Cardiac arrest frequently encountered in routine treatments was caused experimentally and resuscitation was attempted.
1. Occulusion of trachea causes cardiac standstill. When obstruction is released within 13 minutes and artificial respiration with 100% oxygen is carried out, cardiac rhythm recovers by cardiac massage.
2. Occlusion of the main stem of left coronary artery causes ventricular fibrillation. It cannot be abolished by countershocks without release of obstruction. Ventricular fibrillation by occlusion of right coronary artery, and peripheral branch of left coronary artery can be both successfully removed by electric shocks.
3. Oversupply of acetyl choline causes cardiac standstill. This can be resuscitated satisfactorily by cardiac massage and injection of atropine.
4. Acute massive bleeding causes cardiac standstill. Once the cardiac rhythm stops, resuscitation is almost impossible. In such cases, ECG, or macroscopic observation of the heart rhythm do not serve as a danger signal of cardiac arrest. Adequate control of transfusion should be carried out with attention to the amount of lost blood, changes of blood pressure and pulsation.
5. Narcotics as barbiturates and chloroform cause cardiac arrest. As their prognoses are bad, prevention of their occurrences should be carried out before hand.
6. The effect of injection of epinephrine, procaine amide and cardiac massage upon the heart muscle were discussed. Especially, assisted massage should be carried out carefully, when the irritablity of heart muscle is increased.
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