The atherosclerotic index (AI) of the aorta in Sendai area was studied with 603 consecutive autopsy materials according to the method of Gore and Tejada. The mean AI calculated in every decade from the 1st to 9th was 0.002, 0.391, 0.850, 1.436, 2.085, 4.821, 6.279, 12.658 and 15.522, respectively. AI increased with age gradually up to the 5th decade and remarkably in the subsequent decades. A comparative study of AI between Sendai and certain other geographic areas in Japan available in the literature revealed that there were no significant differences according to individual area up to 60 years of age, whereas a distinct difference was observed in the subsequent ages. Sendai area took the lowest rank in Al which was comparable to the value obtained from the Bantu in South Africa.
Calcification was observed in 74 cases, 69 of which belonged to the group after 60 years of age, while the youngest was in the 3rd decade. The abdominal aorta and the aortic arch were the sites of the most frequent involvement. As to the relationship between Al and basic diseases, cases of myocardial infarction and aortic aneurysm in ages after 50 years and of malignant nephroselerosis generally had high AI values, while cases of malignant neoplasm showed low Al values. No significant change in Al was observed among cases of cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, chronic glomerulonephritis and diabetes mellitus. There were no confirmable correlations between Al and systolic blood pressure or heart weight.
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