The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 59, Issue 1-2
Displaying 1-20 of 20 articles from this issue
  • CLXI. Paper Partition Chromatography of Sugars, in particular of Hexosamines and Hexuronic Acids Second Report
    Hajime Masamune, Zensaku Yosizawa
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 1-9
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A descending method of paper partition chromatography of sugars has been devised, where solutions of sulfate of hexosamines and non-amino sugars are adjusted to pH 5.8 with H2SO4 and irrigated with n-butanol-pyridine-water (5:3:2) or n-utylacetate-acetic acid-ethanol-water(3:2:1:1)
    . Chromatograms of traganth and mucinogen of toad and frog eggcovering (hydrolysates) were given as examples.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches was given a grant from the Education Department in aid to us. H. Masamune.
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  • Kiyotaka Takahashi, Tsuyoshi Aoki, Masao Wada
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 10
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Koiti Motokawa, Kituya Iwama, Mituru Ebe
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 11-22
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The retinal induction set up by a colored patch around its retinal image disappears when a remote region of the retina is illuminated by another colored light complementary to the former. The mechanism of this phenomenon is such that the retinal induction is neutralized by some spreading process originating in the remote region illuminated. Such a process is called “spreading induction.”
    The propagation of spreading induction is blocked at an image and at an after-image of a white patch. Taking advantage of this phenomenon, the velocity of spreading induction was measured in 7 cats and in 6 human subjects. The values obtained were on an average 1.83± 0.05mm./sec. in cat's retina and 1.72±0.01mm./sec. in the human retina. The velocity was found uniform throughout propagation. It depended neither on the direction of propagation nor on retinal location.
    The velocity was found independent of the kind of spreading induction. The energy of spreading induction suffers from decrement as it is propagated, but its velocity remains uniform. In these aspects the type of energy transmission of spreading induction is different from that of nervous conduction which follows the all-or-nothing law.
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  • Togo Horiuchi
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 23-35
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    An experimental study on disturbances of acid-base balance encountered during operations of opened chest was carried out in dogs and rabbits. Special attention was given to the effects of methods for continuos O2 supply under positive pressure. The following results were obtained:
    1. When bilateral thoracotomy is performed with constant flowing of O2 under positive pressure, the removal of CO2 is hindered, the respiratory acidosis sets in with the lapse of time and the danger ensues. In fact, in spite of enough supply of O2, the animal dies due to the acidosis.
    2. The respiratory acidosis during operation will be relieved by closing the chest.
    3. The respiratory acidosis during operation is often complicated by metabolic acidosis.
    4. Metabolic acidosis appears few days after operation and it tends to increase. Concerning the research how to prevent the occurrence of acidosis during operation the following results were obtained:
    5. When the intermittent administration of O2 under positive pressure or the constant flowing under positive pressure by intermittent insufflation of xcessive O2 is used to expedite the exchange of the alveolar gas, the respiratory acidosis is prevented.
    6. The partial pressure of CO2 is not increased by the type of intermittent administration of O2 under positive pressure, but the alkali reserve decreases and the pH falls.
    7. Metabolic acidosis as well as respiratory acidosis do not occur by the type of constant flowing under positive pressure by intermittent insufflation of excessive O2. More physiologic, accordingly more suitable condition can be obtained by this means than by the above mentioned method.
    Kind advices were given by Prof. K. Matsuda, of applied physiology I should like to express my gratitude to him.
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  • Mamoru Suzuki
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 37-51
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Motor cells exist in the lumbar cord not only in cornu ventrale, but also in pars intermedia and cornu dorsale, and they are clearly distinguishable from the vegetative and sensory cells, through that they are very large in size, show a concave contour and are provided with many stout processes, giving them an appearance of rugged virility. Motor cells incornu ventrale are especially typical in their form. They have usually one long process each, which is thick and strongly stainable, but seeing that the total number of long processes is. larger than that of motor cells on the same cross section, it may be surmised that some cells send out two long processes each, or some of the processes branch out in 2 rami. The short processes number 5 to 7 per cell, are stout but somewhat weakly staining, and after a rather long course, mostly branch out in numerous rami and apparently end freely. Frequently, true anastomosis of short processes is observed between both motor cells.
    Motor cells in cornu ventrale may be divided into the medial and lateral groups. The cells in the former group are smaller both in number and size than the cells in the latter group. The former can be divided again into the ventral and dorsal subgroups. The dorsal subgroup is especially poor in development. The lateral group, on the other hand, is very well developed, and can be divided into the ventral, middle and dorsal subgroups, and especially in the lumbar swelling the number of motor cells increases, so that they may be justly subdivided further.
    Motor cells in pars intermedia are arranged sporadically, with prevalence in its medial parts, where 3 cells are usually seen on one cross section. In shape, they resemble the small motor cells in the medial group in cornu ventrale. Motor cells in cornu dorsale are seen in its lateral, medial and basal parts, where 1 or 2 each are found in the respective areas. They are also small in size.
    Motor cells in cornu ventrale, together with their long and. short processes, are found buried in a plexus of incoming nerve fibres. Of the plexus fibres, the motor fibres penetrate into the motor cell group chiefly through the tractus corticospinalis lateralis, the reflex sensory fibres through the entrance zone of dorsal root fibres, and the minute vegetative fibres from the circumference of the cell group. These fibres are all thinner than the short processes of motor cells. The incoming motor and sensory fibres are both better stainable and stouter than the vegetative fibres, so that the distinction between them is readily made. The end formation of these incoming fibres toward the motor cells is neither represented by pericellular reticular formation nor by annular or pin-head shaped corpuscles, as has been held hitherto, but by an intricate criss-cross run in every direction of the incoming fibres. They seem to end in simple branched endings around the short processes, rather than around the cell bodies.
    The transmission of stimuli seems to be accomplished by the following process. First, the stimuli carried by the incoming fibres excite the glial cells apparently of endocrinous nature, whose secretion secondarily excites the motor cells, in particular their short processes. The excitement ofthe motor cells is then transmitted by the way of the long processes to the periphery.
    Sensory cells in the lumbar cord stand midway between the motor and vegetative cells in size, and are morphologically readily distinguishablee from the latter two. Only few of them are rounded and feminine in appearance as those in the sensory nuclei in the brain stem, the majority being either spindleshaped or triangular in form. Their short processess are strongly stainable and stout, but stand behind those of motor cells both in number and length. They apparently end without branching or in a few branches, always sharply.
    These sensory cells are different in size and shape according to their localisation.
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  • Mamoru Suzuki
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 53-61
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Vegetative cells in lumbar cord. are much smaller than motor and sensory cells in it, poorer in nerve processes and stellar, triangular, spindle or club-shaped in form. Nerve fibrils in the cell body are also much less stainable and minuter than those in motor and sensory cells. The cell nucleus is, however, larger than in the motor and sensory cells, some times macro-sized.
    These vegetative cells with oversized cell nucleus were proved by Atsuki also in the Edinger-Westphal's nucleus, and are assumed to be parasympathetic in collation with experimental results. In accordance with him, I also assume that the cells with large cell nucleus are parasympathetic and the cells with smaller one are sympathetic in nature.
    In cornu laterale of the cranial lumbar cord, some larger vegetative cells are found, divided into lateral, medial and dorsal groups. The short processes of these cells are very short and small in number, ending sharply in most cases. I could not follow the course of the long processes to an adequate distance, but they may go over into radix ventralis, as assumed by Ziehen and Bok, for many minute vegetative fibres are found incorporated in radix ventralis. These cells are deemed sympathetic, as having a small cell nucleus each.
    There exist some vegetative cells corresponding to Bok's nucleus intermediomedialis in the medial side of pars intermedia of lumbar cord. They come to particularly strong development at the lumbar swelling, and can be divided into the ventral group consisting of larger cells and the medial and dorsal groups consisting of smaller cells. The cells in the former are stellar in shape and provided with macro-sized cell nucleus and can be clearly classified as parasympathetic cells, but those in the latter two have also a rather large cell nucleus each, so that they are also assumed to be parasympathetic in function.
    There are some vegetative cells arranged scattered in a band from the dorsomedial side of cornu ventrale to the commissura ventralis grisea, which seemingly correspond to the nucleus cornu commissuralis anterioris (Bok). The cells are small, with shape of elongated triangle or polygon, star or spindle, with their long axis and nerve processes parallel to that of the nucleus. These cells are provided with large cell nucleus and are apparently parasympathetic. But sometimes sympathetic cells with .smaller cell nucleus are also found coexistent with the parasympathetic.
    The Bok's nucleus cornu commissuralis posterioris is found diffused from the medial side of the head of cornu dorsale to the commissura dorsalis grisea, consisting of small-sized spindle-shaped parasympathetic cells with rather large cell nucleus. Their long axis and their generally bipolar processes are arranged parallel with the arcuate long axis of the nucleus. In the dorsal side of substantia grisea centralis are also found rather large stellar or polygonal cells grouped in several units. They are parasympathe-tic cells with large or macro-sized cell nucleus, and I propose to call their group nucleus dorsalis centralis.
    In the substantia gelatinosa and cornu dorsale are found scattered polygonal minute vegetative cells. Their cell nucleus is very large in proportion to the cell body. This cell group is thus presumed to be parasympathetic and seems to correspond to the nucleus parasympathicus of spinal cord as shown in the experimental study of Kure. He says that the long processes of these cells run to the periphery through the radix dorsalis, but I could not follow up their course satisfactorily. However, as many minute vegetative fibres are found running through the radix, I am not in the position to deny his assertion.
    Nucleus sympathicus mediosacralis, observed by Jacobsohn in the medial side of cornu ventrale of the 5th lumbar segment and downwards, is found in my specimens diffused as far as into the lumbar swelling.
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  • XIV. Group Lipoid of Pig Stomach Mucosa
    Masahiro Tokura
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 63-67
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    From a batch of stomach mucosa of pigs was obtained a lipid preparation which was demonstrated to be essentially hemogeneous after electrophoresis in an alkaline buffer. It was quite strong in Group A activity but possessed also Group O activity.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches was given a grant from the Education Department in aid to us. H. Masamune.
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  • Genji Kikuchi
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 69-78
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Saline extracts of pig kidney cortices were fractioned and carbohydrate preparations obtained were studied analytically, optically, electrophoretically and serologically. The intermediate products in the course of preparation were also examined which indicated that the tissue is scanty of polyuronic acids and devoid of glucidamins.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches was given a grant from the Eucation Department in aid to us. H. Masamune.
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  • Second Report
    Hirosi Tiba, Isao Takaku, Genji Kikuchi
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 79-85
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Second Report
    Hajime Masamune, Hirosi Tiba, Isao Takaku, Genji Kikuchi, Yoiti Satoh
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 87-95
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. The carcinomatous ascitic fluids with primary tumor in stomach and the non-cancerous were fractioned, and the proteins remaining in solution on electrodialysis were purified from the crude products combined separately according to the carcinomatous or non-cancerous nature of the fluids.
    2. The carcinomatous and the non-cancerous protein (preparations) both proved homogeneous electrophoretically and showed no noteworthy difference in heat-coagulability, precipitability: by alkaloid precipitants, chemical qualitative reactions, analyses, ' specific refraction and acid dye combination.
    3. The former protein underwent almost no alteration in reactivity (precipitin reaction) with its antiserum, absorbed with the latter protein, by tryptic digestion, treatment with formaldehyde and heating.
    4. The carbohydrate moiety of the two proteins (The protein from a liver-cirrhotic ascites was as the non-cancerous) were separated after alkaline cleavage of the proteins. The preparations resembled each other qualitatively (test-tube test and paper partition chromato-graphy of the sugar components), quantitatively (The one from the carcinomatous protein contained somewhat less amino acids) and electrophoretically.
    5. The carbohydrate preparation from the carcinomatous protein proved to act as the determinant group specific to that protein by the precipitin reaction with an immune serum of that protein, absorbed with the non-cancerous protein.
    6. Judging from kinds of sugar component of the carbohydrate preparations, it is plausibly claimed that ascitic fluids can not be mere filtrates of blood serum.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches was given a grant from the Education Department in aid to us. H. Masamune.
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  • Shinichi Saito
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 97-104
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • I. Ueber das gesetzmässige Verhalten der Flockungszahl bei der elektrischen Aufladung des Menschen
    Michio Fujii
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 105-117
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Es wurden systematische Untersuchungen über das Verhalten der Flockungszahl bei der elektrischen Aufladung des Menschen angestellt and folgende Resultate gewonnen:
    1. Bei der elektrischen Aufladung verändert rich die Flz nach einem allgemeinen “Gesetz” deutlich, indem positive Aufladung der isolierten Versuchsperson die Flz erhöht, während negative Aufladung sie vermindert. Die Variation der Flz ist bei der positiven Aufladung viel grösser als bei der negativen Aufladung. (Etwa um den Wert +18 bei +450 Volt, um -8, 5 bei -450 Volt bei ein and derselben gesunden Person).
    2. Der Aufladungseffekt bleibt völlig aus, wean der Gegenpol der Batterie nicht geerdet ist. Als wichtigste Vorbedingungen für einen erfolgreichen Aufladungseffekt gilt also vor allem der Erdanschluss des Gegenpols der Batterie !
    3. Der Aufladungseffekt ist, ähnlich wie der Bestrahlungseffekt, nur während der Aufladung der Personen nachweisbar and nicht mehr nach dem Ausschalten der Elektrizitätsbelastung, weil die Flz immer nur den Wert zeigt, den das Blut im Augenblick der Blutentnahme hatte. Gleich nach Beendigung der Aufladung kehrt der erhöhte oder verminderte Flz-Wert sofort wieder zum Ausgangswert zurück.
    4. Die nach der Modifikation von Murasugi bestimmte Flz nimmt bei der positiven Aufladung von ein and derselben Versuchsperson um das Doppelte gegenüber dem nach der Originalmethode von Takata-Dohmo to ermittelten Flz-Wert and um das Dreifache im Vergleich zur Modifikation von Hatashita zu. (Etwa um den Wert +18 bei +450 Volt nach der Modifikation von Murasugi, um +8 bei +450 Volt nach der Originalmethode and um +5 bei +450 Volt nach der Modifikation von Hatashita).
    5. Der Aufladungseffekt ist bei Patienten, bei denen die Flz-Werte infolge von Krankheitsprozessen wesentlich kleiner sind, weniger deutlich ausgeprägt. Er bleibt dann fast vollstandig aus, wenn die Takata-Reaktion im Serum stark positiv ausfallt, and dementsprechend die Flz von vornherein kleiner als 30 ist.
    6. Zwischen dem Ausgangs-Flockungszahlwert and dem Aufladungs-effekt besteht eine enge Beziehung: Je höher die Ausgangs-Flz ist, desto grösser ist der Aufladungseffekt, doch ist die Grösse des Aufladungseffektes individuell ziemlich variabel.
    7. Es wurde elektrophoretisch festgestellt, dass der “T-Fraktion”, einer neuen Komponente der Serumproteine, eine Funktion als Ladungsträger zukommt, dass aber γ-Globuline bzw. Euglobuline damit gar nichts zu tun haben.
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  • II. Ueber den Einfluss elektrischer Aufladung des Menschen auf einzelne Serum-Eiweissfraktionen im Elektrophoresediagramm
    Michio Fujii
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 119-129
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Fassen wir nun kurz unsere Ergebnisse über den Einfluss elektrischer Aufladung des Menschen und des Blutserums auf einzelne Serum- Eiweisskomponenten im Elektrophoresediagramm zusammen, so haben wir folgendes zu sagen:
    1. In fast alien Fällen der Versuche nahm die Albumin-Fraktion mehr oder weniger deutlich ab und die γ-Globulinfraktion regelmässig zu, ganz gleich, ob es sich um eine positive oder um eine negative Aufladung handelte. Die quantitative Veränderung der α-und β-Globulinfraktion war nicht einheitlich. Man sieht also hier keine spezifischen Befunde.
    2. Ganz charakteristisch und eindrucksvoll aber war die Auftrennung der γ-Globuline in zwei Unterfraktionen, d.h. in eine γ1- und γ2-Fraktion, die nur bei “positiver” Aufladung gelang, nicht dagegen bei negativer Aufladung.
    3. Die Zustandsänderung der Gradienten kehrt schon binnen 30 Minuten nach beendeter Aufladung des Menschen wieder zum Ausgangs-bilde vor der Aufladung zurück.
    4. Die Veränderungen im Elektrophoresediagramm sind die Folge elektrostatischer Vorgänge, welche sich im menschlichen Organismus nur während der Aufladung abspielen and normalerweise unbewusst vor sick gehen.
    5. Das Zustandekommen der elektrophoretischen Auftrennung der γ-Globuline in zwei Zacken gilt nicht nur für Patienten mit positiver, sondern auch negatives Takata-Reaktion.
    6. Bei der positiven Aufladung des Blutserums in vitro tritt ebenfalls eine elektrophoretische Auftrennung der γ-Globuline in zwei Zacken ein, nicht dagegen bei der negativen Aufladung. Die hierbei entstandenen Veränderungen des elektrophoretischen Serumeiweissbildes sind nicht umkehrbar.
    7. Auf Grund der früheren Feststellung, dass die Takata-Flockung hauptsächlich aus zwei Komponenteri, d.h. Euglobulin and T-Fraktion, besteht, and in Anbetracht des elektrophoretischen Nachweises, dass die Takataflockungen bzw. Takata-Proteine mit den γ-Globulinen (γ1 and γ2) wandern, liegt es nahe, anzunehmen, dass die “T-Fraktion” (Takata) höchstwahrscheinlich mit dem γ2 identisch sein müsse.
    8. Aus Obigem geht hervor, Bass die T-Fraktion (d.h. γ2) sowohl theoretisch wie auch praktisch als ein spezifischer “Ladungsträger” bei der elektrischen Aufladung des Menschen fungieren muss.
    9. Dem γ1 (d.h. Euglobulinen) and anderen Komponenten der Serum-Eiweisse (d.h. Albumin and α- wie β-Globulinen) kommt eine Funktion, Träger der die Flockungszahl unmittelbar beeinflussenden Ladung zu sein, kaum oder gar nicht zu.
    10. Die gesetzmässigen Flz-Veränderungen bei der elektrischen Aufladung des Menschen haben demnach lediglich mit der als Ladungsträger fungierenden T-Fraktion zu tun.
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  • Second Report
    Takuo Tamaki
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 131-136
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • V. On the Location of Facial Nucleus of Birds
    Shigeaki Yamamoto, Mitsuyoshi Oikawa, Toshiaki Konno, Ko Ohi
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 137-143
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Our study was conducted with series of Pal-carmine stained transverse sections of the brains of a pigeon, a japanese bush-warbler, a gull, a baby crow, an owl and cock as materials.
    2. In a bird's brain, the fasciculus solitarius is fully developed, but the facial nucleus is located far up in a cranial position, and there is no trace that it has ever moved down caudally.
    3. In a bird's brain, the pyramidal tract is lacking altogether, yet the facial nucleus is generally situated in much the same position as occupied by it in mammals, the pars 1 of intrapontine facial nerve being found formed in some cases only.
    4. There has been no observation revealing that the facial nucleus has been particularly drawn toward the extrapyramidal tract.
    5. Concerning the question whether the facial nucleus is displaced toward the nucleus of the descending trigeminal root, it may be mentioned that the relative position of the two organs above, if the position of the superior olive is taken as standard, is somewhat unlike from bird to bird.
    6. In consideration of the above, we find it impossible to recognize the applicability of the neurobiotaxis theory in the case of birds as little as in the case of mammals.
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  • Tokuro Suzuki, Norio Ichikawa
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 145-148
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    We wish to lay special emphasis on adopting Occluded Bone Conduction Test as a standard method of quantitative bone conduction measurement, as it has many advantages over open bone conduction test.
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  • Naohiko Tokita
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 149-158
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • VI. The Influence of Medullar Reflex on Facial Nucleus of Mammals and Birds
    Shigeaki Yamamoto, Shunsuke Utsushi, Naokichi Endo
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 159-162
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • First Paper
    Kohsiroh Tokutomi
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 163-175
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. The extract by the aid of physiological saline of pig stomach mucosa was fractioned and two proteins, a pentosenucleic acid and a group carbohydrate were isolated in electrophoretically homogeneous state. Besides, preparations of hexuronic acid-containing polysaccharides (polyuronic acids) were obtained.
    2. The properties of the substances yielded were examined.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches was given a grant from the Education Department in aid to us. H. Masamune.
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  • Second Paper
    Kohsiroh Tokutomi
    1953 Volume 59 Issue 1-2 Pages 177-192
    Published: December 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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