The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 78, Issue 1
Displaying 1-10 of 10 articles from this issue
  • Keiya Tada
    1962 Volume 78 Issue 1 Pages 1-6
    Published: October 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In the liver of a patient with congenital galactosemia and accumulation of galactose-1-phosphate was demonstrated by paperchromatography.
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  • Kozo Ishiguro
    1962 Volume 78 Issue 1 Pages 7-10
    Published: October 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The blood pantothenic acid concentrations of the pregnant women showed the lower levels than that of the non-pregnant women at the same age classes. The oral administration of 60 mg. of calcium pantothenate per day did not raise the low blood levels of bound pantothenic acid of women at the 7-8th month of pregnancy. However, the blood levels of free pantothenic acid were raised remarkably by the administration of calcium pantothenate.
    The author expresses his thanks to Prof. E. Takahashi and to Dr. S. Kamiyama for their valuable suggestions.
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  • Tasuke Shibuya
    1962 Volume 78 Issue 1 Pages 11-16
    Published: October 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A 2 month-old infant with jaundice due to infectious mononucleosis-hepatitis - probably the youngest patient ever reported with jaundice due to infectious mononucleosis - was described.
    The liver biopsy findings and peripheral blood pictures were emphasized from the diagnostic point of view.
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  • Mituru Ebe, Tomohisa Mikami
    1962 Volume 78 Issue 1 Pages 17-24
    Published: October 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In the scotopic stage, the influences of intensity of stimulating light on the cortical evoked potential were studied in both arousal and sleep.
    The potential was recorded by means of the superimposition method of Dawson. Stimulating light was from Xenon lamp, white, 50μ sec. in duration and 0.3 Joule/sec. in electric energy. Light source was in the distance of 30 cm in front of the eyes of the subjects. In arousal, the changes of the evoked potentials following the reduction of the intensity of stimulating light were categorized into three types, i.e. delay of culmination time, decreasing of amplitudes and shifting of the prominent component.
    During sleep, although the amplitude of the response was far higher than in arousal, but the threshold to the stimulating light increased to over 103 fold comparing with that in arousal.
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  • Yoshinobu Ishikawa, Matsuro Fukushima, Hiroharu Uno
    1962 Volume 78 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
    Published: October 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Keisuke Okamura
    1962 Volume 78 Issue 1 Pages 32-43
    Published: October 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. A series of contraction in Krebs solution by repeated electrical stimulation to the progesterone-dominated rabbit uterus in vitro, was named as the transitional phenomenon and its mechanism was investigated.
    2. The phenomenon was classified into 4 types and type A is taken as to be the. most typical.
    3. The phenomenon can be devided into three stages and contractions of the 1st and 2nd stage were different in shape from the 3rd stage.
    4. The phenomenon was affected by preservation of the muscle and finally disappeared.
    5. Uterine horn showed the most typical phenomenon to the rest of the uterus and could hold it for a longer period of time.
    6. The phenomenon was observed only once in a same strip of uterus.
    7. The temperature of Krebs solution in experiment was the most suitable at 28°C to obtain it. Rising the temperature to 37°C obscured its appearance.
    8. The optimal voltage for the phenomenon was 2 V/cm and 8 V/cm or more disappeared it.
    9. The phenomenon was seen in both of longitudinal and transverse applications of electrical stimulation.
    10. The phenomenon could not be observed when the muscle was depolarized below the certain level by excess K ion.
    11. The phenomenon was least sensitive to the alteration of Ca ion in Krebs solution.
    12. Hypertonic and hypotonic Krebs solutions disappeared it.
    13. The phenomenon was closely dependent on interval and duration of the electrical stimulation.
    14. From these data, the main cause of the transitional phenomenon is speculated as the shift of polarization of cell membrane. But decrement of both metabolism and conduction property in muscle cell by progesterone also ought to be considered.
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  • A Case Report and a Review of the Literature
    Gen Niwayama
    1962 Volume 78 Issue 1 Pages 44-57
    Published: October 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    This is a report of sialo-adenitis with inclusion disease of the submaxillary salivary gland in a 5 months old male infant. Cases reported in Japan are reviewed. Etiology and pathology as well as symptomatology and diagnosis are discussed.
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  • Haruo Koizumi
    1962 Volume 78 Issue 1 Pages 58-75
    Published: October 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The pancreatic acinar cells of the mouse were studied by light and electron microscopies in regard to the mechanism of granule formation and changes of the glandular cell occurring in the process of differentiation. The results obtained are as follows:
    1) As regards the mechanism of granule formation, the secretory granule seems to be formed within the cavity of the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum in the early stages of prenatal differentiation, namely in cases 15 to 16 days of gestation, in which the organellae of the acinar cell are not sufficiently developed. However, when the cellular differentiation is advanced, that is the stages 3 to 4 days after birth, a transition of the Golgi vacuole to granule and changes of density of the granular contents are observed. This fact may suggest that the site of synthesis of secretory products is in the endoplasmic reticulum and the site of their accumulation is within the Golgi complex.
    No evidence suggesting direct transformation of mitochondria into granule was obtained in the present study.
    2) Some differences of properties and formation mechanisms of the secretory granule in various stages were observed. That is, the secretory granules seen in the end of gestation are larger than those in the postnatal stages and showed the figure of `central condensation' in their maturing process. On the contrary, the secretory granules in the postnatal stages are the same size as those of the adult and matured by diffuse condensation of their contents. From this fact it is presumed that there are some differences in enzymatic activities and chemical characters between both granules.
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  • Norio Taira, Junji Okuda
    1962 Volume 78 Issue 1 Pages 76-96
    Published: October 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Transmission of sensory messages under reticular activation was investigated at the three levels of the visual pathway in locally anesthetized cats, immobilized with Flaxedil, using as indicators unitary and mass responses to localized visual stimuli. The degree of alertness was judged by the EEG recorded from the visual cortex and pupillary size of one intact eye. Non-visual sensory stimuli or electrical stimuli applied to the mesencephalic reticular formation served as alerting stimuli.
    1. Radiation units were identified by the shape of spikes and discharge pattern as well as the latency of response to electrical stimulation of the optic tract or optic radiation and refractory period. These units were classified into “on” and “off” type units in the dark-adapted state. They showed the background discharge of 10-20/sec in the non-alerted state and increased their discharge rate in the alerted state. A response increase in discharge rate fluctuated remarkably in a series of trials with constant stimuli in the non-alerted state, but the fluctuation decreased definitely in the alerted state.
    2. The photically evoked potential in the lateral geniculate which varied in the shape and amplitude in the non-alerted state showed a reduction of fluctuation in the alerted state.
    3. In optic tract units no such difference as observed in the radiation units could be found between the non-alerted and alerted states.
    4. Most visual cortical neurons were facilitated by reticular activation to respond intensively and regularly to repeated presentation of visual stimuli. Inhibition also was observed in one unit.
    5. The photically evoked potential in the visual area was more stable in the shape and amplitude under the alerted than non-alerted conditions.
    6. From the results described above it was concluded that the effect of reticular activation is to increase the regularity of response above the lateral geniculate level. In other words, the reliability of information is increased under reticular activation.
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  • Shoichi Yamagata, Yoshinori Sasaki, Tatsuru Uchiyama, Jiro Hirai, Akir ...
    1962 Volume 78 Issue 1 Pages 97-115
    Published: October 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The effects of long-term administration of sulfonylureas on glucose tolerance was studied in normal rats and alloxanized rats which showed no decreased glucose tolerance.
    Sulfonylureas were administered daily through a stomach tube in doses of 200 mg. per kg. of body weight (carbutamide or tolbutamide) and 100 mg. per kg. of body weight (chlorpropamide) for four to six months.
    The fasting blood sugar levels did not exceed 200 mg. per dl. in either normal or alloxanized animals, except in one rat belonging to the normal rat group which received chlorpropamide. The fasting blood sugar level in this rat increased to 257 mg. per dl. five days after the administration of chlorpropamide. Lobar pneumonia in the left upper lobe and abscess formation in the occipital cranial fossa were observed at autopsy but the beta cells in the islets of the pancreas were riot degranulated.
    Glucose tolerance was decreased one to three months after the administration of the sulfonylurea drugs in the normal rat groups but improved gradually thereafter. A more notable decrease in glucose tolerance, however, was observed in 40 per cent of the alloxanized rats compared with the normal rats. No differences in the decreased glucose tolerance test were found among the sulfonylurea drugs.
    The mean response indices to the sulfonylureas were not changed in any of the groups four to six months after the administration of sulfonylureas.
    The free acetone in the blood did not increase in the normal groups, while it increased in alloxanized rat groups which were administered tolbutamide or chlorpropamide.
    The glycogen content of the liver decreased markedly in both the normal and alloxanized groups.
    The mean glucose-6-phosphatase activity of the liver decreased in both the normal and alloxanized groups compared with that of each control group.
    The glucose uptake of the isolated diaphragm did not decrease in any group except in the alloxanized group which was administered chlorpropamide.
    The mean weight of the adrenal gland did not increase in any group.
    The diabetogenic action of the sulfonylureas and the mechanism which induces decreased glucose tolerance after the administration of sulfonylureas were discussed.
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