1. Suzuki's mucoid and a mucopolysaccharide made up chiefly of acetylglucosamine, galactose and sulfuric acid were isolated in an electro-phoretically pure state from bull cornea and examined physically and chemically.
2. Analyses disclosed that the carbohydrate moiety of the mucoid is composed of acetylglucosamine, galactose and sulfuric acid in the molecular proportions of 1:1:0.5, which was substantiated on the moiety separated after digestion with pepsin and trypsin of the mucoid.
3. The mucopolysaccharide existing as a chemical entity in the cornea contains acetylglucosamine, galactose and sulfuric acid in the molecular proportions of 1:1:1.
4. The glucidamins from chondro- and osseomucoid and cornea-mucoid contain most probably the same carbohydrate in the molecule.
5. It is concluded that Meyer's preparation of “keratosulfate” was a mixture of the mucopolysaccharide as a digestion product of cornea mucoid and the above free mucopolysaccharide in cornea, which differ from each other in hydrolyzable sulfur content as expressed in molecular proportion to acetylglucosamine or galactose.
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