The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 64, Issue 3-4
Displaying 1-25 of 25 articles from this issue
  • Yoshio Goto
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 199-208
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Intravenous single glucose loading test and intravenous double glucose loading test were performed in the same individuals, diabetics and non-diabetics. The presumed double loading curve was constructed from the single loading curve by calculation, and the actual double loading curve was compared with the presumed double loading curve. The results show that the calculated curves closely correspond to the measured loading curves. From these results, the intravenous double sugar loading test is of no special significance.
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  • 36th Report
    Yuji Sato
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 209-215
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In 22 biopsied liver specimens of malnourished infants with severe rickets, fatty infiltration was found in 12 cases, cloudy swelling in 14 cases, plant cell-like appearance of hepatic cells in 12 cases and zonal necrosis in 3 cases.
    These histopathological findings showed no qualitative differences from those obtained from children with nutritional dystrophy without severe rickets.
    Fatty liver was found more frequently in younger infants than in the older, and plant cell-like appearance of hepatic cells more frequently in older infants than in the younger.
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  • Takashi Yamaguchi, Yasuhiko Hino
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 216
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • 40th Report
    Yuji Sato
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 217-225
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In the course of bacillary dysentery of two children, acute enlargement of liver was observed. Liver biopsy revealed fatty infiltration in one case and plant cell-like appearance of hepatic cells in the other.
    In three cases of nutritional dystrophy with acute infections, an increase in the size of liver was observed and this increase was, as was revealed by liver biopsy, due to cloudy swelling with fibrosis in 2 cases and to plant cell-like appearance of hepatic cells in the other.
    Almost simultaneously with the occurrence of the hepatic enlargement in question, profuse sweating over the skin of upper abdomen was found in three out of the five cases with acute enlargement of liver.
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  • Yoshihiko Umehara
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 227-230
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The sciatic nerves of 10 rabbits were severed on both sides and very high frequency impulses were administered to their gastrocnemius muscle groups unilaterally. In 3 to 62 days after the beginning of the stimu-ation, the muscles groups were cut out at the insertion of the tendons on both sides and weighed, for estimating the degree of muscle atrophy in comparison. The results obtained were as follows:
    1. The weight of the gastrocnemius muscles on the treated side in comparison with that of the muscles on the other side was always larger and apparently showed that such a treatment was effective in controling muscle atrophy.
    2. The impulse treatment should be begun in a short period after the cutting off of the nervous control and should be continued in daily administration more than two months.
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  • Yoshihiko Umehara
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 231-241
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    22 cases of essential hypertension (14 benign and 8 malignant), and 7 cases of nephritic hypertension (5 of chronic and 2 of acute glomeru-lonephritis) were injected intramuscularly with various blood pressure depressants, hexamethonium bromide (Methobromine), veratrum viride (Trapon) and 1-hydrazino-phthalazine (Apresoline), for effecting abrupt lowering of the blood pressure, and the protein fractions in the plasma before and after the blood pressure lowering were measured. The results are as follows:
    1. The total plasma protein is slightly lower than the normal in all the hypertension forms, especially, in acute glomerulonephritis; upon lowering of blood pressure, the decrease is accentuated further in the hypertensions with disturbance of the renal function, being most marked in acute nephritis, followed by chronic nephritis and malignant essential hypertension. In benign essential hypertension, the value shows a very slight rise, if anything.
    2. Albumin is reduced below the normal level in all forms of hyper-tension. Through lowering of the blood pressure, it is further diminished in the cases with renal damage, the reduction being marked in the order of malignant essential, chronic nephritic and acute nephritic hypertension. In benign essential hypertension, it tends to increase after the administra-tion of the depressants.
    3. The total globulin content is augmented beyond normal in all the forms, fibrinogen and β- and γ-globulins being especially in increase, accordingly the ratio A/G being always subnormal. Upon effected lowering of blood pressure, α- and β-globulins decrease slightly, apparently in essential hypertension. Fibrinogen tends more or less to an increase in all cases, particularly marked in malignant essential and nephritic hyper-tension. γ-globulin is found significantly increased in essential hyper-tension, especially in malignant form; on the contrary in renal hyper-tension, it tends rather to decrease. After the blood pressure lowering, the ratio A/G increases towards normal value in benign essential hyper-tension, but is diminished further in all other forms.
    4. It is mentionsworth that when the blood pressure is lowered immensely, even benign form may show changes similar to those in malig-nant and nephritic hypertension subjects.
    5. No difference in results is observed by the use of different de-pressants.
    6. An attempt is made to explain the pathologic physiology of the above presented findings. It is suggested that from the changes in the protein fraction picture of plasma certain functional disturbance of the important organs, such as kidney, brain, heart, liver and others, may be guessed and that some information on the evaluation of the blood pressure depressants can be obtained.
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  • Tokuo Atsumi
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 243-252
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • 2nd Report (A Supplementary Note to the 1st Report)
    Zensaku Yosizawa
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 253-256
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • CLXXXVI. Oligosaccharides Separated after Acetolysis of the Group Mucopolysaccharide from Pig Gastric Mucus First Report: “Gastro-N-trisaccharide”
    Hajime Masamune, Zensaku Yosizawa, Mituo Haga
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 257-265
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. A trisaccharide “gastro-N-trisaccharide” was separated in cry-stalline form from the group mucopolysaccharide which had been pre-pared by alkaline scission at room temperature of pig stomach mucus.
    2. It was concluded that the trisaccharide has the structure of acetyl-glucosamine-4-galactosido-4-acetylgalactosaminide, being based on the results of oxidation experiments with hypoiodite and sodium metaper-iodate and that of Morgan-Elson test.
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  • CLXXXVII. Oligosaccharides Separated after Acetolysis of the Group Mucopolysaccharide from Pig Gastric Mucus Second Report: Acetyglucosamine-4-β-galactoside (Acetyllactosamine)
    Hajime Masamune, Zensaku Yosizawa
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 267-270
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • CLXXXVIII. Chemical Nature of KIK Factors Second Report: KIK Factor in Cancerous Ascitic Fluid
    Koretaka Sugimoto
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 271-280
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. A KIK factor (III) was isolated from cancerous ascitic fluids and corresponding substances from the non-cancerous in electrophoretic-ally pure or almost pure state.
    2. They were investigated regarding anemia-inducing potency and physical and chemical properties.
    3. They were found to be glucidamins, and contained galactosamine, , glucosamine, galactose, glucose, mannose, L-fucose, xylose and/or lyxose, sialic acid and many amino acids.
    4. The KIK factor in cancerous ascitic fluids differs in rotation and electrophoretic mobility or in rotation, electrophoretic mobility and com-position from the corresponding substances in non-cancerous fluids which are devoid of the anemia-inducing potency.
    5. The KIK factor from cancerous ascitic fluids differs from either of the two KIK factors in cancerous gastric juices.
    Thanks are due to the Ministry of Education which gave a grant to us through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches. H. Masamune.
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  • CLXXXIX. N-Glycoside- and Acetal-Linkage in the Molecule of the Group Mucopolysaccharide from Pig Stomach Mucus
    Hajime Masamune, Sen-itiroh Hakomori, Osamu Masamune
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 281-295
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. A group mucopolysaccharide preparation from pig stomach mucus, which had the minimum molecular weight of 3500 as calculated from its iodine use, contained approximately seven molecules of hexo-samine, five molecules of galactose, two molecules of L-fucose, one molecule each of sialic acid, aspartic and glutamic acids, serine and alanine and amounts lesser than one molecule of various amino acids for a unit mole-cule corresponding to the minimum molecular weight.
    2. The group mucopolysaccharide was subjected to oxidation with hypoiodite, hydrolysis with acetic acid and treatment with mercuric chloride, and the partially degraded product by acetic acid also to the treatment with hypoiodite. And the products were examined scrupu-lously.
    3. The structure of the reducing residue of the carbohydrate moiety and its neighbourhood in the unit molecule is suggested.
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  • Studies on the Nutrition of Children in Hirosaki Area (38th Report)
    Yoshinori Ishioka
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 297-300
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Susumu Tsukada, Tsunao Tanida, Atsunobu Aikawa, Junichiro Mihara
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 301-303
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. The liver function tests revealed that the majority of patients with acne vulgaris showed the disturbance of liver function.
    2. It was shown that the glucuronic acid administration yielded remarkably beneficial effects upon acne vulgaris.
    3. The authors discussed why glucuronic acid highly efficacious on acne vulgaris was.
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  • Dairin Nakagawa, Tadashi Kohata
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 305-314
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The neutralization of retinal induction was quantitatively investigated.
    1. The direct induction caused by red filtered light was found to be neutralized by blue-green light from a very narrow range of the spec-trum. The range of the spectrum effective to neutralize the direct in-duction caused by yellow filtered light was found much wider.
    2. White light of intensity lower than 5000 lux, which was inter-posed between the inducing colored light and the white test-light did not affect the direct induction caused by the colored light. At higher inten-sities of white light the direct induction was reduced, but this effect could not be identified with the neutralization of retinal induction.
    3. It was confirmed that the white light stimulus, even when its intensity was raised to 30, 000lux, had no effect whatsoever upon the excitability curve for the white test-light applied subsequently.
    4. It was confirmed that the capacity to produce retinal induction is greatest in a retinal area 15° from the fovea.
    5. Some experiments suggesting decremental propagation of spread-ing induction were carried out.
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  • Dairin Nakagawa, Tadashi Kohata
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 315-323
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Physiological effects remaining within a retinal area and around it after exposure to colored light are designated direct induction and indirect induction respectively.
    1. The indirect induction was shown to disappear when the same area was illuminated subsequently with colored light complementary to the pre-illuminating light.
    2. The indirect induction was reduced or extinguished also when the direct induction was modified by an illumination with strong white light restricted to the pre-illuminated area.
    3. The indirect induction pre-established by the first patch was extinguished when the direct induction was neutralized with the spreading induction from the second patch of the same color presented at a distance subsequently.
    4. This fact cannot be accounted for in terms of the neutralization described by Motokawa, because Motokawa's effect could be observed only between two patches complementary to each other. Therefore, it was proposed to distinguish the present phenomenon from Motokawa's and to designate it “secondary neutralization.” It was meant by this term that the effect occurs secondarily following the neutralization of direct induction.
    5. Some experiments supporting this interpretation were presented.
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  • Juzaburo Umetsu
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 325-332
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The electrical excitability of the eyes following an irradiation of the eyes by Roentgen rays was measured by the method of electric flicker.
    1. The effect of Roentgen irradiation appeared with a latency of a few minutes, and attained a maximum in about 15 to 20 minutes to disappear in about 30 to 60 minutes.
    2. The effect increased with the intensity of Roentgen rays, but with doses far above the threshold intensity the effect was almost in-dependent of the dose used. The effect depended on the total energy, but little on the stimulus duration.
    3. When the eyes covered with lead plates were irradiated by Roentgen rays, some effect could be observed, and it was shown that this effect was due to the direct action of scattered Roentgen rays upon the eyes.
    4. The change of ΔS, following illumination with white light for a period of 10 minutes, was measured. In this cases the time course of ΔS was different from that for Roentgen rays. The latency and the recovery time were much shorter than those for Roentgen rays.
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  • A Hereditary Black Blood Disease
    Akira Tamura, Mataro Takahashi, Haruyoshi Ishii, Seiichi Akashi
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 333-341
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Akira Tamura, Kazumasa Takahashi, Tokio Sonoda, Tsuyoshi Meguro
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 343-347
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Tadashi Aizawa, Shin'itiro Katayama
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 349-360
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Spatial summation and inhibition were studied with two methods, Motokawa's ζ-method and the binocular brightness match method.
    1. The electrical excitability of the eye was measured after exposure to white five spots together and to the central spot of them alone. The excitability was greater for the five spots together (summation), when the distance between the centrally fixated central spot and other four spots was a few degrees in visual angle, but smaller (inhibition) when the distance was 8°-11°.
    2. Distribution of summation and inhibition in the retina was mapped by exploring each region with 2 spots 3° apart from one another, and it was found that the central part of about 12° in diameter was a sum-mation area, which was surrounded by an inhibitory zone of 5° in width.
    3. The rod process which was determined by the ζ-method, showed spatial summation, but no inhibition at all.
    4. The effect of a glare patch G upon the brightness of a test patch T presented to one eye was measured in comparison with a control patch viewed by the other eye, and it was found that the inhibitory effect of G upon T was greatest when G was presented to the inhibitory zone of the retina determined by the ζ-method.
    5. Under experimental conditions advantageous for scotopic vision no inhibition could be found by the brightness match method in accordance with the result obtained by the ζ-method.
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  • Shin'itiro Katayama, Tadashi Aizawa
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 361-367
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The time course of development of direct induction was studied by the method of electrostimulation.
    1. Direct induction appears with a latency of about 40 msec., and for its full development it takes about 140 msec. after removal of the inducing light.
    2. The latent period of direct induction is lengthened as the intensity and duration of inducing colored light are decreased.
    3. The latent period of direct induction is independent of the in-tensity and the duration of the white light.
    Prof. K. Motokawa furnished kind guidance and helpful criticism, for which we express here hearty thanks.
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  • Eietsu Suzuki, Yutaka Ooba
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 369-375
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The physiological sensation curves for an equal brightness spectrum and an equal energy spectrum were studied by means of the electro-stimulation method at the retinal fovea.
    1. The equal brightness spectrum was obtained by adjusting the intensities of spectral lights so as to give the equal CFF value (10 cps.).
    2. The physiological sensation curves for the equal brightness spectrum and the equal energy spectrum were compared with each other. The main difference consists in that the “blue” sensation curve is greatest for the equal brightness spectrum, while the “green” sensation curve was greatest for the equal energy spectrum.
    3. It was found that two kinds of thresholds were obtained for one wavelength in a certain range of wavelengths, and the question arose which of them should be used for the sensation curves. The mechanism of the double thresholds was studied by the seeing frequency method, and the experimental basis for the construction of the sensation curves was provided.
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  • Kazuzo Kato, Mitsumasa Sato, Kenichi Harumi, Satoru Murao, Tomohioro K ...
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 377-387
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. In five cases of the auricular flutter, the circus motion of the excitation wave was established in four and the auricular ectopic automa-tism in one.
    2. It was concluded that there are two kinds of mechanism in the clinical auricular flutter, as in the experimental observations. This con-clusion solves the long lasting disputation between two theories.
    3. Some considerations on the differences in the routine electro-cardiograms of these two kinds of the flutter were described.
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  • Takeshi Onoki, Eiichi Onodera, Hiroshi Yamamoto
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 389-395
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The electrical excitability of the dark-adapted eye was measured by a single pulse of varying durations after exposure to light.
    The effect of the light was expressed by ζ, percentage increase of electrical excitability over the resting level.
    1. After the eye was illuminated by white light for two seconds, ζ values were maximal 1, 1.5, and 2 seconds respectively after termination of the light stimulus as the duration of test pulse was 3-10, 20-32, and 60-200msec. In comparison with the data obtained with colored pre-illumi-nations and a sufficiently long electric test pulse the result was so inter-preted that the red, the yellow, and the green receptors were selectively excited by the pulses of 3-10 msec, by those of 20-32 msec. and by those of 60-200 msec. respectively.
    2. ζ values measured at 1, 1.5, 2 and 3 seconds after termination of the white light were plotted against the duration of the test pulse, and it was found that ζ values were independent of the duration of the test pulse over a range from 80-125 msec.
    It is likely that the selectively excitatory action of an electric pulse upon color receptors is much weaker in the range of duration around 100msec. than in the range of shorter durations.
    3. The dependence of the scotopic processes upon the duration of the test pulse was studied, and it was found that the duration of about 20msec. was most favorable for the rod process in agreement with the data by Yonemura and Nango.
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  • Kiitiro Suzuki, Juzaburo Umetsu
    1956 Volume 64 Issue 3-4 Pages 397-402
    Published: October 25, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    By means of Motokawa's method of electric flicker, we measured for 60 minutes variations of electric flicker values (difference of electric thresholds for appearance and disappearance of flicker) of 19 subjects after a blood transfusion, a bleeding or an injection of plasma.
    1. After the bleeding the value increased gradually, reached a maximum about 30 minutes after the bleeding, and then decreased to the initial value in about 60 minutes.
    2. In case of blood transfusion, decreases instead of increases were observed. The value gradually decreased, reached a minimum 10-20 minutes after the transfusion, and then, increased to the initial value in about 60 minutes.
    3. In case of the plasma injection, no significant change of electric flicker values could be found.
    From these facts it was concluded that an increase of oxygen content of the blood causes a decrease of electric flicker values, and vice versa.
    The authors have pleasure in acknowledging their indebtedness to Prof. K. Motokawa who has guided them kindly.
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