The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 88, Issue 3
Displaying 1-11 of 11 articles from this issue
  • Tsuneo Arakawa, Masako Fujii, Kazuo Ohara
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 3 Pages 195-202
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Formiminotransferase activity was estimated on erythrocyte lysates obtained from two cases with the formiminotransferase deficiency syndrome, and was found to be markedly decreased in both the cases as compared with that of controls. This finding suggested that an estimation of formiminotransferase activity of erythrocyte lysates might be used as a tool for diagnosis of this syndrome.
    Clinical and biochemical findings of the third case of formiminotransferase deficiency syndrome were described.
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  • Isao Yamane, Noboru Nakano
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 3 Pages 203-214
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The authors successfully cultivated FM3A cell line in two kinds of serum-free media, which was derived from a case of spontaneous mammary carcinoma converted in vivo into ascites form of C3H stock mice and was grown in a serum containing modified Eagle's medium for about seven months. Bovine plasma albumin, bactopeptone, sodium pyruvate and ferric chloride were effective as additives to the serum-free media and their optimum concentrations were 500, 1, 500 and 110mg/l medium, respectively. The animal transplantability of the cultured cells was examined, which were grown in the serum-free medium, and the inoculation of 105 cells or more per mouse induced tumor death but that of a less number of cells did not. The implanted cells in the peritoneal cavities of mice were recovered into the serum-free medium without a distinct lag period. The chromosomal distribution of the cells was investigated which were grown in the serum-free medium. The primary culture of the in vivo transplanted FM3A cells was successfully carried out without a distinct lag period.
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  • Kenji Hirai
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 3 Pages 215-220
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In 14 cats anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital the adrenal venous blood was collected through a cannula inserted into the adrenal vein, and the vermis of the cerebellum was electrically stimulated. The adrenal venous blood samples were analyzed fluorimetrically for adrenaline and noradrenaline. In 2 cats electrical stimulation of the central lobule produced a definite increase in adrenal medullary secretion. Catecholamines liberated on stimulation were predominantly noradrenaline. A similar result was obtained in one cat in which the uvula of the posterior lobe was stimulated. In these 3 cats a marked elevation of blood pressure was observed during stimulation. Slight increase in adrenal medullary secretion was produced in 4 cats by stimulation of the medullary portion of the cerebellum.
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  • Kiku Nakao, Masao Ikeda, Kizuku Kuramoto, Hon Ying Lie, Saichi Hosoda, ...
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 3 Pages 221-234
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In order to differentiate the effect of vagal stimulation from that of heart rate on the coronary circulation, the effect of efferent vagal stimulation was investigated in 26 dogs by keeping the heart rate constant by means of an atrioventricular block.
    1. In the initial phase of the vagal stimulation in sinus rhythm the coronary blood flow increased with a rise in systolic pressure and slight decrease in the mean blood pressure; coronary flow then declined gradually with depression of blood pressure. The calculated coronary vascular resistance decreased in all experiments, and averaged -22%.
    2. In complete A-V block no increase in coronary flow was observed during vagal stimulation. Both the coronary blood flow and blood pressure declined slightly, and the coronary vascular resistance remained unchanged. This indicates that bradycardia may play a major role in reduction of the coronary vascular resistance during vagal stimulation in sinus rhythm.
    3. The effect of atrial contraction was observed in the instantaneous tracing of coronary blood flow in the experiment on A-V block. With each atrial contraction the coronary blood flow decreased synchronously, presumably owing to increase in intraventricular pressure and in extravascular pressure to intramural coronary vessels. The cessation of atrial contraction during vagal stimulation may act to increase the coronary flow and decrease the coronary vascular resistance.
    4. In incomplete A-V block, a slight slowing of the heart rate during vagal stimulation was observed, and the coronary vascular resistance decreased by 16% below the control level. The mechanism of this response was discussed. Thus, the decrease in coronary vascular resistance seen during the vagal stimulation can be accounted for mainly on the basis of mechanical factors.
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  • Kizuku Kuramoto, Hon Ying Lie, Saichi Hosoda, Hiroshi Kurihara, Masao ...
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 3 Pages 235-244
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The direct and secondary effects of tachycardia on the coronary circulation were analyzed in the dog's heart with atrioventricular block, pacing the heart at rates of 60, 120, 180 and 240 per minute from ventricular automatism (heart rate 45 on an average). The effect of bradycardia was also studied by turning off the pacemaker from various heart rates.
    1. In the initial phase of marked tachycardia, a decrease in coronary blood flow and an increase in coronary vascular resistance were observed, presumably due to direct mechanical effect of tachycardia on the coronary vasculature. Increases in coronary vascular resistance were 4.9%, 8.5%, 26.7% and 38.8% at ventricular rates of 60, 120, 180 and 240, respectively.
    2. The coronary blood flow increased in the late phase of marked ventricular tachycardia. This suggested the effect of metabolic and humoral factors. The coronary vascular resistance decreased by 1.0%, 12.5%, 30.5% and 32.2% at the pacemaker rates of 60, 120, 180 and 240, respectively.
    3. Changes in heart rate from ventricular tachycardia to the ventricular automatism were considered to reveal the effect of bradycardia. The coronary vascular resistance remained unchanged in bradycardia starting from ventricular rates of 60 and 120, but it decreased in bradycardia from ventricular rates of 180 and 240, and averaged -15.3% and -24.6%, respectively.
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  • Tomio Narisawa
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 3 Pages 245-256
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The initial site and the extension of tumor growth in the kidney in hematoge-nous metastasis were investigated by inoculating a certain number of tumor cells into the kidney via the renal artery.
    The emboli of tumor cells were observed in the glomerular capillaries and the arterioles immediately after the inoculation. The embolized cells used to decrease or disappear showing degenerating signs within a few days. Five days later, the tumor cells increased in the glomerular capillaries, filling the glomerulus. And then some tumor cells were seen in the Bowman's space and the tumor extended into the tubulus through the proximal convolution. Tumor cells failed to extend out through the basement membrane of the Bowman's capsules or tubuli. No metastatic focus was observed in other site in the kidney. In some animals, slight hematuria was observed in the urine of the bladder, although no tumor cells were detected in the urine within the time of observation.
    Mechanisms of hematogenous metastasis in the kidney, and the implanta- tion metastasis into the lower urinary tract were discussed on the basis of the results obtained in the experiment.
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  • Kenichi Iwatsuki, Tsuneo Yusa, Yasuhiko Hashimoto, Yoshitane Watabe
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 3 Pages 257-262
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agents such as pronethalol and pro-pranolol have been reported to be useful in the treatment of various types of arrhythmia, including ventricular flutter and fibrillation. Recently, we experienced a patient who had been suffering from recurrent attacks of paroxysmal ventricular fibrillation, which was successfully controlled by pro-pranolol (Inderal®). The patient was a 22-year-old man who was admitted with a chief complaint of recurrent episodes of retrosternal distress, occasionally associated with syncope. On examination this attack was found to be due to ventricular fibrillation. Propranolol (Inderal®) in 4mg given intravenously completely suppressed the recurrent attacks after other drugs had failed. The nature of this ventricular fibrillation was difficult to point out, but a certain localized myocarditis was suspected as a focus of abnormal myocardial irritability.
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  • Kenichi Iwatsuki, Tsuneo Yusa, Isamu Yasuda, Yasuhiko Hashimoto, Kotar ...
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 3 Pages 263-276
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The antagonizing effect of propranolol (Inderal®) on the arrhythmias induced by exogenous adrenaline under halothane anesthesia was investigated in dogs as well as in patients. The results obtained were summarized as follows.
    1. Propranolol in a dose of 100 γ/kg given intravenously completely antagonized the stimulating effect of adrenaline on the heart in dogs. The half life of the action was found to be 45-50 minutes.
    2. Propranolol in a dose of 50 γ/kg given intravenously decreased the adrenaline sensitivity of the heart under halothane anesthesia almost to that under thiopental anesthesia in dogs.
    3. Propranolol in a dose of 100 γ/kg given intravenously under halothane anesthesia in dogs reduced cardiac output and pulse rate by approximately 22% and 14%, respectively, but did not show any significant effect on blood pressure.
    4. When patients were administered 50 γ/kg of propranolol previously, the incidence of cardiac arrhythmias induced by the intramuscular infiltration of 50 γ/kg of adrenaline under halothane anesthesia was found less than that under ether anesthesia. The arrhythmias encountered were converted to normal sinus rhythm by the administration of 50 γ/kg of propranolol in every case.
    In view of the results obtained, propranolol seems to be useful in preventing the adrenaline-induced cardiac arrhythmias, and it may be suggested that a prior intravenous administration of 50 γ/kg of propranolol makes adrenaline available in commonly used doses even under halothane anesthesia.
    The authors wish to thank Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. (Japan) which made available the propranolol (Inderal®) in this study.
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  • Akira Makita, Chiyuki Suzuki, Zensaku Yosizawa, Tasuke Konno
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 3 Pages 277-288
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Glycolipids of Gaueher's spleens (three cases) were examined for their content and chemical characterization, comparing with normal control.
    Apparent accumulation of glucocerebroside was found in all cases.
    In a case, however, a faster-moving glycolipid fraction than cerebroside on a thin-layer chromatogram, traces of which were detected also in other cases and normal control, was found in a certain amount. From this fraction, a fatty acid ester of glucocerebroside was isolated. Two-thirds of fatty acid of this fraction were composed of the acids below C20.
    Hematoside which increased in a certain extent, had the same chemical structure, N-acetylneuraminoyl-(2→3)-galactosyl-(1→4)-glucosyl-ceramide, as that of normal human spleen.
    Other glycolipids separated from Gaucher's spleens showed no significant variation in amounts and were all identical in chemical character with those found already in normal spleen.
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  • Takuji Kasamatsu, Kitsuya Iwama
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 3 Pages 289-303
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Using cats carrying permanent electrodes, the central visual function was studied during the three phases of natural sleep (LS1, LS2, and DS). LS1 and LS2 are the phases of light sleep (high-voltage slow wave sleep); LS1 is characterized by spindle activity and occasional desynchronized activity of the sensorimotor cortical EEG, whereas during LS2 slow waves are predominant. DS corresponds to so-called deep sleep (low-voltage fast wave sleep).
    1. Sensorimotor cortical and hippocampal electrographic signs of the three phases of sleep were studied quantitatively by means of an automatic frequency analyser.
    2. It was shown during a long course of sleep-wakefulness cycle that the three phases of sleep could be identified with a good accuracy not only on the basis of the cortical and hippocampal EEGs but also by observing spontaneous activities of the lateral geniculate body (LGB) and posterior neck muscles.
    3. Antidromic responsiveness of the optic tract (OT) terminals was always highest during DS and decreased from LS1, to LS2.
    4. Orthodromic responsiveness of the OT terminals was minimum during DS and increased from LS1 to LS2. Sometimes, the responsiveness during DS was highest and decreased from LS2 to LS1.
    5. Postsynaptic responsiveness of the LGB was highest during DS. The lowest responsiveness was seen in some cases during LS1, and in others during LS2.
    6. Action of spontaneous spiky waves of the LGB (phasic activity of Jouvet) upon pre-and postsynaptic responsiveness of the LGB was studied during LS2 and DS. Suppression of the orthodromic responsiveness of the OT terminals and facilitation of the postsynaptic LGB neurons were seen equally in the two phases of sleep.
    7. Responsiveness of the visual cortex tended to be highest during LS2 and to decrease from DS to LS1. Fluctuation of the responsiveness was very marked during LS2.
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  • 1966 Volume 88 Issue 3 Pages e1
    Published: 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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