The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 54, Issue 1
Displaying 1-17 of 17 articles from this issue
  • Yasuaki Matuda
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 1-4
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    From a liver-metastasis of gastric cancer were isolated a group carbohydrate and a protein. The former was found to be identical with the one obtainable from gastric cancer and the latter to differ not only from the corresponding fraction of gastric cancer but also from the correspond-ing one of normal human liver.
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  • CXXXVIII. A Search for the Unknown Nitrogenous Determinant Group of Masamune in the Group Carbohydrate from the Mucus-mucin of Pig Stomach
    Yasuaki Matuda, Eitaroh Itoh
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 5-9
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • A Preliminary Report
    Shinji Takahashi, Tatsuyo Shinozaki
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 9-10
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Susumu Tukahara
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 11-20
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Retinal processes of the toad's retina were analyzed by taking spikes from single retinal elements or a restricted number of element as the index.
    1. Curves of spectral distribution of photosensitivity for 71 retinal elements were mapped by Granit's optic method of analysis. 26 elements out of 71 were so-called photopic dominators, 8 scotopic dominators, and the rest so-called modulators.
    2. It was shown that the modulators fell into three groups with maxima at three preferential regions of the spectrum. However, the number of elements belonging to the “blue” or B group was found much smaller than those of the other kinds of elements. This is due to the masking effect exerted by scotopic dominators upon the B group.
    3. On 25 elements out of 71 Motokawa's electrical analysis succeeded. Three kinds of modulators show supernormal electrical excitability following an illumination by white light for two seconds; the time courses of excitability changes being different according to the kind of modulators.
    4. It was shown very clearly by the electric method that photopic dominators are composed of two or three kinds of modulators. All these experiments indicate that the two methods of analysis, optic and electric yield consistent results, if the masking effect stated above is ruled out.
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  • Takesi Hukuhara
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 21-28
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Der Einfluß des Atropins sowohl auf den ausgeschnittenen als auch den noch sich im Körper befindenden Dünndarm der verschiedenen Säugetiere, des Kaninchens, des Meerschweinchens, der Katze and des Hundes wurde mit Hilfe der verschiedenen Methoden (Trendelenburg and Straub and Viaud) untersucht: die Resultate konnte folgendermaßen zusammengefaßt werden.
    1) Was die Änderung der Länge des Darmrohres anbelangt, so arbeiten die beiden Darmmuskelschichten unter isotonischen Bedingungen antagonistisch: Wenn sich die Ringmuskulatur stärker kontrahiert, so verlängert sich die Länge des Darmes wahrscheinlich mit der verkleinerten Amplitude der Längenbewegung. Diese muß aber nur als eine scheinbare Hemmung betrachtet werden, weil die Darmkraft dabei in Wirklichkeit durch die Kontraktion der Ringmuskulatur gesteigert worden ist. Damit man also die Beförderung oder die Hemmung der Darmbewegung durch irgendein Arzneimittel beurteilen kann, muß man jedenfalls nicht nur die Längenänderung des Darmrohres, sondern auch die Volumänderung un-tersuchen. Bei den Untersuchungen über die Atropinwirkung auf den ausgeschnittenen Dünndarm haben die meisten Autoren allerdings die Magnussche Methode angewandt, mittelst deren man aber nur die Längenänderung des Darmstückes registrieren kann. Daß die Widersprüche unter den Autoren in der methodischen Unvollkommenheit zu suchen ist, kann man wohl mit Recht sagen.
    2) Nach kleinen and mittleren Dosis von Atropin (0.1-25mg. in 100cm.3 Badeflüßigkeit) wird der ausgeschnittene Dünndarm bei den verschiedenen Säugetieren stets fördernd beeinflußt. Beim Kaninchen und Meerschweinchen wirkt das Atropin auf die Ringmuskulatur stärker als die Längsmuskulatur erregend. Bei der Katze und dem Hund aber wirkt das Atropin auch auf die Längsmuskulatur stark erregend.
    3) Die kleine und mittlere Dosis von Atropin (0.1-70mg. intravenös) übt auf den Kaninchendünndarm in situ stets fördernden Einfluß aus.
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  • Takesi Hukuhara, Syomatu Yokoyama
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 29-36
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Um die automatische Fähigkeit der einzelnen Stellen des Sino-Atrial-, Ringes der Warmblüterherzen festzustellen, führten wir am Kaninchen-, Katzen- und Hundeherzen physiologische sowie histologische Untersu-chungen aus. Bei einer Serie von Versuchen werden die Stellen des Si.-A.-Ringes, durch deren thermische Reizung ein Herzbeschleunigungseffekt hervorgerufen werden kann, in anderen Worten die mit Automatic begabten Stellen, festgestellt. Bei einer anderen. Serie von Versuchen wurde der Si.-A.-Ring ringsum in Serien geschnitten, damit man feststellen kann, ob eine spezifische Muskulatur an den mit Automatic begabten Stellen vorhanden ist oder nicht. Die Resultate werden folgendermaBen zusammengefaßt:
    1) Beim Warmblüterherzen geht die automatische Fähigkeit des Si.-A.-Ringes gemäBß der Entwicklungsstufe des Tieres, und zwar in folgender Reihenfolge, verloren: Zuerst fehlt dem oberen Abschnitt der linken Sinusklappe die Automatic (Kaninchen), dann dem mittleren Abschnitt derselben (Katze), und weiter dem unteren Abschnitt sowie dem Ansatz der Thebesiusschen Klappe (Hund). Beim letztgenannten Tier bleibt der Ansatz der schon vöilig rückgebildeten Eustachischen Klappe noch als der Sitz der Automatic übrig.
    2) Bei alien untersuchten Warmblüterherzen ist der Sinusknoten der Ort der höchsten Automatic. Der Anastz sowohl der Eustachischen als auch der der Thebesiusschen Klappe haben beim Kaninchen und Katzen-herzen eine gleich groBe automatische Fähigkeit, und dann kommt die Fähigkeit der linken Sinusklappe.
    3) An den Stellen, die physiologisch mit Automatic begabt sind, kann man im allgemeinen eine spezifischer Muskulatur finden: Beim Kaninchen-und Katzenherzen kann man am Ansatz der Eustachischen und Thebesiusschen Klappen mit Sicherheit eine spezifische Muskulatur feststellen, während man an dem der linken Sinusklappe mit Wahrscheinlichkeit das Vorhandensein einer solchen annehmen kann. Beim Hundeherzen konnten wir aber am Ansatz der Eustachischen Klappe eine spezi-fische Muskulatur nicht bemerken.
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  • Zensuke Abe
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 37-44
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The relation between the threshold intensity, as determined with the light-sensation evoked by electrical stimulation of the eyes, and the frequency of the stimulating currents was studied in varying adaptation states of the eyes. The strength-frequency curve of the light-adapted eyes has 5 minima at frequencies of 7, 20, 35, 54 and 74 c. p. s. and that of the darkadapted eyes has 3 minima at frequencies of 7, 35 and 65 c. p. s. The two kinds of strength-frequency curves taken under light- and dark-adapta-tion differ from each other most greatly at 20 c. p. s., moderately about 55 c. p. s., and only slightly at 7 and 35 c. p. s. Even though a small circumscribed area of the retina is illuminated, the strength-frequency curve varies its form in various manners according to the brightness and wavelengths of light used. In general, red light of extremely long wave-lengths has only a slight effect on the form of the curve, but blue-violet light is far more effective. It was discussed that 20 c. p. s. may be the optimum frequency for electrical stimulation of those portions of the optic organs connected to rods.
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  • Tosisada Mita, Zensuke Abe, Tzoe Byonshik
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 45-52
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Motokawa's method for measuring fatigue takes as an index of fatigue a measure ΔS, which represents the difference between the threshold for appearance (S1) and that for disappearance (S2) of the flicker evoked by respective electrical stimulation of the eye. In the present investigation it was found that ΔS can be analyzed into two factors, the mean threshold (S) and the reaction time (T) for the minimum stimulus, where S is the arithmetical mean of S1 and S2. The relation can be expressed by the following formula,
    where K is constant and V the rate of raising and lowering the stimulating voltage. As indicated by this relation, two important factors S and T are embodied in a single measure ΔS which can be measured very easily by the Motokawa's method. Thus, our analysis has provided a theoretical ground for the usefulness of this method, and at the same time, a clue to the choice of experimental conditions such as illumination, the rate of raising and lowering the stimulating voltage, etc.
    We wish to thank Prof. K. Motokawa for his good and cordial advice.
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  • CXXXIX. On Non-amino Sugars in Serum Proteins
    Humi Inazawa
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 53-57
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    From crude serum mucoid of bull were isolated mannose (as phenylhydrazone) and galactose (as methylphenylhydrazone) in nearly equimolecular amounts.
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  • (Study on the Rotatography.) Fourth Report
    Shinji Takahashi, M. Imaoka, T. Shinozaki
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 59-66
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A method, rotatory crossgraphy, which is capable of taking the radio-gram of the horizontal or inclined, planed or curved transection of any part in the body, is described.
    A tube focus and two rotation axes of a rotation table A for a patient, and a rotation table B for a film are arranged so as to be in one vertical plane. The central X-ray is made to incline 15 degree to the surface of the rotation table B. Rotating two rotation tables with the same angular velocity from 0 degree to 180 degree, we expose. In order to remove the scattered and harmful X-ray two slits and Bucky-Potters Diaphragm are equipped at the front of the patient. Model experiments and then human body experiments were tried and the optimum technique of the rotatory crossgraphy were studied.
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  • X. Incontinentia pigmenti (Bloch-Sulzberger)
    Minor Ito
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 67-72
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Susumu Iijima
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 73-80
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. 33 cases of prurigo nodularis are reported.
    2. In the histolo pical study, the existence of Pautrier's neuroma is verified, the significadsu of which remains still unanswered.
    3. In the study of the etiology, sensitization to insect bites is noticed. This is certified by intracutaneous reaction and further with therapeutic results with the extract.
    4. The instance of the abortive form is observed.
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  • CXL. On Mucoitin from Vitreus Humor
    Tyuiti Isikawa
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 81-84
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Hachiro Seto
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 85-89
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Kinshi Mitsuki, Motoko Uyesugi
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 91-93
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Here we have made public our new method of the occult blood test. This new method can be carried out more simple, more economically, and more clearly than by the original methods and it brought about the same results as the original benzidine test. The maximum sensitiveness of our method was found to be 1:100, 000 with hemoglobin.
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  • Kinshi Mitsuki, Yuji Shirane
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 95-98
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    We have devised a new duodenal tube and by using it we have been able to take the dudenal juice with the time reduced to about one-third of that the original one required.
    We believe that our new tube will play a very effective part, in the medical examination and treatment of the various biliary diseases.
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  • First Report
    Yutaka Tsuiki
    1951 Volume 54 Issue 1 Pages 99-103
    Published: April 25, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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