaizumi, Arata Watanabe, Atsushi Kikuta, Toshikuni Takano, Etsu ...
    2001 Volume 195 Issue 2 Pages 73-83
    Published: 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: December 28, 2004
    In the hospitals of the Tohoku Neuroblastoma Study Group (TNBSG), treatment for children with advanced neuroblastoma (NB) was intensified in the mid-1990's with the introduction of myeloablative therapy (MT) with stem cell transplantation (SCT) including the use of autologous peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) and bone marrow transplantation (BMT). In this report, we examined whether the intensified therapy improved the outcome of children with advanced NB (age>12 months) who were diagnosed between 1991 and 1997. Patients were 36 children (23 boys and 13 girls) with an average age of 3.4 years (range; 1 to 14 years). Six of them had stage III disease, and the other 30 had stage IV. They were treated initially with induction chemotherapy, surgery, and post-operative chemoradiotherapy, after which 17 of them continued further chemotherapy and the other 19 received MT/SCT (18 with PBSCT and 1 with BMT). Progression-free survival (PFS) rate at seven years from diagnosis was 43.5% for all patients, 66.7% for stage III patients and 38.2% for stage IV patients. The difference between stage III and IV patients was not significant. Among the 30 patients with stage IV disease, PFS at seven years was significantly higher in the 19 patients who received MT/SCT (55.6%) than in the 11 patients who did not receive it (12.5%). There was no difference in clinical and biological risk factors between these two groups, except for the proportion of patients with favorable response to initial therapy (36% and 80% for patients without and with MT/SCT, respectively). Furthermore, the proportion of patients with N-myc amplification was significantly higher in patients with progressive disease (PD) after MT/SCT than in those in CR after MT/SCT. The results of this retrospective study of children with advanced NB suggest that therapy intensification involving MT/SCT might result in lengthened survival time for patients with stage IV disease, and that post-transplant PD remains a risk for patients with high levels of N-myc amplification.
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  • Yukie Kumagai, Yoshihiro Sugiura, Shinya Shimoji, Tomohiro Kumagai, Sa ...
    2001 Volume 195 Issue 2 Pages 85-91
    Published: 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: December 28, 2004
    The prevalence of each type of hereditary spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) was genetically determined in Fukushima Prefecture, and the results were compared to those in other areas of Japan. The genetic analyses were done in 29 patients with dominant SCA and 5 patients with SCA with negative family history. Machado-Joseph disease was identified in 41.3% of the cases, SCA6 17.2%, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) 6.9% and unknown 34.5%. The incidence is clearly different from those of Miyagi and Yamagata Prefectures as SCA1 has not been identified in our region, and is in fact similar to that of Hokuriku or Kanto Provinces. An apparent difference in the incidence of each SCA may be attributed to the historical and geographic regional difference in the distribution of inhabitants and also to the small size of the SCA population we have so far investigated. In addition, 2 of the 3 genetically identified DRPLA in this study were not clinically diagnosed, and one of them was thought to be sporadic. Late onset DRPLA may thus be misdiagnosed to other disease categories, when dementia was not apparent at the time of onset.
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  • Itsuro Yoshimi, Kiyoshi Aoyagi, Kunihiko Okano, Yuichiro Yahata, Yosuk ...
    2001 Volume 195 Issue 2 Pages 93-99
    Published: 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: December 28, 2004
    Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) is a recently developed technique for evaluating fracture risk that can assess both bone mass and architecture. Although numerous studies have shown that menopause is associated with accelerated loss of bone mineral density, there are only a few studies on the association of QUS parameter (stiffness index) with menopausal status, especially among Japanese population. We examined age-specific changes in stiffness index, and relation with age, body mass index (BMI) and menopausal status among 506 community-dwelling Japanese women aged 40-89 years. Mean age at menopause (standard deviation) among 459 women with natural menopause was 49.4 (4.0) years. Stiffness index significantly decreased with increasing age. Stiffness index among 80-89 years age group was 40% lower, compared with that of 40-49 years age group. The greatest decline among adjacent ten-year age groups in stiffness index (15%) was found between 40-49 and 50-59 years of age. Multiple regression analysis showed that menopause related with decreased stiffness index, independent of age and BMI. Our findings indicate that menopause influences loss of bone mass and induces deterioration of bone trabecular microstructure.
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  • Norihiko Tsuchiya, Kazunari Sato, Toshiya Akao, Hideaki Kakinuma, Ryus ...
    2001 Volume 195 Issue 2 Pages 101-113
    Published: 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: December 28, 2004
    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-related factors are believed to regulate angiogenesis, an essential event in the growth of solid tumors. In this study, we investigated the expression of VEGF-related factor genes (VEGF, VEGF-B, and VEGF-C) and their receptor genes (VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2) in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). There were significant differences in the expression level of VEGF, VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 between RCC and the corresponding normal renal tissue. The expression level of VEGF in the tumor tissue significantly correlated with those of VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2. Expression levels VEGF-B and VEGF-C genes were not significantly different between RCC and normal renal tissue. A moderate to high protein expression for VEGF, VEGFR-1, and VEGFR-2 was observed in both the tumor cells and the endothelial cells, whereas the protein expression was low for VEGF-B and VEGF-C. The present results suggested that VEGF and its receptors VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 cooperates to play a crucial role in the angiogenesis of RCC, while VEGF-B and VEGFR-C may not. Furthermore, since VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 proteins were expressed in the tumor cells as well as in the endothelial cells, these receptors may also be responsible for the progression of RCC.
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  • Sárka Chvojková, Ludmila Kazdová, Jana Divisov&aa ...
    2001 Volume 195 Issue 2 Pages 115-123
    Published: 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: December 28, 2004
    Changes in lipid metabolism in muscles are closely related to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is impaired during aging in hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats. However, changes in the membrane fatty acid composition during aging are poorly understood. The aim of the study was to describe the fatty acid (FA) composition of muscle phospholipids in the diaphragm and in the m. soleus in relation to aging and insulin resistance. Female hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats (HHTg) have been shown to have elevated levels of serum triglycerides. Fasting and post-load blood glucose and insulin concentrations were higher in HHTg lines as compared with controls of the same age. The most important changes observed in the m. soleus in the HHTg line included decreased saturated FA between 3 and 14 months of age (42.79±2.30 vs. 28.85±2.57 mol.%, p<0.01) and increased polyunsaturated FA n-6 (27.99±1.66 vs. 39.37±2.29 mol.%, p<0.01). In the diaphragm we noted, in normotriglyceridemic controls, increased proportions of monounsaturated FA (5.73±0.80 vs. 11.02±0.75 mol.%, p<0.001), while these proportions were decreased in HHTg rats (13.50±0.83 vs. 10.46±0.61 mol.%, p<0.05). Age-related changes in muscle phospholipids seem not to be the key to explaining insulin resistance.
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Case Reports
  • Tsutomu Sato, Ouki Yasui, Toshiaki Kurokawa, Yoshihiro Asanuma, Kenji ...
    2001 Volume 195 Issue 2 Pages 125-133
    Published: 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: December 28, 2004
    In order to reduce risk for postoperative acute liver failure, prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) was administered either from the hepatic artery (HA) or the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) in four high-risk cases undergoing major hepatic resection. Two cases were subjected to HA PGE1 infusion for 3 or 4 days after surgery at a rate of 0.01 μg/kg/min. Both patients had hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) associated with chronic hepatitis, and ICG R15 was 17.6% and 14.5%, respectively. Right hemihepatectomy and extended right hemihepatectomy were performed. Serum total bilirubin (T. Bil.) peak value was 2.2 mg/100 ml in Case 1 and 2.1 mg/100 ml in Case 2. In Case 1, decreased bile flow was observed immediately after cessation of PGE1. The other two cases were subjected to SMA PGE1 infusion for 5 or 6 days after surgery at the same rate. In Case 3, right hemihepatectomy was performed for HCC on a cirrhotic liver four weeks after right portal vein embolization, in which preoperative ICG R15 was 19.0%. Peak T. Bil level was 3.7 mg/100 ml with uneventful postoperative course. In Case 4 with a huge cholangioma, right trisegmentectomy was performed. Peak serum T. Bil level was 1.7 mg/100 ml in this uneventful postoperative course. In Case 3 and Case 4, portal blood flow, measured by Doppler ultrasonography, was markedly increased by PGE1 infusion. From these results, intra-arterial PGE1 infusion might be useful in prevention of postoperative liver failure after major hepatic resection.
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  • Kaori Iwatsuki, Tetsuro Murakami, Yasuhiro Manabe, Hisashi Narai, Hito ...
    2001 Volume 195 Issue 2 Pages 135-140
    Published: 2001
    Released on J-STAGE: December 28, 2004
    Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leucoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is a rare hereditary stroke disease. In the present study, a Japanese CADASIL family was first reported with missense mutation of Arg141Cys of Notch3 and a unique lesion of corpus callosum. Upon neuropsychological examination, our case 1 showed only right-handed constructional apraxia associated with corpus callosum lesion. No other callosal disconnection signs were present. Sagittal T2 weighted image of case 1 showed multiple small lesions along with the pericallosal branches from the truncus to the posterior part of the splenium in the corpus callosum. Although detailed mapping of the corpus callosum for functional fractionation in humans remains incomplete, the constructional apraxia on the right may be related to callosal dysfunction from the truncus to the posterior part of the splenium in the corpus callosum.
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