The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 162, Issue 3
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
    1990 Volume 162 Issue 3 Pages 203-212
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    YASUJIMA, M., ABE, K., TANNO, M., KOHZUKI, M., KANAZAWA, M., YOSHIDA, K., OMATA, K., SATO, M., TAKEUCHI, K., HIWATARI, M., SATO, T. and YOSHINAGA, K. Effects of Digoxin on Blood Pressure Responses to Norepinephrine, Angiotensin II and Vasopressin in Conscious Rats. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1990, 162 (3), 203 -212-To investigate the interaction of cardiac glycosides with vasoconstrictors, we examined the effects of short term treatment with the cardiac glycoside digoxin (6mg/kg/day, i.p., for 6 days) in rats made hypertensive by chronic infusion of norepinephrine (NE), angiotensin II (A II) or vasopressin (VP). When digoxin was administered simultaneously with NE at 1.8mg/kg/day (i.p.) by use of osmotic minipumps in conscious rats, systolic blood pressure decreased to 120±3mmHg on Day 1 whereas it rose to 148±2mmHg in rats given NE alone (p<0.01). The antihypertensive effect of digoxin was sustained for the entire experimental period and was not associated with any change in urinary sodium excretion. When the same dose of digoxin was administered simultaneously with A II at 900μg/kg/day (i.p.) in conscious rats, systolic blood pressure rose to a greater extent than in those given A II alone. The administration of digoxin had no effect an the blood pressure elevation induced by chronic infusion of VP at a rate of 7.2U/kg/day (i.p.). It is concluded that short term treatment with digoxin has a variety of effects on blood pressure in rats; pressor, depressor, or is no effects depending upon vasoconstrictor used.
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    1990 Volume 162 Issue 3 Pages 213-224
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    EBIHARA, T., SAKAI, N. and KOYAMA, S. CD8+ T Cell Subsets of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Induced by Epstein-Barr Virus Infection in Infectious Mononucleosis. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1990, 162 (3), 213-224-Mononuclear peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from patient with infectious mononucleosis (IM) were tested in a 51Cr-release assay for cytotoxicity against autologous and allogeneic lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL), or Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-genome positive and negative cell line. In acute phase, PBL lyse an autologous LCL as well as allogeneic LCL (Wa cells). High levels of cytotoxicity were observed in the combinations between effector and target cells sharing HLA-Class 1 product. EBV-genome positive Daudi and Raji cells which lack HLA-Class 1 antigen and have mismactched HLA-Class 1 antigen, respectively showed resistance to killing. EBV-genome negative tumor cells except NK sensitive K562 cells were not killed by IM lymphocytes. However, the IM lymphocytes without atypical form in convalescent phase failed to show killing activity against autologous and allogeneic LCL. These findings suggest that cell surface membrane antigen structure on EBV-infected LCL may be able to explain the recognition and triggering of lysis of target cells by HLA-Class 1 restricted cytotoxic T cells (CTL) from acute IM. Phenotypic analysis of PBL with atypical form from IM was made by two-color flow cytometry. The data demonstrate that CD8+ T cells quantitatively represent the major population of lymphocytes expanded during acute IM. Furthermore, approximately 70% of these CD8+ T cells express HLA-DR on these surface, suggesting that they have undergone activation. However, IL 2R (CD25 antigen) expression was not significantly elevated on activated T cells. The salient profile on cytofluorographs of an acute IM was the increased number of CD3+CD19-, CD8+CD11b-, CD8+CD28+ and CD8+S6F1+ cells. However, CD3- CD19+, CD8+CD11b+, CD8+S6F1-, CD4+Leu8- and CD25+HLA-DR+ antigens were little expressed. Increased number of CD8+CD11b-, CD8+CD28+ and CD8+ S6F1+ cells, which are regarded as CTL were reduced according to the improvement of the clinical symptoms and laboratory findings. These results together with HLA typing analysis suggested a possibility HLA-Class 1 restriction of the CTL with surface phenotype of CD8+CD11b-, CD8+CD28+, and CD8+S6F1+
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    1990 Volume 162 Issue 3 Pages 225-233
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    NAGASAWA, H., KOGURE, K., KAWASHIMA, K., IDO, T., ITOH, M. and HATAZAWA, J. Effects of Go-Dergocrine Mesylate (Hydergine®) in Multi-Infarct Dementia as Evaluated by Positron Emission Tomography. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1990, 162 (3), 225-233- Three female patients aged from 74 to 79 with multi-infarct dementia were studied using positron emission tomography (PET) to assess the effect of co-dergocrine mesylate (Hydergine®) on cerebral glucose metabolism. The cerebral glucose utilization (CMRGlc) of each patient was evaluated by PET scan using 2-deoxy-[18F]-2-fluoro-D-glucose (FDG). Following the first PET study, 0.04mg/kg of co-dergocrine mesylate was injected intravenously with 250 ml saline solution, and then the second PET study was performed. The CMRGlc was determined from the images of the PET scan and the radioactivity of 18F in the plasma. After the administration of co-dergocrine mesylate, the value of CMRGlc increased significantly in the cerebral cortex (p<0.01 and p<0.05) and basal ganglia (p<0.05) compared with values before the administration, but no significant increase was found in the centrum semiovale. These results suggest that co-dergocrine mesylate stimulates glucose metabolism of neurons in the human brain.
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    1990 Volume 162 Issue 3 Pages 235-241
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    FURUHASHI, N., TSUJIEI, M., KIMURA, H., YAJIMA, A., KIMURA, C. and IDE, Y. Plasma Renin Activity, Angiotensin II, Prostacyclin and Thromboxane A2 Concentrations in 139 Preeclamptic Patients. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1990, 162 (3), 235 -241-Plasma renin activity, plasma concentratrions of angiotensin 11(AngII), stable metabolites (6-keto-prostaglandin F: 6-keto-PGF) of prostacyclin (PGI2) and a metabolite (thromboxane B2: TXB2) of thromboxane A2 (TXA2) were measured with radioimmunoassay(RIA) in 107 normal pregnancy (control) and 139 preeclamptic patients in 28-41 gestational weeks. PRA and 6-keto-PGF were significantly higher and AngII was slightly higher in preeclampsia than in control, and TXB2 was significantly lower in preeclampsia in control. The ratio of 6-keto-PGF/TXB2 was significantly lower in preeclampsia than in control. These data suggest that the changes in the renin-angiotensin system may not be primary alterations in preeclampsia. It can be speculated that in preeclampsia the changes in absolute concentrations of 6-keto-PGF and TXB2 are less important than the decrease in the ratio of the 6-keto-PGF/TXB2.
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    1990 Volume 162 Issue 3 Pages 243-253
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    USUKU, K., NISHIZAWA, M., EIRAKU, N., OSAME, M. and TABIRA, T. Autoproliferative and Self Reactive T-Cell Lines from Patients with HTLV-I-Associated Myelopathy. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1990, 162 (3), 243-253- In two patients with human T lymphotropic virus type 1(HTLV-I)-associated myelopathy (HAM) and a non-HAM HTLV-I carrier, T-cell lines were generated and characterized from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lymphocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). In total, 62 T-cell lines were established using direct plating technique for expanding human T lymphocytes. Sixty three percent of the T-cell lines were CD4+, CDw29+ and HTLV-I gag+ CD8+T-cell lines were also established and they were gag-. Proliferation in the absence of additional antigens and exogenous interleukin 2 (“autoproliferation”) was observed in 61% of the T-cell lines and significantly correlated with HTLV-I antigen (gag) expression. In addition, some T-cell lines from HAM patients exhibited proliferative response to self PBL, and the magnitude of their responses was diverse according to the phenotypes of stimulating cells. Therefore, the spontaneous lymphoproliferation observed in patients with HAM is generated by three components; HTLV-I-infected T cells and T cells reactive against HTLV-I and against self antigens. Since most gag+ T-cell lines produced lymphotoxin (LT)/tumor necrosis factorα (TNFα), it is suggested that those T cells are playing important roles in the pathogenesis of HAM.;
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    1990 Volume 162 Issue 3 Pages 255-259
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    CHIBA, T., MOCHIZUKI, I. and OHI, R. Postoperative Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage in Biliary Atresia. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1990, 162 (3), 255-259-During the past 9 years, we have treated 23 patients with gastrointestinal hemorrhage following corrective surgery for biliary atresia. Ulcers or erosions of the stomach, duodenum or intestinal wall were observed endoscopically in 20 cases. In other 3 cases, bleeding point was not determined endoscopically, but massive bleeding was recognized frequently. Ten patients bled within 6 months of surgery, and the incidence of bleeding was also seen even after the age of 10 years. A history of cholangitis, the presence of jaundice and the use of cholagogues were related to the postoperative gastrointestinal bleeding. Serum concentrations of gastrin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide showed high values after surgery in almost half the biliary atresia patients examined, however, no clear relationship between the concentration of these factors and gastrointestinal hemorrhage was established.
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    1990 Volume 162 Issue 3 Pages 261-267
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    SANO, R., FUJINO, A., SHIMAZU, H., KOBAYASHI, M., YAHATA, Y., OGYUU, A., SUZUKI, K., KITAGAWA, M., SAITO, T. and INOKUCHI, H. Serum Lp(a) Lipoprotein Concentrations of Japanese Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1990, 162 (3), 261-267- The serum Lp(a) lipoprotein concentration in 103 healthy control subjects was determined by ELISA (TintElise Lp(a) kit, Biopool, Umea, Sweden). The distribution of Lp(a) in the controls was highly skewed (mean 132, S.D. 109, median 99mg/liter), which is similar to the results previously reported. Serum Lp(a) level in 104 subjects who underwent coronary angiography was also measured. These subjects were divided into two groups: 59 cases of stenosis(-) and 45 of stenosis(+) groups. Lp(a) level of the stenosis(+) group (mean 235, S.D. 197, median 159mg/liter) was significantly higher than that of the stenosis(-) group (mean 156, S.D. 133, median 123mg/liter) and of the controls (Wilcoxon test, p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). Further, stenosis(+) group was divided into three subgroups: 20 with single vessel disease, 13 with double vessel disease and 12 with triple vessel disease subgroups. Lp(a) level was correlated with the number of stenotic coronary vessels (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, p<0.05). These results suggest that Lp(a) may play an important part as a risk factor for coronary heart disease.
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    1990 Volume 162 Issue 3 Pages 269-278
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    NAKAMURA, H., YAMAZAKI, M., CHIBA, Y., TAMURA, N., MOMOTSU, T., ITO, S., SHIBATA, A., KAMOI, K. and YAMAJI, T. Glomerular Filtration Response to Acute Loading with Protein from Different Sources in Healthy Volunteers and Diabetic Patients. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1990, 162 (3), 269-278- To evaluate the effects of acute protein loading on the glomerular filtration rate, albumin excretion rate and concentration of plasma amino acids, ten healthy volunteers and six type 2 diabetic patients with normoalbuminuria were studied before and after eating 0.7 g/kg body weight of tuna fish, boiled egg white, cheese or tofu (bean curd) on separate days. Furthermore, to study the possible role of glucagon, growth hormone, atrial natriuretic peptide and kallikrein in the responses of glomerular filtration rate to protein, these substances were measured before and after ingestion of tuna fish or egg white in six healthy volunteers. In healthy subjects, glomerular filtration rate increased significantly (p<0.01) from 98.1±4.2ml/min during the baseline period to 129.9±6.6ml/min after ingestion of tuna fish. No significant differences were seen between glomerular filtration rate before and after ingestion of egg white, cheese or bean curd. No significant differences were observed between the baseline albumin excretion rate and that after loading with any of the four kinds of protein. Plasma concentrations of alanine, glycine and arginine (amino acids known to induce glomerular hyperfiltration) increased to a greater degree after ingestion of tuna fish than after administration of the other meals. Diabetic subjects and healthy volunteers had similar responses. Plasma glucagon and growth hormone concentrations increased after ingestion of the tuna fish meal or egg white. Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide concentration and urinary kallikrein excretion were unaffected by ingestion of these two kinds of protein. These findings suggest that responses of glomerular filtration rate to acute protein loading may differ depending on the protein ingested, and that these reponses may not be directly induced by glucagon, growth hormone, atrial natriuretic peptide or kallikrein.
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    1990 Volume 162 Issue 3 Pages 279-291
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    SAITO, H., KOBAYASHI, K., MOCHIZUKI, H. and ISHII, T. Axonal Degeneration of the Peripheral Nerves and Postganglionic Anhidrosis in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1990, 162 (3), 279-291- A 36-year-old woman had, since the age of 24, numerous episodes of visual loss and spinal symptoms and signs at various levels, and was diagnosed as multiple sclerosis(MS). CSF myelin-basic-protein was increased. Neurological and electrophysiological investigations suggested the peripheral nerve involvement. Sural nerve biopsy performed about six years after the onset, revealed severe loss of both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. Subsequently, histamine skin reaction was defective in the lower limbs. Tests on sudomotor and pupillary functions indicated deficits of both central and postganglionic sympathetic systems. Though we could not detect causative factors for the peripheral nerve lesions, our patient appears to be the first documented case of MS associated with axonal degeneration of the peripheral somatic and autonomic nervous systems.
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