The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 92, Issue 3
Displaying 1-12 of 12 articles from this issue
  • Togo Horiuchi, Tadaaki Abe, Toshiro Matsumoto, Takeshi Ishitoya
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 221-228
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Various operative techniques have been developed for correction of partial anomalous pulmonary venous return into the right superior vena cava. Among these, external partitioning is our procedure of choice.
    Up to December 1966, 137 cases of ostium secundum atrial septal defect were operated upon at the Second Department of Surgery, Tohoku University Hospital, and 4 of these 137 were associated with partial anomalous pulmonary venous return. In 3 of the 4, an abnormal right pulmonary vein drained into the right superior vena cava and all but one were operated upon by utilizing external partitioning.
    Although most of this type of anomaly are associated with high secundum atrial septal defect, the atrial septum may be intact in rare instances. We have encountered a case in which the atrial septum was intact, and complete correc-tion was successfully carried out by external partitioning and creation of atrial septal defect.
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  • Akio Yamada
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 229-242
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The author studied the uptake and metabolism of glucose in the human term placenta in vitro and obtained the following results.
    (1) Glucose uptake by the placenta app, ared to be approximately proportional to the glucose concentration in the medium, except for its range of from 100mg to 130mg/100ml, while the placental fructose production had its maximum around the glucose concentration of 100mg/100ml, which is near the upper limit of normal human blood sugar.
    (2) As to the influence of several chemicals on the glucose uptake, the largest increase was caused by phloridzin, and slight increase by monoiodoacetic acid, estradiol and dinitrophenol. A decrease of the glucose uptake was caused by alloxan. Ouabain had hardly any effect on the glucose uptake. As to fructose production, its increase was caused most remarkably by estradiol and slightly by monoiodoacetic acid, and a decrease was caused by ouabain, alloxan, di-nitrophenol and also slightly by phloridzin.
    (3) From these results the author suggested the lack of direct participation of ouabain-sensitive ATPase in the active transport of glucose in the placenta. On the contrary, the participation of phosphorylation or heaokinase activity was indefinite. These had rather distinct influence on fructose production.
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  • Sakuzi Kodama
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 243-246
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    With the method of perfusing an isolated rabbit-heart recently reported by the author, the heart did not sufficiently manifest its activities in parallel recordings of pressures in the pulmonary artery and vein, aorta and vena cava, though the activities could be observed with the naked eye.
    By slightly modifying the method and experimental procedures, the heart was found to manifest its activities sufficiently in the parallel recordings of the pres-sures during some three hours.
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  • 1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 246
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Takashi Kubo, Hiroki Watanabe, Hiroaki Kato, Tetsuro Kato, Masayaoshi ...
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 247-256
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A morphological classification of the seminal vesieulogram was made from a study of 66 cases of various prostatic diseases. Although several characteristic findings in each of prostaticc hvpertrophv and prostatic cancer Were obtained, the method was not always useful in the differential diagnosis between the two diseases. Observations on some cases of bladder cancer were also mentioned.
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  • Isao Yamane, Hideki Koyama, Toshihisa Kusano
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 257-264
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    HT-2 cells, one of the hamster brain cell lines transformed by adenovirus type 12 in vitro, were serially cultivated. During their long-term cultivation, the altera-tion of their growth rate and nutritional requirement were examined. The growth rate of the cells gradually increased with advancing transfer generations. The bovine serum requirement of those cells was extremely high at their early passages, but after the 50th passage, 3% of serum could support sufficient cell growth at an inoculation density of 104 cells per ml. The comparison of growth rates of HT-2 cells of two different passages at various inoculation densities revealed increasing growth potentials during serial cultivation. Their limited growth rate in a closed gaseous system which had been reported previously remained stable all over the passage and could not be improved by various nutritional conditions. Further, growth characteristics of the cells in an open gaseous system without using a CO2 incubator suggested that they might need certain gas-circulating open condition to grow well.
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  • Sadayuki Sakuma
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 265-270
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    An apparatus was constructed to facilitate superimposition of the beam focus radiogram upon the axial transverse tomogram, in order to guide subsequent radiation therapy more accurately. The apparatus automatically draws six isodose curves in three colors, by plotting the relative doses of the beam focus radiogram. In addition, the isodose chart was made at the same magnification as that of the axial transverse tomogram. A satisfactory and reliable technique was achieved. The accuracy and the reproducibility of the apparatus was good. Clinical application of this method to a case of hypophyseal tumor is described.
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  • Hisao Suzuki, Eiichi Kato
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 271-279
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The prolonged suppression of the responsiveness of the geniculate neuron popula-tion following the optic nerve stimulation was studied in cats anesthetized with chloralose-urethane mixture.
    Unit activity of the geniculate relay cells was recorded extrace llularly and paired stimuli were applied to one optic nerve at. 20-60 msec intervals. The latency for action spike generation by the second stimulus .vas lengthened in a graded manner upon increase in strength of the first stimulus. Some geniculate cells responded with a train of several action spikes in response to aa single stimulus to one optic nerve. The action spikes decreased in numher in a graded manner with increase in stimulus strength. These two experimental findings indicate that suppression can be generated in a graded manner in a single geniculate neuron.
    Gradation was also observed in a hyp, , rpslarization associated with an action spike on int.racallular recording from the geniculate relay cell.
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  • Hiromi Tanigawa
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 281-289
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Under sodium pentobarbital anesthesia adrenal venous blood was collected from intact, bilaterally splanchnicotomized and hypophysectomized dogs and was analyzed for 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OHCS). Adrenal 17-OHCS secre-tion in response to histamine in intact dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital was not different from that in conscious ones. Section of the splanchnic nerves did not alter the adrenocortical secretion response to histamine, whereas hypo-physectomy abolished or markedly depressed the 17-OHCS secretion response. These results suggest that the adrenal 17-OHCS secretion in response to histamine in the dog is mainly mediated through pituitary adrenocorticotrophin release and it is due neither to psychic excitement producible by histamine administration nor to adrenomedullary hormone release.
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  • Tetsuo Maki, Goro Kakizaki, Toshio Sato, Yoichi Saito, Toshiyuki Onuma ...
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 291-299
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A statistical study was made on surgically diagnosed chronic pancreatitis which appeared in the Japanese literature as well as our own cases, and the following results were obtained.
    1) Chronic pancreatitis associated with severe symptoms is very rare in Japan in contrast to that in Western countries.
    2) Cases of chronic pancreatitis associated with alcoholism and biliary tract diseases are rarely encountered in Japan.
    3) Pancreatic calculi are associated with pancreatitis in a high frequency of 30-50% in Western countries, while the combination is found very infrequently in Japan.
    4) The incidence of pancreatitis caused by Ascaris lumbricoirles seems rapidly decreasing in Japan since 1945. On the contrary, there is a tendency toward increase in number of cases with pancreatic calculi.
    5) When serum levels of amylase and lipase are determined during and after operation on 50 cases of upper abdominal conditions, there is no case complicated with post-operative pancreatitis.
    6) There exists a marked difference in clinical manifestations of chronic pancreatitis between the Japanese and Western peoples, which may be ascribed to the difference of the mode of living, especially of dietary habit.
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  • Tetsuo Maki, Goro Kakizaki, Toshio Sato, Yoichi Saito, Yasuo Suda, Tos ...
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 301-309
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    One hundred and seventy-nine Wistar rats were divided into six groups of different diets and were kept on for four to six months and then subjected to ligation of the common bile duct just proximal to its opening to the duodenum. The results obtained were as follows:
    1) Except one group of the high carbohydrate diet in which there was no death within three days following the ligation, 50% of the rats died on the second or third day, the highest mortality of 20-66% being found in the group of high protein diet.
    2) No significant difference of serum amylase levels was found among the experimental groups.
    3) The histologic study of the pancreas disclosed a severe parenchymal necrosis in the groups of high protein diet and high protein and high fat diet, whereas no such change was noted in the groups of high carbohydrate and standard diet.
    4) It was assumed that the difference in clinical pictures of pancreatitis between the Japanese and Western peoples might be due to difference in dietary habit.
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  • Isao Yamane, Hideki Koyama
    1967 Volume 92 Issue 3 Pages 311-323
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Several specific nutrients for L line cells in a serum-free medium were reported previously from this laboratory, and they were re-examined in the present paper in detail. Surprisingly, I mM of pyruvate inhibited the growth of the cells contrary to our earlier observation. On the other hand, growth-stimulatory effect of insulin was re-confirmed in the present study and it was proved that the effect was in parallel with its hormonal action. Bovine albumin improved cell multiplication. This effect was verified to be due to albumin molecule itself, and not to possible contaminants such as various fatty acids. The role of albumin was regarded not as an attachment factor', but as a direct growth stimulant' for L cells.
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