The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 88, Issue 1
Displaying 1-10 of 10 articles from this issue
  • Yutaka Ishitoya, Takashi Sakurai, Ichiro Aita, Kazukimi Sasaki
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 1 Pages 1-8
    Published: 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 17, 2010
    The authors have constructed an apparatus with three vibrators and a halfmirror which indicates a spatial vector as a light spot in three-dimensional space. A new type of spatial vectorcardiograph was produced by attaching a vectorcardiograph to this apparatus. The lead system of Frank and a new coordinate system of the authors were employed, and the observation of the cardiac vector was performed. The cardiac vector was visualized as a locus of the light spot which forms three-dimensional loops in space. The observation and the analysis of the heart vector with determination of the quadrants of the loops were performed in normal individuals and in some clinical cases. It was possible to record the spatial vectorcardiogram by the usual photography or stereophotography and to perform objective analysis. This method may be of some value for clinical and educational purposes.
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  • Isao Yamane, Tatsunori Tsuda
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 1 Pages 9-20
    Published: January 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A cell line in vitro has been successfully established from the lesion of a clinical case of penis cancer which was histologically diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma. The primary culture from the lesion was performed by means of explant culture method and the concomitant outgrowth of both epithelial and fibroblastic cells were observed at the early stage of the culture. But the fibroblastic cells were missed in 6 months after the culture onset and only the epithelial cells were transferred up to the present time (July, 1965) for about three years. The epithelial cells showed typical epithel shape and pavement-like arrangement to one another. As to the chromosomal structure of the present cell line, the 12 month culture showed bimodal distribution which had two modal peaks at 46 and 52 and thereafter they moved to one peak of 52 and further to 50. The result of the karyotype analysis showed the cell line contained abnormal chromo- some. When the culture was implanted to the cheek pouches of the cortisone-treated Syrian hamsters, the inoculation of 104 cells did not induce any nodular growth in hamster cheek pouches but the inoculation of 106 cells induced the growth in two of seven animals tested and 107 cells induced the lesion in all animals tested, respectively.
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  • Toshio Sato, Kenji Watanabe, Tokutaro Hayama, Kenji Koyama
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 1 Pages 21-34
    Published: January 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The authors followed up, from six months to as long as 13 years and two months, a series of patients who had been splenectomized for Banti's syndrome at their surgical department. In succession to a number of papers that were published in this Journal, this communication deals with the postoperative change of plasma protein picture. The total protein level, which on many occasions had been below the normal range before splenectomy, tended to increase postoperatively; the average level was higher than the preoperative one not only at the time of discharge but also on follow-up study. Various favorable changes were also recorded in fractions of plasma protein, and the A/G ratio was found to increase usually from a low preoperative value to approximate to the normal range by the time of long-term follow-up. On the basis of these results, the authors have concluded that splenectomy for Banti's syndrome has an effect to correct the abnormal plasma protein picture in this syndrome.
    A study on preoperative pattern of plasma protein in Banti's syndrome was reported in a previous paper.1 The present report discusses changes of plasma protein pattern in splenectomized cases with Banti's syndrome, particularly on the basis of long-term follow-up studies of the patients.
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  • Tsuneo Arakawa, Noriko Katsushima, Tetsuro Fujiwara
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 1 Pages 35-48
    Published: January 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A probably new hemolytic anemia was presented, which was characterized by 1) an early onset of the anemia, 2) mental and physical retardation, 3) an increased hemolysis rate of erythrocytes to isotonic glycerol, 4) a marked decrease in phosphatidylcholine of the erythrocytes and 5) a marked decrease in essential fatty acids of phosphatidylcholine of the erythrocytes.
    In vitro experimentation revealed that there was no defect in the incorpora-tion of plamitic acid-I-C14 into phospholipids of the erythrocytes of our own patient.
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  • Yoshifusa Shimizu, Kyoji Tasaki
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 1 Pages 49-56
    Published: January 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The resting and action potentials and the strength-duration relation to square current pulse stimulation were investigated on the chick embryo's heart from 2-day stage (7-somite stage) to near the hatching. From the embryos older than 3-day the resting and action potentials were recorded, and the magnitude of both potentials increased with the age. Before commencement of the spontaneous contraction (9-somite stage) electric stimulation failed to elicit contraction. After the 10-somite stage all-or-none contraction was produced by electric stimulation, and the strength-duration cruves were constructed at all stages by passing cathodal current to the cardiac muscle from 50μ micropipette. The rheobasic current was several tens of μA at the earlier stages, decreasing rapidly for the first several days, and then fell gradually to less than 1μA at the later stages. The ehronaxie was also found to shorten gradually from about 5 to 1 msec during the development. Since chronaxie is proportional to the membrane time constant, this characteristic change in chronaxie (membrane time constant) and rheobase (inverse of excitability) was suggested to correlate to structural change of the cell membrane.
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  • Tsuneo Arakawa, Masako Fujii
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 1 Pages 57-62
    Published: January 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In both rats and mice, the formiminotransferase activity of the liver was low at birth and rapidly increased during the first 3 weeks of life, and reached a constant level at the age of 5 weeks and later.
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  • Yoichiro Sasai
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 1 Pages 63-68
    Published: January 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    By the use of a modified incubating medium, lactic dehydrogenase in Paget cells was histochemically examined. The addition of phenazine methosulfate to the substrate solution decreased the reaction intensity of lactic dehydrogenase in Paget cells. In the presence of potassium cyanide, however, phenazine methosulfate caused increased reaction. When urea was introduced into the substrate solution, the lactic dehydrogenase reaction of malpighian cells was strikingly decreased, while the reaction of Paget cells was not decreased so much. The reaction in the sections, which were incubated in the excess lactate-containing solution, was slightly decreased in these two cells. On the basis of biological and biochemical considerations, these facts appear to indicate that there was a metabolic difference between normal malpighian cells and Paget cells.
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  • Noboru Nakano
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 1 Pages 69-84
    Published: January 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1) Two cell lines were established in vitro from a mouse ascites mammary carcinoma FM3A and they were similar to each other both in their in vitro growth rate and their morphological identity with in vivo tumor cells. 2) Both A and B lines had three characteristic chromosomes and high transplantability, and the transplanted subcutaneous tumors showed the morphology of undifferentiated adenocarcinoma. 3) The cloning of the present cell lines were made with the use of agar. 4) The study on the nutritional requirement of the present lines showed that Bactopepton, pyruvate and serine were growth enhancing respectively and the combination of these additives were more effective than single addition. 5) The glucose utilization of the lines in the course of the growth was enhanced at the growth stage of the lag phase and early logarithmic phase but decreased after the stage of late logarithmic phase. 6) The capacity to grow in vitro without lag time could be maintained for a pretty long time after transplantion to the host animal, but it fell gradually.
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  • Michiko Akabane, Tetsuro Fujiwara
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 1 Pages 85-92
    Published: January 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The fecal lipid composition and the relative proportions of fecal fatty acids in infants receiving a soybean milk preparation were compared with those in infants receiving a cow's milk preparation.
    It was found that the fecal lipids had an entirely different composition from the ingested fats in either the soybean milk or cow's milk feeding, and that the ratio of the saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in the stool was equally 2 to 3, and the pattern of fecal fatty acids was entirely different from that of the milk fat in both groups of infants receiving soybean and cow's milks.
    The only significant difference in the fecal individual lipid fractions between the cow's milk fed infants and those fed on soybean milk was in the linoleic acid content, which was higher in both the phospholipid and triglyceride fractions of the soybean milk fed infants than in those of the infants fed on the cow's milk.
    It was also found that the fecal lipids from the infants receiving these milk preparations contained C15-fatty acid which is not present in the milk preparations.
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  • Tatsuo Koyanagi, Shinichi Hareyama, Ryosuke Kikuchi, Takeshi Kimura
    1966 Volume 88 Issue 1 Pages 93-97
    Published: January 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Pantothenic acid content in serum of residents in rice field areas and in upland areas was determined. The data showed that the pantothenic acid content in serum of people living in rice field areas had a significantly low pantothenic acid content as compared with that of people in the upland areas.
    The relation between the occurrence of hypertension among people in the two areas and the dietary supply of pantothenic acid were discussed.
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