The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 28, Issue 2-3
Displaying 1-13 of 13 articles from this issue
  • Nobuyuki Takase
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 137-141
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Yasunaka Narumi
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 142-148
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Das Wasserschneckenpulver, das in der Laienbehandlung bei Ödem- und Asciteskranken in Form eines Breis in der Nabelgegend auf die Haut aufgelegt wird, verursacht bei Kaninchen als solches bei der Applikation auf die Bauchwand in der Nabelgegend eine, wenn auch nicht starke, so doch deutliche Diurese, sodass diese Laienbehandlung nicht bedeutunglos zu sein scheint.
    Ebenso wie dieses wirkt das Senfmel auf die Harnausscheidung des Kaninchens, wenn es als Brei von starker Verdtinnung auf die genannte Stelle appliziert wird, wahrend es in hoher Konzentration eine Hemmung der Harnausscheidung zur Folge hat.
    Alle diese Veränderungen bei der Harnausscheidung durch die beiden genannten Substanzen sind vielleicht von denen der Nierengefässe abhängig, die durch die vom Wasserschneckenpulver and vom Senfmehl verursachte sensible Reizung der Bauchoberflache mittelbar hervorgebracht werden.
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  • Yasunaka Narumi
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 149-155
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Aus diesen Versuchen geht hervor, dass der aus den Früchten and Fruchtständen von Hovenia dulcis gewonnene Extrakt bei Kaninchen eine deutliche Diurese hervorruft. Diese Wirkung ist auf seinen reichlichen Gehalt an Glukose, salpetersaurem und äpfelsaurem Kalium zurückzuführen. Der angebliche günstige Erfolg bei der Laienbehandlung wassersüchtiger Kranken ist also tatsächlich vorhanden. Da der Extrakt ausser der diuretischen Wirkung keine unangenehme Nebenerscheinungen bewirkt, könnte er wie salinische Diuretika in der Klinik ohne Schaden verwendet werden. Das Wesen seiner diuretischen Wirkung ist nicht so sehr von Interesse als vielmehr die Tatsache, dass die Früchte ebenso wie die Trauben in der Laienbehandlung als Diuretikum Verwendung gefunden haben.
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  • 71st Report. Tentative Experiment on Prophylactic Effect of Yakriton against Scarlatinal Nephritis
    Akira Sato, Michishiro Yamagishi, Jumpei Abe
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 156-161
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In ten consecutive cases of typical scarlatina admitted to our Department, yakriton was used per recti or subcutaneously. Though the number of units of the hormone was very different in each case, all the 10 cases did not develop nephritis. No other special method which had been reported to be effectual for the prevention of scarlatinal nephritis was used at all. It is probable that yakriton will counteract the development of nephritis in scarlatinal cases.
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  • 72nd Report. Effect of Yakriton upon the Course of Rabbit Tuberculosis
    Ryoji Shibata
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 162-171
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • 73rd Report. Course and Blood Picture of Avitaminosis-B in Rabbits According to the Detoxicating Liver Power
    Ryoji Shibata
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 172-190
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The difference of the course and the blood picture of avitaminosis-B between f-classed (high-classed) and b-classed (low-classed) detoxieating liver power in rabbits was as follows-
    1. Course.
    (a) The f-classed rabbits. In 2 rabbits (Nos. 1 and 8), none of these symptoms-paresis of the legs, diarrhoea dyspnoea and anorexia-occurred. In the No. 6 rabbit paresis of the legs appeared, but recovered readily by a daily injection of vitamin-B. The No. 5 rabbit died in the middle of the 12th week. In this animal, appetite was very _??_ poor from the beginning of B-avitaminotic feeding, but paresis did not occur.
    (b) The b-classed. In 3 rabbits (Nos. 2, 3 and 7), the B-avitaminotic symptoms appeared, namely paresis of the legs, dyspnoea, diarrhoea, anorexia etc. and a daily injection of vitamin-B either with or without yakriton was not successful.
    In the No. 4 rabbit, paresis of the legs appeared, but recovered after the administration of vitamin-B.
    (c) Difference between f- and b-classed rabbits. In the case of f classed rabbits, it was difficult to make them B-avitaminotic, but once so, it was easy to effect a recovery from the state by the administration of vitamin-B. In b-classed rabbits, it was the reverse, since it was easy to make them B-avitaminotic, but to restore them to the normal state was very, very difficult.
    2. Blood picture.
    (a) The f-classed rabbits. An initial leucocytosis, followed by a leucopenia up to about the 5th or the 7th week. Then as the latter half of the course passed on, a slightly increased or normal leucocyte count. Even when paresis of the legs occurred, there was no change of the total number of white cells. In the No. 5 rabbit a moderate leucocytosis continued after the leucopenia until death occurred. In the first half of the course of avitaminosis-B, a remarkable relative and absolute lymphocytosis, and a relative myelopenia. In the second half of the course, the relation between lymphatic and myeloid cells was almost normal. Even when a B-avitaminotic symptom appeared, this relation was almost normal, or only a slight lymphocytosis was present; but this lymphocytosis however disappeared when vitamin-B was administered. As to the nuclear shift, generally, cells of Types I and II decreased, and cells of Types III, IV and V increased, but the shift was restored to normal by the administration of vitamin-B. No. 5 rabbit was an exception to the rule, since a slight shift to the left (about twice the normal in cells of Type I) occurred, and continued until death. Monocytes and basophiles showed an increase in number, but there was no change of eosinophiles in number during almost the whole course.
    (b) The b-classed rabbits. In general, an initial leucopenia occurred, then, normal white cell count again. With the appearance of paresis, a moderate or a severe leucocytosis occurred suddenly. As to the relation between lymphatic and a myeloid cells, a lymphopenia and amyelocytosis appeared, and the grade of them grew with the appearance of B-avitaminotic symptoms. Concerning the nuclear shift, a slight shift of degenerative nature was seen from the beginning of the B-avitaminotic experiment, and became suddenly very marked, amounting to about three or four times the normal, with the appearance of B-avitaminotic symptoms. A severe initial eosinophilia was seen in No. 3 rabbit, but in the other animals eosinophiles decreased in number gradually. Dlonocytes and basophiles increased slightly in number during the whole course.
    (c) Difference between f- and b-classed rabbits.
    In the case of f-classed rabbits, an initial leucocytosis was seen, and in the latter half of the course, the leucocytosis became slighter, but in the case of b-classed animals, leucopenia prevailed almost continuously from the beginning.
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  • 74th Report. Effect of the Combined Use of Yakriton and Calcium upon the Course of Rabbit Tuberculosis and its Blood Picture
    Ryoji Shibata
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 191-198
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Heigoro Kanda
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 199-214
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Studien über die kolloid-osmotischen Druck des Blutes im normalen und pathologischen Zustand. XIX
    Masami Horikawa
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 215-230
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • The depressor and the pressor nerves
    Shuzi Hirohata, Kenzo Hasimoto
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 231-244
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In cats the aortic nerve was examined anatomically and physiologically.
    Anatomically: In all the cases (42 on the left side and 37 on the right) the aortic nerve was detectable; it has one root (mostly from the upper laryngeal nerve) or two roots (mostly from the upper laryngeal and the vagus), and joins downwards with the vagus trunk, after running isolated in a length of 1-2 cros. in the majority of cases. In one-third of the cases the left aortic nerve runs to its termination without entering into the vagus trunk.
    The left aortic nerve, which enters into the vagus at the neck, branches again therefrom above the height of the median cervical ganglion.
    The left aortic nerve is connected with the median cervical ganglion usually by two thin strands. This connection has probably no bearing upon the functioning of the depressor.
    The left aortic nerve then branches usually into two branchesin the further course and they terminate on the ventral wall of the aortic arc.
    The right aortic nerve leaves the vagus trunk in the thoracic cavity or at the under neck, sometimes after branching off from the recurrent nerve, sometimes, much above the height of the median cervical ganglion. It branches in the further course into two or three nerve strands, and they terminate at the dorsal wall of the aortic arc, but some fibres run further to the lateral wall of the innominate artery, the right heart ventricle and the pulmonary artery.
    Physiologically: At the neck the aortic nerve is long enough to be stimulated in the majority of cases; it is needless to say that it is to be isolated in a sufficient length for stimulation in the thoracic cavity.
    The left aortic nerve causes always a fall of the arterial pressure reflexly; the pulse rate diminishes usually, but its scale is decidedly smaller compared with rabbits and dogs.
    The right aortic nerve always causes an elevation of the arterial pressure, contrary to the left; the heart beat rate is not affected at all, in contrast to a common afferent nerve, which gives rise to an accelerated heartbeat besides the blood pressure elevation. From this reasoning and the anatomical homology with the left side nerve, we are apt to take this right aortic nerve as having some particular bearing upon the blood pressure regulation, as the left aortic nerve, the depressor, but in reverse direction with the latter.
    In conclusion, it may be added that this right aortic nerve, which may be named as the pressor nerve, does not, as may be expected, convey afferent impulses of the reflex of Bainbridge.
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  • Kenzo Hasimoto, Shuzi Hirohata
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 245-259
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The depressor or aortic nerve was anatomically and physiologically investigated in dogs.
    The nerve which is capable of causing reflexly a blood pressure fall and a pulse retardation was discovered in all the cases in the left side. The nerve in the right side whose course is wholly the same as the left nerve, acted in the same manner, though in a somewhat inferior strength roughly speaking, in about two thirds of cases, while in the rest it was impossible to elicit any reflex so far as the circulatory system is concerned. In a few cases a pressoric action was registered.
    The aortic nerve has its root from the upper laryngeal nerve orthe vagus, near it, or two roots from both, or. some such place, which unite sooner or later. The aortic nerve then Joins downwards invariably to the vagus or sometimes to the sympathetic-trunk after running isolated, commonly for a few centimeters. In order to isolate the depressor the common sheath of the vagus and sympathetic must be carefully opened. The. aortic nerve thus prepared has usualy a sufficient length for stimulation with induction currents.
    In the upper thoracic cavity the aortic nerve branches from the vagus in the neighbourhood of the median cervical ganglion on the left side, and of the branching of the recurrent nerve on the right side, and runs towards the aortic arc, to the ventral respectively to the dorsal wall. In two cases, which were all those which we especially investigated, the depressor fibres in the aortic nerve prepared in the thoracic cavity were proved as contained in the aortic nerve prepared at the upper neck.
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  • Kenji Uchimura
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 260-271
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In der Untersuchung über Gruppenspezifität des Fruchtwassers bei 130 Fällen and ihrer Beziehung zum Bluttypus des Neugeborenen and der Mutter, habe ich folgendermassen zusammengefasst.
    1. Frisches sowie konzentriertes Fruchtwasser ergibt keine Isoagglutinine.
    2. Das Fruchtwasser ergibt durch Absorption von Agglutinin den Typus O, A, B and AB, ganz wie beim Bluttypus.
    3. Beziehungen zwischen dem Bluttypus der Mutter, dem des Kindes und Typus des Fruchtwassers: die gleichen Falle betragen prozentual mehr als 34%, die bei denen der Bluttypus der Mutter sich von dem des Neugeborenen unterscheidet, etwa 66%, darunter die meisten Fälle, bei denen der Typus des Fruchtwassers mit dem des Neugeborenen übereinstimmt (57, 7%), and nur selten Fälle (8, 5%), bei denen er es mit dem der Mutter tut.
    4. Der Niederschlag des Fruchtwassers stimmt beim Absorptionsverfahren mit dem beim Neugeborenen überein.
    5. Der Hemmungstiter des Antiisohämoagglutinins beträgt beim Fruchtwasser maximal das 64-fache, aber minimal ist er so schwach, dass dessen vollständige Absorption erst dann erfolgt, wean das Serum ums 4-fache verdünnt wird. Der Titer des Niederschlags ist dem des Fruchtwassers fast ganz ähnlich, aber der minimale Wert jenes scheint etwas höher zu sein als der des Fruchtwassers.
    6. Das Isoagglutinogen kommt in den Blutkörperchen des Neugeborenen fast ebenso häufig vor wie in denen des Erwachsenen.
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  • Kenji Uchimura
    1936 Volume 28 Issue 2-3 Pages 272-284
    Published: March 19, 1936
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In vorliegender Mitteilung wurden das Agglutinogen der Blutkörperchen und das Agglutinin des Serums an 111 Kindern sowie Müttern untersucht. Die Ergebnisse sind folgende.
    1. Das Agglutinogen des reifen Kindes am Schwangerschaftsende stimmt im Verhältnis der Typen sowie im Prozentsatz im grossen und ganzen mit dem des Erwachsenen überein.
    2. Die Fälle, bei denen das Isohämoagglutinin aus dem fötalen Körper zu stammen scheint, betragen 76, 6 % und die anscheinend von der Mutterseite stammenden 7, 2%. Damit ist zum ersten Male erwiesen, dass das Agglutinin in der Mehrzahl der Fälle vom Kind selbst produziert wird.
    3. In wenigen Fällen widersprechen das Agglutinin und das Agglutinogen der sog. Bluttypus-Regel und das Agglutinin des Fötusist dem mütterlichen gleich. In diesen Fällen sind die Titer des Agglutinins der Föten ziemlich niedriger als die der anderen.
    4. Der Agglutinationstiter des Plasmas der Föten ist im alligemeinen niedriger als der des Serums. Aber hieraus allein kann man diese paradoxe Erscheinung nicht erklären.
    5. Wenn ausserdem das Plasma mit einem bestimmten, gegen Test-Rote indifferenten Plasma verdünnt wurde, dann gab das eine geringe Menge Natriumzitrat, aber keine Kochsalzlösung enthaltende Plasma immer einen sehr niedrigen Agglutinationstiter.
    Aus Obigen ist zu vermuten, dass im kreisenden Blute kein Agglutinin vorhanden ist und es erst durch Austreten aus dem Kreislauf seine charakteristische Eigenschaft entfaltet.
    6. Nach vorliegender Untersuchung kann ich der Hessschen Annahme nicht zustimmen, dass reichlich Agglutinin von der Mutter her ins Kindesblut übergeht, besonders viel bei der Plazentalablösung.
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