The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 92, Issue 4
Displaying 1-8 of 8 articles from this issue
  • Keiya Tada, Toshio Yoshida, Haruko Hirono, Tsuneo Arakawa
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 4 Pages 325-332
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Free amino acid pattern was determined by an automatic amino acid analyzer in a biopsy spacimen of the liver from a patient with homocystinuria and from three control individuals. An accumulation of homocystine was demonstrated in the homocystinuric liver. The concentration of methionine was found to be higher in the homocystinuric liver than in controls' liver. On the contrary, the concentration of cvstine was found to be lower in the former than in the latter. Free amino acid patterns in the urine, serum and cerebrospinal fluid from the patient were also determined.
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  • Wazo Sato, Tsukasa Takemura, Hiroyuki Suzuki
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 4 Pages 333-344
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In regard to the development of allergic contact dermatitis and autosensitization dermatitis, skin protein, particularly epidermal protein is regarded to play an important role as antigen. The localization of the specific skin antigen in the epidermis has been suggested by investigations of heterologous and homologous immunization. In order to determine the antigenicity of epidermal cells, the immunization with malpighian cells without any other components of the skin is desirable.
    Guinea-pigs were immunized with the rabbit malpighian cells separated from the horny layer and corium by trypsinization. The antigenicity of malpighian cells was studied by gel diffusion, complement fixation test and the fluorescent antibody staining technique. The antigenicity of the rabbit malpighian cells was present in insoluble components as well as in soluble ones; the cell membrane was contained particularly in the insoluble components.
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  • Eiji Takahashi
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 4 Pages 345-378
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    For an epidemiologic approach to the etiology of cerebrovascular disease by comparing with that of arteriosclerotic and degenerative heart diseases, the latest regional data for mortality from those diseases were collected from most European countries in 1964. The peculiar gradient of the mortality rate distribution in the respective countries is interpreted by physicochemical factors of natural environment such as climate, geology and character of water, and the socio-economic factors such as urban-rural residency, status of agriculture and indus-trialization, and local dietary habits. As a result, the effect of calcium and vitamin deficiencies is epidemiologically suggested for the development of cerebro-vascular disease.
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  • Yutaka Ishitoya, Tsuneo Namiki, Chuichi Itoh
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 4 Pages 379-388
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The atherosclerotic index (AI) of the aorta in Sendai area was studied with 603 consecutive autopsy materials according to the method of Gore and Tejada. The mean AI calculated in every decade from the 1st to 9th was 0.002, 0.391, 0.850, 1.436, 2.085, 4.821, 6.279, 12.658 and 15.522, respectively. AI increased with age gradually up to the 5th decade and remarkably in the subsequent decades. A comparative study of AI between Sendai and certain other geographic areas in Japan available in the literature revealed that there were no significant differences according to individual area up to 60 years of age, whereas a distinct difference was observed in the subsequent ages. Sendai area took the lowest rank in Al which was comparable to the value obtained from the Bantu in South Africa.
    Calcification was observed in 74 cases, 69 of which belonged to the group after 60 years of age, while the youngest was in the 3rd decade. The abdominal aorta and the aortic arch were the sites of the most frequent involvement. As to the relationship between Al and basic diseases, cases of myocardial infarction and aortic aneurysm in ages after 50 years and of malignant nephroselerosis generally had high AI values, while cases of malignant neoplasm showed low Al values. No significant change in Al was observed among cases of cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, chronic glomerulonephritis and diabetes mellitus. There were no confirmable correlations between Al and systolic blood pressure or heart weight.
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  • Kinji Ishikawa
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 4 Pages 389-401
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1) A theoretical approach was attempted to define the intensity of light reflected in blood when fiber optics were used, and the following mathematical expression was derived:
    2) This formula was valid over a certain range of hematocrit. Reflected light decreased, however, when hematocrit exceeded 60 per cent. This was explained by the shading effects.
    3) The reflexibility of light between plasma and red blood cell amounted to 3.4 per cent. A major portion of decrement of incident light resulted from this low reflexibility, and small variation in reflexibility produced a great variation in reflected light.
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  • Kinji Ishikawa
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 4 Pages 403-414
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The fundamental physical phenomena involved in the application of fiber optics to in vivo densitometry or oximetry were investigated on bovine blood, and a new method for calibrating dye-dilution curve was proposed.
    1) Reflected light was increased by the movement of blood when fiber optics were positioned either across or against blood flow, and decreased when they were positioned along the blood flow. The increment or decrement of reflected light attained its maximum with a flow rate of 10cm/sec, and reflected light came to the original level at rest with further increase in flow rate. The orientation of discoid red blood cells, transformation of the cells, and the occurrence of turbulence were taken into consideration as possible causes.
    2) Reflected light was decreased with admixture of dye. The ratio of this decrement to reflected light before admixture of dye did not show any sample-to-sample variation. 3) This relationship was utilized for calibrating dye-dilution curves. Cardiac output calculated by this method agreed well with that by the conventional cuvette method.
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  • Tetsuo Maki, Goro Kakizaki, Toshio Sato, Yoichi Saito, Toshiyuki Onuma ...
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 4 Pages 415-421
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    One hundred and five Wistar rats were divided into six groups according to the compositions of diet and fed on the respective diet for four to six months, and then received orally 15% ethyl alcohol instead of drinking water for two months. The following results were obtained.
    1) The serum amylase levels were above 64 units in most of the rats, except for the group of high carbohydrate diet in which 57% of rats showed a normal value.
    2) Pancreatic edema was observed in almost all cases of each dietary group, but fat necrosis, ascites or pancreatic necrosis was not noted at all at laparotomy.
    3) Histologic changes of the pancreas were significantly different from those of controls in groups of high protein, high fat, high protein and high fat diets, but not in the high carbohydrate group.
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  • Kaoru Sagisaka
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 4 Pages 423-433
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The present study deals with the distribution of periodic-acid-Schiff (PAS) positive substances in the thymus of dd-strain mice. The PAS-positive substances were found in about 15 per cent of the thymus lymphocytes in normal cases, and all of these cells were small thymic lymphocytes. In formalin stress, the substances disappeared just before morphological changes of the cells began to appear.
    From a standpoint of the maturity of thymic lymphocytes investigated by means of tritiated thymidine, it was considered that the substances might develop in the cytoplasm in accordance with the growth of cells. Autoradiographs showed that labeled large thymic lymphocytes were transformed into PAS-positive labeled small ones with the lapse of time after the injection of isotope. Therefore, it is conceivable that thymic lymphocytes produce these substances in the immature stage of cells.
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