Corticosteroid Binding in Human Artery. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1986,
150 (2), 117-125-Mineralo- and glucocorticoid binding in cytosol of surgically obtained human arteries and umbilical arteries were analyzed. Scatchard analysis of glucocorticoid binding in femoral and umbilical arteries revealed the binding parameters of Kd=4.3, 8.2×10
-9M; Bmax=42, 90fmol/mg protein, respectively. Scatchard analysis of mineralocorticoid binding in inferior mesenteric artery showed a curvilinear pattern suggestive of the presence of two binding components, one with a higher affinity and a lower capacity for the ligand (Kd=3.3×10
-10M, Bmax=0.8fmol/mg protein) and the other with lower affinity and higher capacity (Kd=10×10
-7M, Bmax=36fmol/ mg protein). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of mineralo- and glucocorticoid binding in the cytosol of popliteal artery also showed the presence of the corticosteroid binding components with limited binding capacity. Sucrose density gradientcentrifugation of corticosteroid binding in cytosol of femoral artery revealed the presence of dexamethasone binding molecule sedimenting in the 8-9 S region and deoxycorticosterone binding molecules sedimenting in the 7-8 and 8-9 S regions of the gradinent. Those results revealed the presence of mineralo- and glucocorticoid receptors in human artery and suggest the possible direct actions of corticosteroids upon human artery.
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