The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 11, Issue 6
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
  • Siebente Mitteilung. Über den Einfluss des Kolloids auf den intermediären Wasseraustausch bei gestörter SchilddrÜsenfunktion
    Chomatsu Sato
    1928 Volume 11 Issue 6 Pages 489-503
    Published: November 30, 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Im Durchströmungsversuch am normalen überlebeuden Schenkel-präparat wirkte Gummi arabicum auf die Ödembildung hemmend und zwar bei athyreotischen, insbesondere aber bei hypertbyreotischeu Tieren in hohetu Grade.
    2. Im Durchströmungsversuch am normalen überlebenden Schenkel-präparate wirkte das Blutscrum (artfremdes) auf die Ödembildung för-dernd, bei athyreotischen Tieren qualitativ gleich wie bei normalen, aber bei hyperthyreotisehen im Gegenteil hemmend.
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    1928 Volume 11 Issue 6 Pages 504-543
    Published: November 30, 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Bacterium coli in the intestine and indican in urine never disappear even when the guinea-pigs are nourished only with cabbages.
    2. Indican in urine of guinea-pigs increases by only a few hours'fasting.
    3. Indican in urine of rabbits does not at all dccrease, rather increases about ten times as much as normal by ten days'fasting.
    4. The amount of indican has no conncction with the charaeter of feces.
    5. Between the indican formation and the state of appetite there is a very intimate relation; if the appetite decreases, the amount of indican increases, and vice versa, and it may well be said that the decrease of appetite and the increase of indican run quantitatively parallel.
    6. The parenteral administration of a large amount of liver or kidney cells has caused the increased excretion of indican. But whether it may be due to the direct action of the constituents of the introduced cells, or to the poor appetite resulting from their administration is questionable.
    7. In the early stage of the uran nephritis the total amount of indican in urine and blood is smaller than that of the normal state. But the total amount of indican formed thereby must be larger than that of the normal if we take into consideration the indican retained in the tissues and excrcted vicariously into the digestive tube.
    8. The hyperindicanemia in nephritis is the result of increased formation as well as retention of indican.
    9. In habu-poison nephritis also the blood contains more indican than normal, and the total amount of indican in urine and blood is larger than that of the normal.
    10. The disinfection of the intestinal canal or the rapid discharge of intestinal contents with medicaments does not diminish the amount of indican, but rather increases it.
    11. The reaction of urine has no connection with the amount of indican.
    12. The parenterally administered sodium oxalate has no influence on the indican formation in guinea-pigs.
    13. Except for the indicanemia in renal insufficiency we often meet slight indicancmia in various diseases, which may be regarded as a partial appearence of increased indican, for example, by gastro-intestinal disturbances or inanition.
    14. Indican is excreted vicariously from the digestive tube in renal insufficieney.
    15. The indicanuria observed clinically in many diseases may be attributed partly to the increased decomposition of body protein due to the poor appctite, and partly to the anomalies of metabolism.
    16. Finally I have reached the next conclusion that indican may well be formed also through the metabolic process without the activity of bacteria.
    In conclusion I wish to express my sincere thanks to Professor Dr. T. Ishikawa for his generous help, criticism and advice throughout the investigation.
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    1928 Volume 11 Issue 6 Pages 544-567
    Published: November 30, 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The suprarenal vein bloods were collected from the non-anaesthetized, non-fastened dogs. The dorsal roots from IX. thoracic to III. lumbar cord were previously sectioned, and the lumbar route preparation was made. The epinephrine content was assayed by means of the rabbit intestine seg-ment method.
    1. Cooling of the dog was performed by means of a rubber coat, doubly layered, filled with cold water or by placing the animal's body in direct contact with an ice block. The anal temperature decreased 1.5° or 1.7° in some cases, the lowest temperature being estimated as 37°. No augmentation was noted in the rate of epinephrine discharge from the supra-renal gland.
    2. Warming or heating of the animal was carried out by means of the rubber coat. When the temperature in the coat was not so high, the epine-phrine secretion rate remained unaltered, but when the temperature of the water in the coat was increased, the anal temperature ascended more, and when the latter exceeded about 41°C the reactions of the animal became excessive, and at the same time the velocity with which epinephrine was liberated increased notably, such as about seven times that during the rest spells. The after-action was fairly long.
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  • III. Mitteilung. Über den Einfluss des Pankreashormons auf die verschiedenen Bestandteile der Brustgangslymphe und das Verhältnis zwischen den Veränderungen von Blut und Lymphe bei
    Soshiro Takeuchi
    1928 Volume 11 Issue 6 Pages 568-603
    Published: November 30, 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Die zusammenfassenden Versuchsergebnisse, die durch die Pankreas-hormoninjektion bei normalen und pankreasbiabetischen Hunden erzielt wurden, sind folgende:
    I. Die Befunde von Lymphe.
    1. Lymphabflussinenge zeigt bei normalen Tieren keine regelmässige Veränderung, aber bei pankreasdiabetischen eine deutliche Verminderung.
    2. Lymphkonzentration (Trockensubstanz und Eiweissgehalt) sinkt ab.
    3. Zucker des Lymphserums geht herunter.
    4. Chlor des Lymphserums erhöht sick.
    5. Anorganischer Phosphor des Lymphserums nimmt meistens ab.
    6. Kalium des Lymphserums sinkt ab.
    7. Natrium des Lymphserums nimmt bei pankreasdiabetischen zu, aber bei normalen nicht deutlich.
    8. Kalzium des Lymphserums ändert sich unbestimmt.
    9. Magnesium des Lymphserums zeigt regellose Schwankung.
    II. Die Befuude von Blut.
    1. Blutkonzentratiou (Hämoglobin-, Serumeiweissgehalt und Trockensubstanz) nimmt zu.
    2. Serurmzucker geht heruuter.
    3. Serumchlor crhöht sich.
    4. Anorganischer Phosphor des Blutseruins sinkt meistens ab.
    5. Serumkalium vermindert sich.
    6. Serumnatrium nimmt bei pankreasdiabetischen zu, aber bei norinalen nicht deutlich.
    7. Serumkalium zeigt keine deutliche Veränderung.
    8. Serummagnesium zeigt auch keine nennenswerte Schwankung.
    III. Verhältnis zwischen den Veränderungen von Blut- und Lymphzusammensetzung.
    Die anorganischen Bestandteile von Blut und Lymphe ändern sich fast parallel, während sich die Iionzentrationsveränderungen von den beiden ganz umgekehrt verhalten. Und das Absinken des Zuckergehaltes im Blutserum scheint auffallender zu sein als das im Lymphserum.
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  • Third and Fifth* Reports of the Same Title 18th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction
    1928 Volume 11 Issue 6 Pages 604-612
    Published: November 30, 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In an attempt to make the “peroxidase puncture” in 223 rabbits with a modified technique I was able to produce the “striatal blood picture” in 7 animals. The small number of the successful “peroxidase puncture” shows the difficulty of the operation even with the modified technique.
    1. Those successfully “pcroxidase punctured” animal develop the “striatal blood picture” from 1_??_to 24 hours after the puncture.
    2. As Sato has already suggested in his first report, it is only the myeloid leucocyte in the streaming blood that will become peroxidase-ncgative, while they remain oxidase-positive. The leucocyte of the same category in the bone marrow, for instance, remains oxidasc-as well as peroxidase-positive.
    3. The smallest lesion with the “peroxidase puncture” extends as far (cranial) as the foremost part of Aquaeductus Sylvii and includes in it the part near oculomotor nuclei. As to the above limit Sato has already shown that it does not surpass the level of the Aquaeductus Sylvii.
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  • 19 th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction
    1928 Volume 11 Issue 6 Pages 613-617
    Published: November 30, 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The “striatal blood symptom” was seen by Sato and Yoshimatsu in typical cases of acute lethargic encephalitis with ophthalmoplegia (1922). Then an experimental production of the “striatal blood picture” by means of the “peroxidase puncture” was made with success in the rabbit (1924). The same picture was produced by me in the carp (1926). The two absolute necessary conditions for the production of the characteristic blood picture were discussed together with the explanation of the reason for the failure of experiments hitherto to produce the characteristic blood picture in the frog.
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  • The 20th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction. (The Fourth Report of Same Title.)
    1928 Volume 11 Issue 6 Pages 618-625
    Published: November 30, 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Tetsutaro Aomura, Teh-Jun Yen
    1928 Volume 11 Issue 6 Pages 626-628
    Published: November 30, 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Taisuke Suzuki
    1928 Volume 11 Issue 6 Pages 629-632
    Published: November 30, 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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