In a rabbit, which was fixed without anesthetizing on the operation table, the ischiadicus-gastrocnemius was prepared on one side and the gastrocnemius on the other side, and the ergographic study was carried out.
In some animals the suprarenal medullae and in some others the suprare-nal glands were removed some weeks previously.
Interference with medullae does not effect to shorten the fatigue curves obtained by stimulating either indirectly or directly, but that with the whole glands effects to accelerate highly the development of fatigue: Only one third to one fifth of the duration of stimulation is necessary to see a com-plete fatigue in the decapsulated ones in comparison with the normal indivi-duals.
The muscle
in situ is somewhat more resistant against the faradic stimuli than the nerve-muscle preparation
in situ, that is, the indirect stimulation ceases earlier to some extent to cause muscle contraction than the indirect. And when indirect stimulations fail to cause twitchings, the muscle commonly reacts to direct stimulations for a few hours. The neuro-muscular junction tends to exhaust somewhat earlier than the muscle i'tself.
Roughly speaking, the nerve-muscle preparation
in situ reacts against faradic stimuli, given one second interval, for about 30 hours with contrac-tions in the cases of normal rabbits, and medulli-suprarenalectomized, and for about ten hours in the cases of rabbits, doubly decapsulated: A great contrast to the tread mill experiment, where the rabbit, normal and doubly decapsulated as well, is exhausted by about one hour running
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